Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7-ого класса (УМК В. П. Кузовлева)
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Итоговая контрольная работа в 7-ом классе по УМК В. П. Кузовлева: все компетенции в разрезе программных требований
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Дважды прослушайте радиовикторину об изобретениях и в каждом из случаев 1 – 7 выберите подходящий вариант для заполнения пропуска.
1) The first category was “Inventors and their __”.
a) inventing b) inventions c) invents
2) Galileo used his first telescope to study ______.
a) planets b) stars c) the sun
3) Bell invented the telephone in ____.
a) 1887 b) 1780 c) 1876
4) Benz invented the ______.
a) phonograph b) light c) automobile
5) The first automobile had _____ wheels.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 5
6) The player has given _____ wrong answer(s).
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
7) The presenter asked about ____ centuries.
a) 19 and 20 b) 18 and 19 c) 17 and 19
2. Прочитайте текст и определите истинность утверждений 1 – 6 после него. Свой ответ выберите из вариантов a – c.
A man from silent films
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in south London. His father died when he was a child, and the family didn't have much money. Charlie first performed on the theatre stage at the age of five.
After he joined Frank Karno's company, he went to the USA in 1914 and in his first year there he acted in 35 of Hollywood's early films. These were “silent films”, before the invention of cinema sound - the actors couldn't speak, but acted out their feelings in their faces and movements. Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous actors in the world, and everyone knew and loved the role he played: a man with a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and unusual walk.
With other actors, Chaplin formed a film company, and he started to direct his own films. Later, after sound arrived, he began to talk on screen and he wrote the music for one of his last films, “Limelight”. Twenty-five years before his death in 1977, he had political problems in the USA and moved away to live in Switzerland. Most people still like his films today.
a) true b) false с) doesn’t say
1) Chaplin was born more than 100 years ago.
2) He lived in London before he moved to the USA.
3) He was 35 when he got his first role.
4) He began to speak in his films in 50s.
5) Chaplin had his film company and was a very rich man.
6) He left the USA in 1977.
3. Выберите из скобок подходящий вариант.
1) Usually sweets are (eat / eating / eaten / ate) by children.
2) You should wake up (earlier / the most early / more early / earliest).
3) We (are invited / were inviting / are inviting / were invited) by our friends yesterday.
4) She made her brother (closed / close / closes / to close) the window.
5) I’ll be happy not to watch this (boring / bored / bore / boredom) film again.
6) They want (our / their / us / we) to walk with them.
7) We could (hard / hardly / harder / hardlier) see an old fortress on the hill.
4. Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию предложений.
1) There is nothing (INTEREST) to watch on TV.
2) Our (TEACH) is very young.
3) Is Mark a (LUCK) boy?
4) (FRIEND) is the best thing in the world.
5) The Earth is (SAFE) now because there is a lot of pollution.
6) What are your (ACHIEVE) in charity?
5. Соотнесите предложения 1 - 6 и союзы a - f.
a) because b) how c) whose d) which e) what f) who
1) I've no idea ___ he has become a professional sportsman.
2) Ivan Kulibin, ___ Russians are proud of, was a great inventor.
3) We're very concerned ___ greenhouse effect means.
4) It seems very exciting to visit the London Tube, ___ is a modern railway system.
5) My son has no problems with his friends ___ he likes to get together.
6) Arthur Conan Doyle, ___ character Sherlock Holmes is well-known, was born in 1859.
6. Представьте, что на двери вашей школьной библиотеки висит следующее объявление:
Dear visitors!
I'm very sorry that I can't welcome you in our beautiful library because I've gone to the meeting with young readers. But, please, don't go away!
The library is going to buy some new books and thanks to your help we'll make our service better. Answer these questions and put the notice with your answers into the box below:
- What is your favourite subject? Why?
- What Russian cosmonauts do you know?
- Why is it important to read books about environmental problems?
Thank you!
Your librarian,
Mrs. Smartbooker
Напишите миссис Смартбукер ответную записку. Не забудьте о правилах оформления!
Текст для аудирования
Now we are ready to start.
Presenter: Hello! Welcome to our quiz show! Our first category is «Inventors and their inventions». Are you ready?
Player: Yes!
Presenter: When did Galileo build his first telescope?
Player: 1609.
Presenter: Correct! He used it to study the Moon and Mars. OK. What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?
Player: The telephone.
Presenter: You're right — next question: When did Bell invent the telephone?
Player: In 1780?
Presenter: Oh, sorry, that is incorrect!
Player: In 1876?
Presenter: Yes! And by 1887, there were more than 150,000 phones in the UK! Now, when did Edison and Swan invent a new light system — the light bulb?
Player: 1879.
Presenter: That's correct — did you know that Edison also invented the phonograph?! All right — what did Karl Benz invent in 1885?
Player: The automobile!
Presenter: Yes — and can you believe that this first automobile had only three wheels and went 15 kilometres per hour!? So, that's the end of round one and now...
You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30
Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
b | a | c | c | b | a | c |
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 7 баллов.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
a | a | b | c | c | b |
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
1) eaten
2) earlier
3) were invited
4) close
5) boring
6) us
7) hardly
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 7 баллов.
1) interesting
2) teacher
3) lucky
4) friendship
5) unsafe
6) achievements
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
b | f | e | d | a | c |
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
Записка оценивается по критериям структуры, содержания и языкового оформления из максимума в 6 баллов.
ИТОГО: 38 баллов
Перевод баллов в оценку:
34 - 38 баллов – “5”
23 - 33 балла – “4”
12 - 22 балла – “3”
менее 12 баллов – “2”
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