“English teaching of the 21st century. Challenges and opportunities”
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Жамойда Ольга Николаевна

Presentation “English teaching of the 21st century. Challenges and opportunities”  


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Слайд 1

English teaching of the 21 st century . Challenges and opportunities

Слайд 2

The role of the teacher in the 21 st century Changing system of education in the 21 st century. Teaching skills School education. Learners and learning styles Young generation and older generations. Generation gap and different attitudes to learning

Слайд 3

Objectives to develop knowledge & skills to be a successful English teacher to increase your confidence & to raise your credibility as an English teacher to discover your values & beliefs as an English teacher t o try some interactive techniques and activities

Слайд 4

Teaching … is an activity designed to promote learning is transmitting or delivering knowledge is about building relationships needs specialised knowledge

Слайд 5

Teaching is like …

Слайд 6

What role will you use for the following activities? Team game Role play Teacher reading aloud Drilling grammar Writing an essay Students giving presentations Students making projects

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