Урок-презентация по теме "Путешествие" 10 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Папкович Ирина Павловна

 Урок-презентация по теме"Путешествие" формирует коммуникативную компетенцию по теме в условиях личностно-ориентированного и деятельностного подхода. Обучение общению на тему "Путешествие" происходит в ходе выполнения продуктивных видов работы в процессе решения актуальных задач:

  • выразить своё мнение по поводу высказывания известных людей о роли путешествий в жизни человека;
  • отгадать кроссворд;
  • найти подписи к известным во всём мире достопримечательностям;
  • составить диалоги по ключевым фразам;
  • изучить интересные факты о правилах поведения в различных странах мира;
  • научиться выражать своё мнение и отношение к путешествиям;
  • решать поставленную задачу при чтении с извлечением информации;
  • использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации.



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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Read and express your opinion. Do you agree with the thoughts of the famous people? Travelling is one way of lengthening life. Benjamin Franklin He that travel far knows much. John Clarke Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play and to look up at the stars. Henry Van Dyke

Слайд 3

IF YOU WANT TO GET SOMEWHERE YOU CAN GO THERE BY… camper coach raft ferryboat ship jet airplane helicopter hot air balloon train car

Слайд 4

Find the names of means of transport: T J B C S H I P T C R E U A R A F T R A A T S R T A X I A M M B I K E F R B I P A I R P L A N E N E F E R R Y B O A T R H E L I C O P T E R

Слайд 5

While travelling we often go sightseeing. As a rule, tourists visit some of these places: cathedral church theatre palace park monument statue bridge

Слайд 6

THINGS THAT TOURISTS OFTEN DO ON HOLIDAYS : look round; take photographs; spend a lot of money; buy souvenirs; do shopping; lose their way; go sightseeing; have a good time.

Слайд 7

Act the situation using the following key phrases : What time does this plane get to New York, please? Which platform does the 9 o’clock bus go from, please? Is there a train to Oxford at about 11 o’clock, please? How much does the return/one way ticket to Paris cost, please? When is the next train to London, please?

Слайд 8

Have you ever been to these places? Which of them would you like to visit most of all?

Слайд 9

It’s interesting to know… In Pakistan you mustn’t wink. It’s offensive. In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating and drinking. In Thailand you shouldn’t pat a child’s head. In Singapore chewing gum is banned. Bowing is the usual way of greeting in China. In Poland you should never take chrysanthemums to a party. They are only given at funerals. If you are invited to a meal in Brazil, you should arrive some time after the stated time.

Слайд 10

What does travelling mean to you? Develops our outlook Helps us to relax Gives us adventures Helps us to make friends Helps us to study foreign languages Gives us knowledge about the country Develops our imagination

Слайд 11

These are the extracts of two letters. Sort them and you will get two stories about ideal and disastrous holidays Dear Jane A I am going to tell you about my last journey. I was ready to travel to Paris when one day I was knocked down by a car and broke my arm. But I decided to go anyway. My Dad promised to give a ride to the station, which was far from our house. Yesterday I decided B to have a look round the shops and I bought some souvenirs. Today I’ve been to a couple of very interesting art galleries. On my way back to the hotel I discovered a really fascinating market. I’m afraid I’ve spent too much money. We planned to set C off very early to catch the 7 a. m. train. In the morning the car couldn’t start. When we finally left it was 6.30.My dad is a very slow driver and I asked him to speed up. When we were doing 120 km/h the police stopped us. We had to pay a rather heavy fine. To make things worse our D car began to jerk as we had run out of petrol. We finally got to the station at three minutes to seven. I kissed my father goodbye and jumped on the train. But as soon as I reach the next station I realized that I had got to the wrong train. Hope your holidays were better than mine. Tomorrow I am going to E see London from London Eye. I was told the view from it is unforgettable. Finally, I should say that London is fantastic. I’ve taken a lot of photos. You’ll see them when I get back home. See you later. Dear Nick F I’ve been to London for almost a week now and I’m having a great time. I spend the first few days going sightseeing – Houses of Parliament, the Tower, Buckingham Palace and all the usual attractions.

Слайд 12

WHAT KIND OF HOLIDAY DO YOU PREFER? 1. You are on holidays. Now you can. . . a) go to bed late b) do what you want c) visit unknown cities. 2. You are on a desert island. The first thing you do is. . . a) look for food and water b) look for place to sleep at night c) explore the island. 3. You are leaving for holidays. Your luggage is. . . a) one suitcase b) two suitcases c) one bag. 4. Holidays are the right time to . . . a) relax b) do shopping c) go for a walk somewhere. 5. Your most enjoyable holiday is. . . a) a sea cruise b) in a hotel with a swimming-pool c) in the wood or near the lake. 6. Why do you go on holidays? a) to relax b) to see something different from everyday life c) to discover new places. MOSTLY A’s You don’t like holidays that are full of activities. You prefer relaxing in a quiet place. Holidays mean you at last have time to read a good book. MOSTLY B’s You want an unusual holiday full of fun and friendly people. MOSTLY C’s You love nature and adventures. The best holiday for you is camping.

Слайд 13

New vocabulary: a journey – путешествие an attraction - достопримечательность a camper – домик на колёсах a coach - автобус a jet – реактивный самолёт a raft – плот a ferry boat – паром to sightseeing - осмотр достопримечательностей to explore – исследовать, изучать to develop the outlook – расширить кругозор to develop the imagination – развивать воображение

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