“The system of secondary education: Russia and Britain»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
конспект урока по теме
“The system of secondary education: Russia and Britain»
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Предварительный просмотр:
“The system of secondary education: Russia and Britain»
Дидактическая цель: создание условий для осмысления новой учебной информации о системе общего среднего образования в родной стране и стране изучаемого языка; для применения знаний и умений в знакомой и новой учебных ситуациях.
Актуальность ресурса: разработка урока ориентирована на беседу:
- о важности получения достойного образования;
- об особенностях обучения в начальной и средней школах;
- о различиях и сходствах среднего образования в школах России и Англии.
- обучающая: знакомство детей с системой начального и среднего образования в России и Англии, их основными отличиями, активизация изученной лексики и применение ее в различных видах речевой деятельности;
воспитательная: способствование формированию эмоционально-ценностного отношения к миру на основе учебного материала, ответственного отношения к учебе;
развивающая: формирование системы универсальных учебных действий (обучение приемам анализа и обобщения, целеполагания, классификации, приемам выявления закономерностей, умению делать выводы, оценивания); развитие коммуникативных навыков, связной монологической речи, развитие фонематического слуха, языковой догадки; развитие познавательных процессов.
- Учебно-методический комплект: Л.П. Кузовлев «English-4”
Технические средства: компьютер, проектор; аудиозапись текста.
Дидактический материал: раздаточный материал с заданиями, таблицы, тексты, таблица самооценивания «Лесенка успеха», презентация.
Тип урока: комбинированный урок.
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент. Побудительная мотивация (1 мин)
Teacher: Good morning, guys. Get ready for our lesson. It`s high time to start it. It`s nice day today and I`m really delighted to see you again at our English lesson. Take your seats please.
How are you today? I`m happy you`re fine.
II. Фонетическая зарядка. Введение в тему урока. Метод отсроченной отгадки (3 мин)
Teacher: - At first I’d like you to recite the poem; you have to listen to it carefully and try to guess the topic of the lesson. (Чтение хором за учителем).
My school is cool
And it is full
Of many girls and boys,
Who make much noise
But have a choice
To play all time
Or learn a rhyme,
Or read a book,
To sew or cook.
We love school all
And wait for fall
To meet together here,
To teach and study near.
(обращаю внимание на правильность произношения слов и звуков)
Teacher: You`re right. Our topic is “School”.
III. Актуализация опорных знаний. Метод привлекательной цели (1 мин)
3.1. Познавательная мотивация
Teacher: Boys and girls, I have very wonderful news for you. Yesterday I checked my e-mail box and found one marvelous message: a group of British students from the capital of the UK, London, would like to connect us and share with their opinions about school life. They ask us to tell them about differences of Russian and English schools. I promised them to be on-line at 9:20 am (just at the end of our English lesson). But are we able to help them?
3.2. Актуализация навыков аудирования. Метод создания «информационного неравенства» (4 мин)
Teacher: You know some facts about schools in Russia because you study there. Next year the primary school gives up and the secondary one starts. They differ from each other. Let`s activate some facts about Russian schools. I`ll tell you about them and your task is to write down the key words into the table. You should use Russian language to fill in the table.
Now you are the students of the primary school where you have been studying for 4 years. You have one class master and work in the same class room. 2-3 teachers teach you. Next year you`re going to attend the secondary school which lasts 5 or 7 years. A lot of new subjects are taught in the secondary school. Students study in different class rooms, different teachers teach them. There is one class master.
(Читает учитель или включается аудиозапись. 2 раза)
Primary school | General | Secondary school |
Teacher: Let`s present your results. Read them. Well done.
3.3.Целеполагание (2 мин)
Teacher: We revised the main facts about Russian schools. But you should remember we`re going to tell our friends about differences between Russian and English schools. What should you learn at this lesson to be able to cope with this problem?
- To learn some facts about English schools
- To warm up the vocabulary
- To learn the words we need
Teacher: Each of you should appreciate your own work filling in the table during the whole lesson. That helps you see how you are working and helps me put your marks.
