Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию "Do You Know Britain?"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Евдокименко Юлия Александровна

Презентация с викториной к внеклассному мероприятию "Как хорошо вы знаете Британию"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Do you know Britain?

Слайд 2

Scotland England Wales Northern Ireland Edinburgh London Cardiff Belfast

Слайд 3

Quiz 1. What is the capital of Great Britain? 2. What river is London situated on? 3. What islands form a group of the British Isles? 4. What is the anthem of the country? 5. What is the official name of Great Britain? 6. What is the UK bounded by? 7. How many parts does Great Britain consist of? What are they? 8. What is the capital of Wales? 9. What is the highest mountain in Great Britain? 10. What is the longest river in Great Britain?

Слайд 4

11. What is the flower symbol of Wales? 12. What is the flower symbol of England? 13. How many parts does London consist of? What are they? 14. What is a famous stadium in England where football matches take place? 15. What is a popular name of the London Underground? 16. What is the name of a lake in Scotland in which a mysterious monster lives? 17.What is the political center of London? ( Westminster) 18. What English cities are famous for their universities? 19. What are the main colours of the Union Flag? 20. Who was called “An Iron Lady?”

Слайд 5

Who? What? Where? Identify these famous British people, events and places. He and his “merry men” lived in Sherwood Forest .

Слайд 6

His monument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square.

Слайд 7

Here many famous Englishmen are buried.

Слайд 8

The Crown Jewels are kept here.

Слайд 9

An ideal place for sun-worshippers.

Слайд 10

He wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament .

Слайд 11

A famous picture house in Trafalgar Square.

Слайд 12

365 feet high and built by Christopher Wren .

Слайд 13

This lady was the queen of Great Britain in 1837-1911.

Слайд 14

The English author known as the Queen of Crime.

Слайд 15

The name Julius Caesar gave to Great Britain.

Слайд 16

Monument, square, place, capital, queen, bridge, build, tall, palace, tourist Make sentences using these words and write down as many sentences as you can on the topic «Great Britain».

Слайд 17

Unscramble these cities or places . t i n B a i r 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ e r v e S n _ _ _ _ _ 5 r c a n e t M e h s _ _ _ _ 3_ _ _ _ _ n P i r a t a m e l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ g a l G w o s _ _ _ 7_ _ _ m e r s W e t n i s t _ _ _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l t a S d o c n _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ n a r d I l e _ _ 4 _ _ _ _

Слайд 18

Make up as many words as y ou can from this word combination Parliament Square

Слайд 19

Congratulations to the winners!!!

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