Презентация к уроку английского языка в 11 классе по теме"Illnesses."
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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 11 классе по теме: "Болезни."(УМК "Spotlight")
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Подписи к слайдам:
Do you look after yourself? 1. How many hours per night do you sleep? a) under 6 hours b) about 7 or 8 hours c) more than 9 hours. 2. How often do you clean your teeth? a) once a day b) twice a day c) after every meal 3. How often do you do physical exercise, enough to make you out of breath? a) never b) once a week c) two or three times a week. 4. How often do you eat sweets or chocolate? a) never b) occasionally c) quite a lot 5. How many pieces of fresh fruit do you eat per day? a) one or two b) more than two c) none
1. Match the words in columns A and B to make collocations. Check in the Word List. A B Runny/streaming/blocked nose Splitting/thumping/bad/terrible could Throat/chest/ear/eye ache Streaming/bad/stinking cough Stomach/ear/back/head pain High/slight infection Sharp/dull/throbbing temperature Hacking/dry/tickly sore
Vocabulary 1) с atch (caught) – 2) running - 3) aching – 4) rash – 5) attack – 6) allergic – 7) breath – 8) sore – 9) blow - 10) hoarse – 11) wheeze – 12) sneeze – 13) dizzy – 14) vomit - b) простудиться e) мокрый, сопливый f) ноющий i ) сыпь a) приступ c) аллергический d) дыхание g) воспалённый h) сморкаться l) хриплый j) сопеть, хрипеть k) чихать n) чувствующий головокружение m) тошнить b e f i a c d g h l j k n m
2 Fill in: caught, running, aching, rash, attack, allergic, breathing, sore, blowing, hoarse, wheeze, sneezing, dizzy, vomiting . Check in the Word List. 1 John's grandfather has just had a heart ............ 2 John was............. all night. He must have a stomach bug. 3 I feel.............I think I'm going to faint. 4 Are you ill? Your voice sounds................ 5 I think I've.............a cold. My nose won't stop ................and I've got.............muscles. 6 I've got a strange.............. on my arm. Maybe I've had a(n)...... reaction to something. 7 My brother has asthma so running makes him ................. 8 I had difficulty............... after I ran the race. 9 My nose is................because I've been.............it so much. 10 My hay fever's really bad today. I can't stop....................! attack vomiting dizzy hoarse caught aching rash running allergic wheeze breathing sore blowing sneezing
Idioms Drop like flies – Feel off colour – Under the weather – Be back on your feet – Feel run down – п адают как мухи выглядеть нездоровым быть больным, чувствовать недомогание встать на ноги после болезни быть измождённым
Idioms Fill in: the weather , feet , colour , run , flies . 1 Lots of people are off sick with the flu in our college. They're dropping like........... 2 You look a little off ..............today. Are you tired? 3 Matt's really under.................. He's got a terrible cold. 4 Take it easy for a few days and you'll be back on your...........in no time. 5 You should take some vitamins if you're feeling a bit.........down. flies colour t he weather feet run
4 Work in pairs. Take turns to offer help e.g. to buy some cough syrup, make a hot drink, call a doctor, help with the shopping etc. to your partner who is not feeling well. Offering help • You sound/look awful. Let me.../Why don't I.../Can I... (help you with.../get you... etc.)? • Sorry you're not well. Would you like me to...? • You don't look/sound very well at all. Shall...for you ? Accepting • Yes, please. That's very kind of you. • Would you? That would be great/a great help! Refusing • Oh, no thanks, I'll be fine. • That's really kind, but I think I can manage to do it/get it etc myself. • Actually , I've already got / done it . Thanks any way !
Dialogue 5 a Read the questions (a-g). Who would ask each of them, a doctor or a patient? a Do I need to come back and see you again? b Have you had chickenpox, Miss Andrews? c How long has it been bothering you? d What can I do for you? e Have you got a temperature? f Is there anything you can give me to make it go away faster? g Is that what I've got?
Dialogue. Study the advertisement. You are considering using hospital services and you'd like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) working hours 2) if they have a family programme ? 3) recommendations 4) number of clients per day 5) If they have vacancies? You have 20 seconds to ask each question . 1 ) What are the working hours? 2) What a family programme do you have? 3) Are there any recommendations in your hospital? 4) How many clients per day do you have? 5) What vacancies do you have?
Monologue. Imagine that while your family visiting a doctor you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about : • where and when the photo was taken • what/who is in the photo • what is happening • why you took the photo • why you decided to show the photo to your friend You have to talk continuously, starting with : " I’ve chosen photo number… "
Dialogue. Study the advertisement. You are considering using hospital services and you'd like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) working hours 2) if they have a discount card 3) medicine 4) number of clients per day 5) If they have vacancies? You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Have a nice day !
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