Подготовка к устному экзамену 6 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Good environment is very important for life. Nowadays there is a lot of ecological problems all over the world. The most serious are pollution in all its forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution); noise from cars, buses and planes; destruction of wildlife.
I live in Saratov. Our region also suffers from bad ecology. The river Volga is polluted because factories pour wastes in it. The forests are destroyed. People leave a lot of litter everywhere. Picnickers and farmers make fire in the wood and they are burnt. A lot of animals disappear because they lose their habitat.
But young people and teenagers can help to save nature. We often clean the parks and streets from rubbish. We must save electricity, gas and water. We also must be careful with fire in the countryside.
England is a very exciting country for travelling. Many people visit it every year. Some of them want to have business in its industrial countries like Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield. Much industry is concentrated near the Thames. Many young people want to study in famous Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Every tourist would like to see the sights of England.
People who admire nature can visit picturesque Lake District or the County of Kent. Those who like history want to see the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall. It was built to protect England from the Scottish. Stonehenge is another popular historical place. Nobody knows when and why it was built. Of course tourists try to visit London with its famous Big Ben, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral.
England is proud of its outstanding people: writers, scientists, painters, actors and musicians. One of them is a writer William Shakespeare, who wrote many poems and plays, for example, “Romeo and Juliet”, “”Hamlet”, “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Julius Caesar”. 2) The next is……….. 3)…………
In the history of Britain there are some people whose names are especially remembered in the country and all over the world. One of them is King Henry VIII who made Britain independent of the Roman Catholic Church. During his reign the country became rich and powerful. His daughter, Elizabeth I was a very strong queen. During her reign England became important in European politics, Spanish Armada was defeated. She liked and developed theatre.
Queen Victoria ruled for the longest period in the English history, 64 years. During her reign England became rich industrial country with a lot of colonies. She developed trade and culture.
Scotland is a small country in the north of Great Britain. It is a part of the UK. The country is divided into 2 parts: Highlands and Lowlands. The capital is Edinburgh. Glasgow is the largest and busiest town.
Scotland attracts tourist by its picturesque scenery including mountains, valleys, rivers and lakes. One of the most famous is Loch Ness. People think that a big monster lives in the lake. Those who like history and architecture want to visit Edinburgh. It consists of the Old Town and the New Town. The most of tourist attractions are in the Old Town. Among them are the Edinburgh Castle on a high rock, Holyrood Palace-the official residence of the Queen when she is in Scotland. One of the most popular monuments is the monument to a dog Bobby which is the symbol of devotion. This dog lived on the grave of his master for many years.
The best time to visit Scotland is in August and September. At this time Military tattoo takes place. The performers play military music and march to it in the square near the Castle. At the same time one can go to the Edinburgh festival to see the best performances from all over the world.
The Scottish are proud of their outstanding people: writer, scientists, musicians and artists. One of the is the famous writer, Sir Walter Scott who wrote historical novels, for example “Ivenhoe”. Robert Burns is a famous Scottish poet.
…………(your examples)
Wales is a part of the UK. It is situated to the west from England. The capital is Cardiff. The other big cities are Swansea and Newport. The symbol is a daffodil. It is an agricultural country with picturesque and wild scenery.
Many people go to Wales on holiday. It is famous for its beautiful places: mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. Tourists like to go boating on the picturesque canals or go riding along the narrow rocky paths in Snowdonia National Park. The Mount Snowdon attracts climbers. Wales is also famous for its castles which look like fortresses. The most famous is Caernarfon Castle where Prince Charles became Prince of Wales.
The official language of the country is English. But the Welsh language is spoken widely. This language is very much different from English. Both languages are taught at schools.
The USA is a large country in North America. It borders on Canada and Mexico. The country consists of fifty states. The Capital of the USA is Washington ВС which does not belong to any state. Other big cities are New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta.
The USA is a large country with many natural wonders. It has many kinds of scenery: rocky coasts, dry empty deserts, big rivers, plains and grasslands, lakes and mountains, forests and sunny beaches. Americans have saved many beautiful wild areas where people can enjoy wild nature. The most famous of them are The Grand Canyon, Yosemite Valley, Yellowstone National Park and Great Lakes and the Niagara Falls in the north.
Travelling around the USA tourist try to visit popular sights in different parts of the country. Some of them would like to see the Statue of Liberty and the Bronx Zoo. Others want to visit Disneyland. The fans of cinema try to get to Hollywood - the famous film studio. It is impossible to visit all of them in a short time.
The population of the USA is a mixture of many different nationalities. These different people brought a great mixture of customs and traditions. The Germans brought Christmas trees, the Scotts brought Halloween. But there are really American traditions and customs. The main are Thanksgiving Day in November; The Independence Day on the 4th of July; Columbus Day when they remember the man who discovered America.
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