Сolour Idioms
опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Вострикова Татьяна Алексеевна

Данный рассказ, составленный из идиом на основе цвета, поможет ученикам запомнить значение идиом.


Microsoft Office document icon once_in_a_blue_moon.doc23 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Once In A Blue Moon

Once upon a time a black sheep of the Green family appeared out of the blue after a two-year absence. He was constantly beaten black and blue by his peers in childhood. That is why he decided to leave his motherhouse as a green boy. No one in the family expected him to be in the black, they could only imagine him being in the red. Moreover, no one ever thought he would come back, so no one put out the red carpet for him.

He came home and brought white elephants in the brown paper to each member of his family. Suddenly he realized that he was browned off with the fact that his father had already turned grey. He felt blue and decided to take his father and paint the town red and blue his money.

The following morning he promised to come home once in a blue moon and went away.

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