Викторины по английскому языку
классный час по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 класс) на тему
Данные мероприятия проходили в рамках предметных недель по английскому языку в школе ДСООЦ "Лазурный"
Вложение | Размер |
viktorina_po_teme_eda.docx | 1.16 МБ |
viktorina_po_teme_zdorove.doc | 1.07 МБ |
viktorina_po_teme_rozhdestvo.doc | 29 КБ |
viktorina_po_teme_sport_1.doc | 23.5 КБ |
viktorina_po_teme_sport_2.docx | 728.11 КБ |
viktorina_po_teme_sport_3.docx | 11.41 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Christmas (7 класс)
Answer these questions.
1.When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?
a. On the 24th of December;
b. On the I st of January;
с. On the 25th of December.
2. When do Russians celebrate that holiday?
а. on the 26th of December;
b. on the 7th of January;
c. on the 13th of January.
3. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?
a. Queen Elizabeth;
b. Jesus Christ;
c. William Shakespeare.
4. What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree in Russia?
a. France;
b. England;
c. Germany.
5. Who introduced the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree in Russia?
a. Peter the Great.
b. King Henry VIII.
c. William the Conqueror.
6. When was the custom of decorating Christmas trees with candles and presents introduced in Britain?
a. After Queen Victoria married Prince Philip.
b. After Queen Victoria married Prince Albert.
c. After Lady Diana Spencer married Prince Charles.
7. Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London?
а. In Buckingham palace.
b. In the Tower of London.
c. In Trafalgar Square.
8. What do they call Father Frost in the west?
a. Frosty the Snowman.
b. Jingle Bells.
c. Santa Claus.
9. What does Santa Claus look like?
a. He is usually thin and thick, he hasn't a beard and is dressed in black.
b. He is usually fat and merry, he has a long white beard and is dressed in red.
c. He is usually fat and merry, he has a long black beard and is dressed in blue.
10. How does Santa Claus travel?
a. on a Sleigh.
b. On a Ski.
c. On a Skate.
11. How does Santa Claus enter houses to give children.
a. Christmas presents and where does he put them?
b. Climbing down the chimney. He puts presents in long socks called "Christmas Stockings" at the end of the children's bed or by the chimney.
c. Knocking at the door. He puts presents in short socks and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree.
12. What are the traditional Christmas colours?
a. Red and white.
b. Blue and green.
c. Red and green.
13. Why do little Children sometimes write letters to Santa Claus?
a. To wish him what presents they would like to have for Christmas.
b. To wish him Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
c. To present him their presents.
14. When did the custom of Sending Christmas cards to friends, colleagues and relatives appear?
a. In the 20th century.
b. In the 18th century.
c. In the 19th century
15. What is the traditional Christmas food?
a. A 20th century dinner is roast turkey with vegetables, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake or mince pies.
b. A 20th century dinner is goose, Christmas cake, fruits, and tea.
c. A 20th century dinner is Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, a big turkey. 4. Read the text "Christmas in Great Britain" and do the tasks after it to check your understanding.
Предварительный просмотр:
Викторина «Здоровый образ жизни. Спорт.»
Stage 1.Healthy Way of Life.
1)What dairy products do you know? (100 points)
2)What food is good for people’s health? (200 points)
3)What are the things that help us to keep fit? (300 points)
4)Which parts of human body can suffer from television and computer? (400 points)
5)What antibiotic was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928? (500 points)
Stage 2.Sports in Russia.
6)Wtat football team in Russia got the champion title of the country ten times?(200 points)
7)When were the Olympic Games held in Russia?(400 points)
8)He is a three-time champion,an eleven-time champion of Europe in Greco-Roman wrestling.(600 points)
Stage 3.Sports in Great Britain.
9)Why are swimming,boating and sailing popular in Britain?(200 points)
10)This kind of sport began to develop in Scotland and now is widely spread all over Britain.(400 points)
11)Why are the British not very much interested in skiing and skating?(600 points)
Stage 4.The Olympic Games.
12)Where did the Olympic Games begin?(200 points)
13)How often are the Olympic Games held?(400 points)
14)In what city were the first modern Olympic Games held?(600 points)
Stage 5.Sports in America.
15)What is the most popular sport in the USA?(200 points)
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Let’s start our third round ‘’National sports in GB and in the USA’’. (викторина 9-10 классы)
1 .Which is the most popular game in GB and in the world?
2. Which is the biggest football club in the world?
3.This is a summer national English sport, played by 2 teams of 11 men.
4. The ball in this game looks as though someone sat on it.
5. What kind of sport is Derby connected with?
6. What kind of sport is Wimbledon connected with?
7. What is a ‘’walking’’ game in England?
8. What sports are favourite in Amerika?
9. When and where was basketball invented?
10. What is a baseball?
11.What do Americans like eating at sports games?
12. Which of Soviet and Russian figure skaters do you know?
13. Who are the best players in hockey?
14. Who are the best sportswomen in gymnastic?
15. When and where did the Olympic Games begin?
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