презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
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A revision lesson
The lesson aim: To revise and practise to be going to
to be going to : … собираться что-то делать a planned action an intention to do something
The formation Positive Negative Questions I am going to play I am not going to play Am I going to play? He is going to play He is not going to play Is he going to play ? She is going to play He is not going to play Is she going to play? We are going to play We are not going to play Are we going to play? They are going to play They are not going to play Are they going to play? You are going to play You are not going to play Are you going to play?
Are you going to… ? Yes, I am No, I am not ( краткие ответы)
A reading task
Look through the words from the text and try to guess what you are going to read about arrived see room beautiful sightseeing buy souvenirs expensive read cinema river visit friend house very busy
1. Read the postcard below and correct the mistakes in it
Hi Jan, We arrived in England last week and today we’re in Bath. The hotel is very nice and we can see the whole city from our room. It is beautiful! We is go sightseeing now, but we not going buy any souvenirs. It’s so expensive here! In the afternoon I go to read my book in Victoria Park, but Patrick doesn’t like reading, so he am not go to the cinema. Tomorrow is our last day and we is going have dinner near the river. We going visit my friend in Torquay, because she is go move house next week and is very busy! See you soon! Love, Patrick and Sally XX
Check your answers Hi Jan, We arrived in England last week and today we’re in Bath. The hotel is very nice and we can see the whole city from our room. It is beautiful! We 1) ‘re going to go sightseeing now, but we 2) ‘re not going to buy any souvenirs. It’s so expensive here! In the afternoon I 3 )‘m going to read my book in Victoria Park, but Patrick doesn’t like reading, so he 4) ‘s going to go to the cinema. Tomorrow is our last day and we 5) ‘re going to have dinner near the river. We 6) ‘re not going to visit my friend in Torquay, because she 7) ‘s going to move house next week and is very busy! See you soon! Love, Patrick and Sally XX
Now answer the following questions. What is Sally going to do this afternoon? What is Patrick going to do this afternoon? c) What are Patrick and Sally going to do together? d) When are they going to leave Bath? e) Who is going to move house next week?
And now discuss in pairs what you are going to do on your coming summer holidays.
Listen to music Do sports Read books Travel Go to a camp Sleep a lot Learn English Swim Go for walks Go cycling Visit friends Go camping Help parents Go to the cinema Go to the country Visit grandparents Holidays
What are you going to do on your summer holidays ? I am going to…. I am not going to…
I am going to… I am not going to… Listen to music Do sports Read books Travel Go to a camp Sleep a lot Learn English Swim Go for walks Go cycling Visit friends Go camping Help parents Go to the cinema Go to the country Visit grandparents
A nd now tell about your partner’s plans for the summer holidays .
She (he) is going to… She (he) is not going to…
Thank you !
Использованная литература: 1. Family and friends 4 by Naomi Simmons Oxford University Press
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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