Тест по английскому языку, УМК Millennium, 11 класс, Unit VI
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Тест к Unit VI в 11-ом классе по УМК Millennium: аудирование, лексика, грамматика, чтение.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Вы услышите 6 высказываний об изобретениях, изменивших жизнь человека. Соотнесите говорящих 1 - 6 и утверждения A - G из списка. Одно утверждение в списке лишнее. Вы услышите высказывания два раза.
A) This invention entertains me.
B) This invention guarantees contact.
C) This invention helps my memory.
D) This invention provides an escape from everyday life.
E) This invention has removed daily pressure.
F) This invention is always with me.
G) This invention saves my time.
Говорящий | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Утверждение |
2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы 1 - 7 после него.
The Martians are coming!
On August 30th 1938, millions of radio listeners in the USA were convinced that their country was being invaded by Martians. An evening music programme was interrupted by a series of news bulletins, which reported that a meteorite had landed on a farm in New Jersey. Apparently aliens "as large as bears, with black eyes and V-shaped mouths" had emerged from inside the meteorite and were releasing poisonous gas into the atmosphere. Further bulletins told of more Martian landings in other parts of the USA. As the news spread, thousands of people fled their homes to avoid the alien attack. Some people even phoned local radio stations to say they could see a cloud of poisonous gas approaching New York.
Of course, they needn't have worried. What they were listening to was an adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds, first published in 1898. The director of the radio programme, Orson Welles, could broadcast any play he wanted, so he had asked a young playwright, Howard Koch, to rewrite H. G. Wells' novel as a series of realistic news bulletins using real place names.
Once people realised that the broadcast wasn't reporting real events, there was a public outcry. Orson Welles was accused of deliberately causing the panic, and people tried to sue his company and the radio station for millions of dollars. Fortunately, Welles was able to avoid a lengthy court case because he had told listeners that the broadcast was fictitious at the beginning of the programme.
Today, most people's reaction is that the citizens of America should have realised they were listening to a play. Of course they could have listened to other radio stations to see if the story was real, instead of fleeing their homes. However, this type of realistic radio drama had never been broadcast before and it's hard to say whether you or would have reacted differently.
Amazingly, the same thing happened when the play was broadcast in Chile in 1944. On that occasion the governor of Santiago even sent soldiers into the streets. Fortunately, they didn't need to fight an army of Martian invaders.
1) Where did the radio play say that the first Martians had landed?
2) According to the radio play, how did the aliens arrive on Earth?
3) Why did some people phone local radio stations?
4) How was The War of the Worlds different from other radio plays?
5) How did people react when they realised it was a radio play?
6) Why didn't Orson Welles have to go to court?
7) What happened when the play was broadcast in Chile in 1944?
3. Выполните лексическую трансформацию.
Qualcomp Powertop
Qualcomp have just brought out their 1) _____ (REVOLUTION) new handheld computer, the Powertop. It's 2) _____ (POSSIBLE) not to love it, with its smooth, shiny 3) _____ (APPEAR) and its bright screen. It might not be the best 4) _____ (INTRODUCE) to handheld computing because it is quite advanced, but you'll find the 5) _____ (INSTRUCT) in the detailed manual. The Powertop has been designed to fit a lot of computing power in your palm. The invention of the unique enhanced 6) _____ (WIRE) Internet connection means there's a world of 7) _____ (DISCOVER) just waiting for you. We give the Powertop nine out of ten. It’s absolutely 8) _____ (BELIEVE)!
4. Выпишите из каждой части текста 1 - 6 лишнее слово.
The future
1) _____ We were discussing of the future in class today. Some people were
2) _____ wondering it whether we would have to live in space when we destroy
3) _____ our own planet. I explained they that the answer lies in technology because
4) _____ scientists are intend to develop forms of energy that will not damage the
5) _____ environment. The problems caused as being a result of technology will be
6) _____ solved by technology. I am look forward to our next discussion.
5. Используя выделенное жирным шрифтам слово, заполните пропуски во вторых предложениях так, чтобы они соответствовали по смыслу первым. Напишите в каждом случае от 2 до 4 слов.
