Контрольная работа 7 класс 1 четверть
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа
1. Послушайте текст (дважды). Отметьте правдивые (true) (T) и ложные (false) (F) утверждения в задании.
- The text is about family. _____
- Every day I read books. _____
- We swam in the sea. _____
- We spent two weeks to the seaside in June.
- We returned back to the seaside in August. _____
2. Составь 6 слов по теме «Школьные предметы» из следующих слогов.
his | mu | ge | tech | eng |
lo | ra | to | sic | tics |
phy | gy | og | no | ma |
the | ry | lish | ma |
3. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, используя глаголы to be glad, to be sorry, to be worried, to say.
a). Ann: “I live in Moscow.” ____________________________________________________________________
b). Tom: “Ugh! Again that uniform. Why do we have to wear it?” _____________________________________________________________________
c). Kate: “I’m a new pupil at this school. I have no friends here.” _____________________________________________________________________
d). Peter: “Super! The new English teacher is interesting!” _____________________________________________________________________
4. Подчеркните правильное слово: наречие или прилагательное.
- I usual/usually walk to school.
- I can’t speak slow/slowly.
- Their answers were correctly/correct.
- You read the text bad/badly yesterday.
- He gets badly/bad marks every day.
- Peter is a well/good friend.
- Can your English friends speak Russian good/well?
5. Прочитайте текст “Waste of Time or Fun?” и выполните задание: завершите предложения в соответствии с текстом.
I can’t say that I’m upset to be back to school. There are some reasons. First, our school is a progressive school. What does it mean? We can choose some classes according to our interests. Our teachers can make learning fun. Then, I can’t do without my friends. I’ll see them every day. We’ll do projects together with the help of the Internet. Besides, I like our History outings. In my opinion school is not a waste of time.
- Jane _____________________ to be back to school.
- She can choose ____________________ according to her interests.
- Her teachers can make _____________________ .
- Jane and her friends will do _____________________ together. __________________________ will help them.
- Jane likes History _______________________ .
- In her opinion school is not ______________________ .
№1 Аудирование
№2. History, Technology, English, Mathematics, Music, Geography
- (Ann says that she lives in Moscow.)
- (Tom is sorry that they have to wear uniform.)
- (Kate is worried that she hasn’t friends in that school.)
- (Peter is glad that his new English teacher is interesting.)
(is not upset)
(some subjects)
(learning fun)
(The Internet)
b)(a waste of time)
Текст для аудирования.
I went to the seaside with my family. The weather was brilliant. We stayed at the hotel. Every day my family and I went to the beach. We sunbathed and swam in the sea. In the evening we went to the disco or to the cinema. We spent two weeks there in July. We returned back at the end of August.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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