Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для шестого класса.
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Першина Татьяна Алексеевна

Лексико-грамматический тест для шестого класса по теме Past и Present Simple, с выполнением заданий к тексту.


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Предварительный просмотр:

6th form


Past Simple / Past Continuous

Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)

1. They ... the TV when I came in.

a) watched

b) were watching

c) have watched

d) watch

2. What... last Saturday?

a) were they buying

b) they bought

c) did they buy

d) they were buying

. Mary ... that he was not right.

a) was understanding

b) have understood

c) understood

d) has understand

4. The train ... on time so we were late.

a) didn't come

b) wasn't coming

c) wasn't come

d) didn't came

5. How many chairs ... to the room?

a) you have brought

b) have brought you

c) you did bring

d) did you bring

6. When I phoned she ... a bath.

a) had

b) was having

c) was have

d) has

7. What... when your mother came back home?

a) were you doing

b) you did

c) you were doing

d) did you

8. What... her about the school?

a) you told

b) did you told

c) told you

d) did you tell

9. She ... because she couldn't find her dog.

a) cried

b) was crying

c) crying

d) cry

10. My parents ... in 1970.

a) got married

b) get married

c) were getting married

d) getting married


Present Simple / Present Continuous

Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)

1. Mum is in the kitchen. She ... a cake.

a) makes

b) make

c) is making

d) making

2. I usually ... to work, but today I... because my car is broken.

a) drive, am walking

b) am driving, walk

c) drive, walk

d) am driving, am walking

3. What...? —He's a doctor.

a) your father does

b) your father does do

c) does your father

d) does your father do

4. What language ... at the moment?

a) is she speaking

b) she is speaking

c) does she speak

d) she speaks

5. Yes, we ... to the cinema, but not very often.

a) go

b) goes

c) are going

d) don't go

6. Why ... here all alone? Where are your friends?

a) do you sit

b) you are sitting

c) are you sitting

d) you sit

7. At the moment we ... over the capital of our country.

a) is flying

b) are flying

c) flies

d) fly

8. Our teacher ... when pupils come late.

a) doesn't like

b) not like

c) likes not

d) don't like

9. Where is Jim? — He ... in the garden.

a) working

b) works

c) work

d) is working

10. How many newspapers ... every day?

a) you buy

b) do you buy

c) are you buying

d) you are buying


Read the text and answer the questions

People who come to Britain for the first time find some of the customs new and interesting. The English do not shake hands each time when they meet. When you go to a friend's house for a meal, it is not the custom to say "Thank you" at the end of the meal as in most European countries. Here you wait until you are leaving to go home and then you thank your friends for their invitation.

Very few people, even people with quite a lot of money, have servants in their homes. It's very difficult to find a servant and to find a good servant is even more difficult. They also want too much money for their job. So families do most of the housework themselves, and husbands usually work as much as wives. Most of the housework is done on Saturday mornings or afternoons when nobody works.

1. What do tourists find strange in Britain?

2. When do you usually say "Thank you" if you have a meal at a friend's house?

3. Do all rich people have servants?

4. Do wives do most of the housework?

5. Why do people do their housework on Saturdays?



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