Кроссворд на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Сергеева Татьяна Николаевна

Кроссворд к учебнику "Tourism - Career paths" (Книга 2 Разделы 1-5)


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. A piece of land that juts out from a larger land mass and is mostly surrounded by water.
  2. Someone who makes predictions of the future.
  3. An arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place.
  4. A ridge or swell moving through or along the surface of a large body of water.
  5. An obligation, promise, etc that restricts one's freedom of action.
  6. To disregard or act in a manner that does not conform to (a law or promise, for example).
  7. The central or lower part of a city, especially the main commercial area.
  8. To arrive at; attain.
  9. To look forward to the probable                                                                                         occurrence         or appearance of smb/smth.
  10. To cause to feel embarrassment.
  11. To secure or guarantee.
  12. A list of times of departures and arrivals; a timetable.
  13. To take measures so as not to meet or see someone.
  14. A place where two or more roads cross.
  15. A guidebook for travelers.
  16. To make (a person or a person's skin) darker by exposure to the sun.
  17. A conveyance moving on wheels, runners, or the like, as an automobile.
  18. To estimate or predict in advance, especially to predict (weather conditions) by analysis of meteorological data.
  19. To search into or travel in for the purpose of discovery.
  20. To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge.

  1. A piece of land that juts out from a larger land mass and is mostly surrounded by water.
  2. Someone who makes predictions of the future.
  3. An arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place.
  4. A ridge or swell moving through or along the surface of a large body of water.
  5. An obligation, promise, etc that restricts one's freedom of action.
  6. To disregard or act in a manner that does not conform to (a law or promise, for example).
  7. The central or lower part of a city, especially the main commercial area.
  8. To arrive at; attain.
  9. To look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of smb/smth.
  10. To cause to feel embarrassment.
  11. To secure or guarantee.
  12. A list of times of departures and arrivals; a timetable.
  13. To take measures so as not to meet or see someone.
  14. A place where two or more roads cross.
  15. A guidebook for travelers.
  16. To make (a person or a person's skin) darker by exposure to the sun.
  17. A conveyance moving on wheels, runners, or the like, as an automobile.
  18. To estimate or predict in advance, especially to predict (weather conditions) by analysis of meteorological data.
  19. To search into or travel in for the purpose of discovery.
  20. To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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