11 класс итоговый тест
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Сарсёнова Екатерина Константиновна

11 класс итоговый тест


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test Module 5 11 form

1 Fill in: squat, roof, state, capital, sink, market, rubbish, stained, warehouses,shanty.

1.His new cottage has a steep … roof.

2.We visited a small … town in the south of Scotland.

3.This ancient cathedral has a wonderful … glass windows.

4. There are many disused … around the city.

5.They dream about having a … over their heads.

6.Homeless people live illegally in a … .

7.They are taking everything but the kitchen … .

8.He is throwing his … on the pavement.

9 There are no … towns in this country.

10.Edinburgh is the .. . of Scotland.

2 Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle.

1 This rainy weather did me … .

2 Repairing this iron has really done me … .

3At first he had to do … a vacuum cleaner.

4 He’s doing … his flat.

5Tommy,do … your boots!

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1 Can he take a look .. that drain?

2 She is really … need of a new laptop.

3His office is within easy reach … his flat.

4 Their dog was … really bad conditions.

5 Her computer couldn’t be fixed. It’s … repair.

4 Underline the correct word/phrase.

1 I’ve just bought a birthday card.

You didn’t need to/needn’t have. I’ve just made one.

Shall/Will I help you with the bags?

Yes, please.

3 I’m really busy now. Should/Could I call you back later?

Yes, certainly.

4 I can’t find my passport.

You should/may have left it at home.

5 She looks really tired!

She should/must have been working all night.

Key : 1 slate, market, stained, warehouses, roof, squat, sink, publish, shanty, capital.

2 in, in, without, up, up.

3 at, in, of, in, beyond.

4 B C D A

5 needn’t have, shall, could, may, must.

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