(Нацеливаю учеников на самооценивание свой работы, раздаю таблицы “Лесенка успеха»)
IV. Введение нового страноведческого материала (12 мин). Метод Jig saw
4.1. Первичная подача материала использование его в знакомых речевых образцах (работа в группах с текстом по заданию индивидуально и совместно) (10 мин)
Teacher: Boys and girls, English schools are not similar to the Russian schools. There are some facts which help us differ them from each other. Now you`ll find out what these facts are. Let`s make up groups of 3-4. Each member gets a part from one text, reads it and writes out the info to fill in the table. Both languages are possible. Use the dictionary if you need it.
Part 1
Education in Britain is free (бесплатно) for all children between the ages of 5-16.
Schoolchildren visit a primary school for 6 years (from 5 to 11 years). They study general subjects.
Children go to the secondary school at the age of 11.
Part 2
The school year is divided into (поделены на четверти) three terms with the intervals between them during the Christmas and Easter holidays lasting (длящиеся) about two weeks each and the summer holiday.
Children begin going to school at the age of seven.
First they study at the elementary (начальная) school. It lasts three or four years.
At the elementary school children get the elementary education, they learn to read, write and count.
Part 3
Pupils in all State(государственные) schools in England and Wales study 10 main subjects: English, Mathematics, and Science.
From the fifth form the secondary education begins.
Children begin learning subjects, such as Literature, Physics, Biology, Computing, Foreign Languages.
The nine-year secondary education is compulsory (обязательно) in our country.
After finishing school or college young people may enter (поступить) institute or university to get the higher education
English schools | General | Russian schools |
4.2. Осознание материала. Презентация результатов (2 мин)
Teacher: Discuss your results inside your group and make up a common table. Let`s present your work.
- Well done. You see there some special and general features at each type of schools. (дети рассказывают об особенностях школ)
V. Физкультминутка. Применение здоровьесберегающих технологий (1 мин)
Teacher: I`d say one common thing of both schools is that their students like PE and are very active. Let`s do an English physical exercise.
Hands up! Clap, clap!
Hands on the hips! Step, step!
Bend your left,
bend your right,
turn yourself around.
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on sides and sit down!
- Thank you. Take your seats.
VI. Применение новых страноведческих знаний в нестандартной ситуации. Метод синквейна. Связь с началом урока. (10 мин)
6.1. Составление синквейна (7 мин)
Teacher: You know the differences between English and Russian schools. Only few minutes left before our connection with English students. What will you tell them? Let`s make up small reports about all types of schools (распределение по рядам). You can use any language. Most of British teenagers learn Russian as a foreign language and can understand you.
3 Nouns |
2 Adjectives |
1 Verb |
1 Sentence |
Применение заданий двух уровней сложности:
- обычный: составление синквейна на английском языке;
- облегченный: составление синквейна на русском языке.
6.2. Презентация синквейна. Связь с началом урока. (3 мин)
Teacher: Guys, we are on-line and can chat with our friends. Let`s tell them about schools.
Brilliant. You did it perfectly. I think they are satisfied.
VII. Заключительная часть урока. (1 мин)
Teacher: Now you have learnt a lot of interesting facts about the system of secondary education in our country and in Britain. Moreover, we helped our foreign friends to find out the differences of our secondary education. Now we have good friends in the UK.
VIII. . Рефлексия, самооценивание, выставление оценок (2 мин)
Teacher: You worked very good today and now try to appreciate your work. Be honest. (Дети заполняют листы индивидуальных достижений).
IX. Домашнее задание (2 мин)
Teacher: At home you should translate your last task or tell about secondary school in Russia\England.
Применение заданий двух уровней сложности:
- обычный: рассказ о системе образования по составленному на уроке синквейну;
- облегченный: перевод синквейна на английский язык.
(Ученики оценивают себя в таблице и сдают их учителю. Затем выставляется общая оценка)
X. Организационный момент (1 мин)
Teacher: Our lesson is over. Stand up please. Good bye students. Thanks for your good work.
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