Reading for kigs
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Тексты для чтения в начальной школе.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Text 2
Read the text.
The United States is a young country. People often call it the ‘New World’.
Americans are not afraid of new ideas. They built the first skyscrapers and they put the first man on the moon. They like modern cities, new houses, and new cars.
At the same time, Americans love old things. They like to visit historic places and museums.
They remember the first pioneers and the days of the ‘Wild West’. Americans love their old traditions, but they are good at making new traditions too.
The people of the United States are a mixture of many different nationalities. In one city you can find people who came from many countries of the world. These different people brought to their new land their customs and traditions. Sometimes, in fact, the old celebrations are more important in the USA than in the countries they came from.
Level 1 – mark «3»
1) Выбери название к тексту.
a) Customs and traditions of the USA. b) Americans. c) ‘Wild West’.
2) Переведи слова по догадке, используя текст.
a) idea – d) Americans –
b) historic – e) pioneer –
c) museum – f) tradition –
2) Закончи предложения по тексту.
a) Americans like ____________________________________________________.
b) Americans love _______________________________________________________________.
c) The old celebrations are ______________________________________________________________.
Level 2 – mark «4»
1) Составь и запиши словосочетания, используя текст и данные слова.
new, modern, old, young, different | country, things, cities, nationalities, ideas |
2) Дополни предложения.
a) Americans put __________________________________________________________
b) Americans are good at ____________________________________________________
c) ________________________________ are a mixture of different nationalities.
3) Отметь T (верно) или F (неверно) в соответствии с текстом.
a) ___ Americans are afraid of new ideas.
b) ___ The United States is an old country.
c) ___ Americans love their old traditions.
d) ___ You can find people of different nationalities in one city.
Level 3 – mark «5»
1) Составь три вопроса к тексту, используй: Who..., What..., Where....
2) Расставь предложения по порядку в соответствии с текстом. Перескажи текст.
1.___ They like modern cities, new houses and new cars.
2.___ Americans are not afraid of new ideas.
3.___ The people of the United States came from different countries.
4.___ They like to visit historic places and museums.
5.___ Americans love their old traditions.
Предварительный просмотр:
Text 3
Read the text.
Dolphins live in water but they are not fish. They need air to breathe. They can stay under the water for many minutes but then they must come up to the surface. Some dolphins live in the sea some dolphins live in rivers. They like warm water the best.
Sometimes dolphins swim close to ships. They jump out of the water again and again. They can swim very fast – up to 55 kilometres an hour.
A number of dolphins swimming together is called a ‘school’. There are small dolphins and big dolphins: some are two or three metres long.
Dolphins are not dangerous. They are very clever animals and they love playing. Dolphins have smiling faces. They ‘speak’ with squeaks and clicking sounds.
Level 1 – mark «3»
1) Выбери название к тексту.
a) Sea animals. b) Dolphins. C) Animals that love playing.
2) Обведи букву в соответствии с текстом.
1. Dolphins are _________________________________________________
a) animals b) fish c) monsters
2. Dolphins swim close to _________________________________________
a) people b) beach c) ships
3. Dolphins have ___________ face.
a) funny b) merry c) smiling
3) Закончипредложения.
a) Dolphins need air _____________________________________________
b) Dolphins swim _______________________________________________
c) Dolphins are _________________________________________________
Level 2 – mark «4»
1) Заполни таблицу.
Dolphins | |
What can they do? | What kind of animals are they? |
a) | a) |
b) | b) |
c) | c) |
2) Отметь неверные утверждения (V).
___ Dolphins are fish.
___ Dolphins can stay under the water for many minutes.
___ Dolphins can live only in the sea.
___ Dolphinsaredangerous.
3) Ответь на вопросы. Не пиши полный ответ.
a) How long are Dolphins? __________________________________________________
b) How do dolphins speak? __________________________________________________
c) Why do dolphins need air? ________________________________________________
Level 3 – mark «5»
1) Составь три вопроса к тексту, используй: Who..., What..., Where....
2) Расставь предложения по порядку в соответствии с текстом. Перескажитекст.
1.___ Dolphins are very clever animals.
2.___ They can swim very fast.
3.___ Dolphins live in water but they are not fish.
4.___ A number of dolphins swimming together is called a ‘school’.
5.___ Dolphins are not dangerous.
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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