Тесты к урокам английского языка, 9 класс
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Тесты к урокам английского языка, 9 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test (9th Form)
Part 1. Reading
Task 1.
Установите соответствие тем A — G текстам 1 — 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1 Oxford University has been a centre of learning for over 900 years. Today, there are over 16,000 people studying at Oxford, but they are not all British. About 4,000 of them come from other countries. In fact, there are currently students from over 130 countries studying there. Every student at Oxford is a member of a 'college'. There are 39 main colleges, and each college is in a different part of the town.
2 What's the best age for a child to learn how to read? Some people believe that children should learn at as young an age as possible. Because of this, some parents start teaching their children when they are about three years old. Other people believe it's better for a teacher at school to teach a class of children how to read, so many children don't learn to read until they are five or six years old.
3 In most countries, you are only allowed to drive a car on a public road if you have a driving licence. You usually have to pass a driving test in order to get the licence. In European countries, this test is in two parts. The first part is a 'theory' test. You have to answer questions about road safety. The second part is a “practical” test. You are in a car with an examiner, who tells you where to drive and asks you to do various things, such as parking or reversing around a corner.
4 When was Mozart born? What's the capital of Nigeria? Before the Internet, if we wanted to find out the answers to these questions, we'd have to look them up in reference books, such as encyclopedias. If we couldn't find the information in books at home, we'd have to go to a public library. This kind of research would often take a very long time. Now, however, as long as you have a computer connected to the Internet, you can find the answers to questions like these in seconds.
5 Although people sometimes confuse astronomy and astrology, they are completely different. Astronomy is the scientific study of the universe. Astronomers study stars, planets and other things in space, such as comets, and record their findings scientifically. Astrology, which is based on the belief that the position of the planets affects human behaviour, is not a science. It is astrologers who write horoscopes in magazines, telling us what they think is going to happen to us in the future.
6 A guide book can be extremely helpful when you're visiting a place for the first time. Guide books provide loads of practical information, such as the opening times and entrance fees of the main attractions, and often recommend sights to visit and places to stay. They can also provide interesting information about the history of the place and famous people who lived there.
№ текста | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Тема |
Task 2.
Подберите заголовки (a-i) к фрагментам текста (1-8). Один заголовок – лишний. Britney Spears is one of the most popular and most controversial stars of the new millennium. You love Britney or you hate her. Here are some reasons people give for these feelings.
I love Britney Spears because...
(1__) She's like a normal teenager. She has problems
like anybody else. She gets spots. She goes crazy about movie stars. She once said: 'I want to be an artist that everyone can make friends with: young, happy and fun.
(2__) She openly admits she doesn't sing everything
herself but that's because she dances so much on stage. It would be impossible for anyone to sing and dance at the same time like she does.
(3__) She wrote all the lyrics to Dear Diary! On the new
CD. And she wants to write the music for her songs too. She says: 'I always have melodies in my head. Usually in the bathtub.'
(4_) The new album is talking about being true to yourself and powerful. The message is 'what you see is what you get'. That sums up Britney. She's a new Girl Power for the new millennium.
I hate Britney Spears because ...
(5 __) You watch her on the stage and her lips aren't even moving with the voice that's singing. It's horrible. Even her record company said she couldn't sing when the> first heard her!
(6 __) How much of that body do you think is real? It's all implants and plastic surgery. She makes girls feel ugly. They may think that they have to look like Britney Spears and dress like her or else they're nobody.
(7 ___) She's like a can of Pepsi. It seems that her music is prepared in a laboratory by a clever manager who knows that what people really want is sex.
(8__) Her first top single Hit Me Baby One More Time
encouraged people to be aggressive and 'hit' others. In the end the record company even changed the title to just ( Baby One More Time.)
a) She's just a product.
b) She's honest.
c) She's strong.
d) She can't sing.
e) She's talented.
f) She's not real.
g) She looks great.
h) She's a bad influence on young people.
i) She's like any other young person.
Part 2.
Use of English
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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4 – В11 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare is one of the best-known writers in the English language.
B1 He_____________38 plays, as well as hundreds of poems. write
B2 He was born in Stratford in 1564 and grew up there,____________ receive
an education in Latin at the local grammar school.
