Nick Vujicic
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Агафонова Вера Александровна
Данная презентация представляет историю Ника Вуйчича, всемирно известного австралийского христианского проповедника, писателя, общественного деятеля и вдохновенного оратора. Этот жизнерадостный и харизматичный человек   уникален тем, что добился всемирного признания невзирая на то, что родился без рук и ног.



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We all look like the same, all of us have arms and legs we all are alike. But some people have physical disabilities . Are you frustrated with your life because of any physical barrier? Are you upset being bullied at school? Have you heard the name of Nick Vujicic, a motivational speaker without limbs? Let us take an example of Nick Vujicic, who was declared a vegetable on his birth table. Now, l et me tell you Who is Nick Vujicic ?

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This is Nick Vujicic! Nick Vujicic is a preacher, a motivational speaker and the director of Life Without Limbs, an organization for the physically disabled.

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Nick was born on the 4 th of December,1982 in Melbourne, Australia. His parents are Boris Vujicic and Dushka Vujicic. They bore a healthy baby…but he had no arms and legs; instead of legs, he had two tiny feet, and one of his foot had two toes. He has two healthy siblings; Michelle Vujicic and Aaron Vujicic.

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Everyone ruled him as a vegetable. It took his mother over 3months to accept him, thanks to his dad who convinced his mother to take him home with them. His life was full of difficulties. Being bullied at school, Vujicic grew extremely depressed, and by the age of 10, started contemplating suicide.

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Nick graduated from college at the age of 21. He began his travels as a motivational speaker . He regularly travels internationally to speak to Christian congregations, schools, and corporate meetings. He has spoken to over two million people in different countries… As for technologies Nick can type up to 45 words per minute on a compute r by the “heel and toe” method. What else can Nick do? He can throw tennis balls; he can hold a glass of water; he can comb his hair; he can clean his teeth; he can play drums pedals; he can swim; he can p lay golf; can answer a telephone call; he can even skydiving… without limbs…

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He is married to Kanae Miyahara They have got two healthy sons They are happy together!

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If I can encourage just one person then my job in this life is done. I love my life, because I've seen my purpose. I try again and again, because the moment I give up, is the moment I fail. It's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything. As long as I try, there's always a chance of getting up. It's not the end until you give up. Life isn't about having, it's about being. I may not have hands to hold my wife's hands, but I don't need hands to hold her heart. That's what I'm gonna hold. I have the choice to be angry in God for what I don't have or be thankful for what you do have. Failure is not important, how you overcome it is. If you can't get a miracle, become one Personal Quotes

Слайд 9

Now we realize, with a strong willpower, one can overcome all difficulties… Let us take an example of Nick Vujicic, who was declared a vegetable…

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