дополнительный материал по теме: The History of American Flag.
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Презентация содержит дополнительный материал для чащихся 9-х классов по теме "The History of American Flag", помогает учащимся лучше усвоить тему и расширить кругозор.
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At the time of the Revolution, America needed its own flag. According to a popular story, the first flag was made by Betsy Ross. It was approved by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777.
In the end, it was decided to add a star for every new state, but to keep the number of stripes unchanged. The last new star was added in 1960 after Hawaii became a state.
The first American flag was created by the Pilgrims. The first American Flag was designed by the author of the Declaration of Independence. George Washington designed the first flag. The story about Betsy Ross cannot be proved, but a lot of people believe it. There were thirteen stars and thirteen stripes on the original US flag. The stars and stripes used to symbolize the first thirteen states. More stars and stripes used to be added to the flag when more states joined the Union. Nowadays there are fifty stars and thirty-seven stripes on the flag. The stripes on the flag stand for all the states that the USA consist of today.
Which state was named after an American president? Which states border on Canada? Which states do you think are the coldest? Which states would you like to visit on your summer holidays? What is closer to Europe : California or South Carolina? Did the Pilgrims land on the east or the west coast in 1620? Which coast has more states? Answer the questions:
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