1) We'll study these phenomena next year.
These phenomena _____ next year. BE
2) Troy asked me: "Give me some advice!"
Troy asked me to give him _____ advice. PIECE
3) There is no better criterion than an experiment.
An experiment is _____ criterion. THE
4) I'm 100% confident that painful procedures will become unnecessary.
Painful procedures are _____ stay necessary. UNLIKELY
5) We have stored a big amount of data.
A _____ been stored. LOT
Текст для аудирования
Speaker 1
You want to know what I think about different inventions? Well, we have lots of useful things and I can't imagine my life without TV, a mobile or the Internet and the list goes on and on. But what I value most of all is the microwave oven. It is used in my home more that an iron, a toaster or a blender. Who would have thought 25 years ago that the microwave would become so essential? Not only does it help me spend less time in the kitchen, but decreases the number of unwanted dirty dishes too. I think it's very important.
Speaker 2
I used to think television was the most brilliant invention because you could sit in an armchair and have a window into the world. But in the last couple of years I've changed my mind. For me now the best thing ever is the mobile phone. I mean they used to be so heavy and not that attractive to carry around. But now they're tiny and light - I never go anywhere without mine. And you can buy personalised covers and even change the covers to match what you're wearing. Some of my friends are so cool - they dye their hair to match their phones and their watch straps as well. I mean how amazing is that?!
Speaker 3
There are so many things that I think I couldn't live without. My mum moans at me because I can't be bothered to cook. But I mean who needs to cook when there are so many takeaway places. Nor can I imagine life without radio and TV, but if there's one thing that's made a big difference to my life, it's the cash machine. I can relax about getting money and not rush around trying to get to a bank before it closes. I was always running out of cash but now at any time of day or night I can turn up at a hole in the wall, put my card in and magic - there's the money! No problem!
Speaker 4
I know there are all sorts of wonderful inventions and it's easy to take everything for granted. Like electricity - life as we know it would be unimaginable without it, I mean we depend on it for almost everything. But for me personally it's the car which I think has massively changed people's lives. I know that holidays in space are more or less a reality now; and you can reach any part of the world by plane. But it's the ease of the car, the fact that it offers you such freedom. Like you wake up in the morning and think where would I like to go today? And you just do it!
Speaker 5
I think some inventions are such fun. All these computer games, I really love them. And the fact that they're hand-held is great. They help me relax when I'm feeling stressed and take my mind off whatever's worrying me, although I suppose I could live without them if I had to. But there's no way I could live without my e-mail. When we all left school last year, I made sure I had everyone's e-mail address and that means we all keep in touch and get to meet up with each other. And if we can't meet, then at least we know each other's news and what we're all doing.
Speaker 6
I hate being without my electric toothbrush, but I know that's silly because most people use an ordinary toothbrush and never think twice about it. But there is one invention which has really saved my life and that's my electronic diary. My girlfriend bought me one because she got so fed up with me forgetting arrangements. I've no excuse now for forgetting anything, even her birthday is programmed into it. They used to be dead expensive but now they've come down in price and I use mine all the time.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
G | F | E | D | B | C |
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
1) On a farm in New Jersey.
2) Inside the meteorite.
3) They said that they had seen a cloud of poisonous gas approaching New York.
4) It was a series of realistic news bulletins using real place names.
5) It was a public outcry and people wanted to sue the radio station.
6) He had told listeners that the broadcast was fictitious.
7) The same panic that had happened before in the USA.
Даны примерные ответы. Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 7 баллов.
1) revolutionary 2) impossible 3) appearance 4) introduction
5) instruction 6) wireless 7) discovery 8) unbelievable
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 8 баллов.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
of | it | they | are | being | am |
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
will be studied | a piece of | the best | unlikely to | lot of data has |
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 5 баллов.
ИТОГО: 32 балла
Перевод баллов в оценку:
29 - 32 балла – “5”
20 - 28 баллов – “4”
11 - 19 баллов – “3”
менее 11 баллов – “2”
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