B3 By 1590, he was living in London, although he_____________his not produce
most famous plays yet.
B4 The great love story Romeo and Juliet appeared four years
_____________and is still a favourite of many people. late
B5 The story of Romeo and Juliet________in many different appear
forms since then.
B6 In 1996, for example, it was made into a film____ star
Leonardo DiCaprio.
B7 People_________Shakespeare's plays today all over the world perform
and in many different languages.
There's no doubt that Shakespeare's plays years to come.
Task 2.
Преобразуйте слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста, заполните пропуски полученными словами.
B 8 Chessington World of Adventures is an___theme park, just EXCITE
12 miles from London
B 9 There's something for everyone at the park. Animal will LOVE
enjoy the 'Trail of Kings', where you can see gorillas, tigers and lions.
B10 One of the most popular_____is the 'Land of the Dragons', a ATTRACT
fast, fun roller coaster.
Very young children will love 'Toytown', where you can go for an
B11 ______flight on the back of a Flying Jumbo, or drive one of the ENJOY
B12 Crazy Cars. More -----visitors might try 'The Vampire'. ADVENTURE
' On “The Vampire', you ride with your legs hanging down while it takes you
B13 high into the sky. If heights make you___________, 'The Vampire' NERVE
might not be for you. Riding fast high above the park can be a
B14 ___experience! SCARE
Part 3.
This is part of a letter from Andy, your English pen friend.
…I’m starting to feel really unfit! Do you do much exercise? How often do you
exercise? What do I do to get fit? I’m thinking of joining a gym. Is that a good idea?
What else would you recommend?
Write soon.
You need to write 100 – 150 words
Предварительный просмотр:
Are you an expert on Great Britain?
1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
a) Edinburgh b) Boston c) London
2. How many parts does Great Britain contain?
a) 4 b) 3 c) 5
3. What is the English flag called?
a) Union Patric b) Union Jack c) Lines and Crosses
4. Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?
a) John Bull b) John Bell c) St. Patric
5. What is the London underground called?
a) the tube b) the metro c) the subway
6. Who is the Head of State in Britain?
a) the Mayor b) the Queen c) the Prime Minister
7. What is the river in London?
a) Thames b) London c) Avon
8. What is the most expensive part of London?
a) West End b) East End c) the City
9. What colour are the taxis in London?
a) blue b) red c) black
10. The building in the picture is …
a) St.Paul`s Cathedral
b) The British Museum
c) The National Gallery
11. If you go to London, you will see …..
a) the White House
b) St.Paul`s Cathedral
c) Greenwich
12. English people say……
a) candies b) cookies c) sweets
13.What is the Home of the Queen?
a) Buckingham Palace b) the White House c) Westminster Abbey
14. What city did The Beatles from?
a) London b) Manchester c) Liverpool
15. They say the Loch Ness Monster lives in a lake in ……….
a) Scotland b) Wales c) Ireland
Are you an expert on the USA?
1. What is the capital of the USA?
a) Ottawa b) Washington, D.C. c) New York
2. How many states are there in the USA?
a) 52 b) 50 c) 51
3. What is the American flag called?
a) Union John b) Union Jack c) Stars and Stripes
4. The cartoon symbol of the American government is ……
a) Uncle Ben b) Uncle Mike c) Uncle Sam
5. What is the New York underground called?
a) the metro b) the tube c) the subway
6. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
a) in 1492 b) in 1592 c) in 1392
7. How often do American people choose a new President?
a) every 5 years b) every 3 years c) every 4 years
8. What is the most expensive part of New York?
a) Long Island b) Manhattan c) Staten Island
9. What colour are the taxis in New York?
a) black b) yellow c) green
10. The building on the picture is ……..
a) The Capitol b) The Pentagon c) The White House
11. If you go to New York, you will see ……….
a) Big Ben b) The Capitol c) The Empire State Building
12. American people say …….
a) biscuits b) cookies c) sweets
13. What is the home of the President?
a) The Capitol b) The White House c) the House of Representatives
14. What do people call New York?
a) small pot b) big apple c) melting pot
15. What do American people call their police officers?
a) copper b) cops c) bobbies
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