Презентация по теме: "Моя семья"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Совершенствование навыков чтения, устной речи, а также совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме "Моя семья"
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Подписи к слайдам:
People in the Family Mother (wife) Father(husband) Grandmother Grandfather Aunt Uncle Parents Daughter Son Sister Brother Niece Nephew Cousin
Read Right th-[ ]-mother u,o-[ ]-son, uncle au-[ a : ]-aunt au-[ o : ]-daughter gh— are-[ ]-parents er-[ ]-sister ie-[ i : ]- niece ph-[ v ]- nephew ew-[ u : ]-nephew
Remember ! Who? To be To have To do To like I am have got do like He She It is has got does likes We You They are have got do like
Animal Families A … has got a…
Who are they? My father’s wife is my… My mother’s mother is my… My father’s son is my… My mother’s sister is my… My father’s brother is my… My aunt’s daughter is my… My granny’s husband is my…
Happy Birthday ! Name Season Day Month Year Robert spring 7 April 1968 Ann summer 10 August 1974 Mike autumn 2 October 1998 Jill spring 3 March 1997 Tom winter 28 January 2001 Nick winter 28 January 2001 Robert’s birthday is on the seventh of April. He was born in spring, 1968.
Ann can cook well Name three things the Blacks eat for breakfast. What do all children like? What does your mother (father, sister, brother) like? What would you like?
A Future Star! Jill can sing very well. She is mad about music. The girl wants to be a pop singer. What do you want to be? What does your friend want to be?
To Have Friends is Great! Mike has got a lot of friends. He likes to play sports with his friends. Have you got friends? What do you do together? Do your family like your friends?
Great painters! Tom and Nick draw funny faces. black yellow pink brown blue orange violet green white red grey
Life is so Bright ! Robert likes green. Ann Likes… . Jill … … . Nick … … . Tom … … . Mike … … . And what is your favourite colour?
Match Robert Black Ann Black Jill Black Mike Black Tom Black Nick Black is good at are good at drawing driving cooking singing playing sports What are you good at? Subjects Mathematics, Russian, English, Literature, Biology, Geography, Music, Sport, etc. Actions Dancing, swimming, knitting, baking cakes, writing poems, telling fairy-tales, etc.
Test yourself Name Robert Ann Jill Mike Tom, Nick Number He is young. He doesn’t go to school. He has got a lot of friends. He is good at sport. He loves his family. She is very beautiful. She is good at cooking. She has got a daughter and three sons. She loves her husband and her children very much. 3. They are little. They are funny. They are the twins. They like to draw smiling faces. They have got a sister and a brother. They love their family. 4. She is young. She can sing very well. She wants to be a singer. She has got three brothers. She loves her family. 5. He is not very young. He works at an office. He has got four children. He can drive a car well. He loves his family.
My sister is afraid of dogs, My sister is afraid of frogs, She is afraid of spiders, She is afraid of tigers. Are you afraid of dogs? Are you afraid of frogs? Are you afraid of tigers? Are you afraid of spiders?
Appendix W I F E A B C D C H F A M I L Y D A H U E F H J K L P U I S M O T H E R A G L B B R O T H E R H D A Q A U N T W E T R N F A T H E R N E E D U N C L E T T R N Y N I S U O C S O N U S I S T E R O P Z X F I n d t h e h I d d e n w o r d s . FAMILY Sister, brother Father, mother Children Aunt, uncle Family Parents Cousin Husband Daughter Son wife W I F E A B C D C H F A M I L Y D A H U E F H J K L P U I S M O T H E R A G L B B R O T H E R H D A Q A U N T W E T R N F A T H E R N E E D U N C L E T T R N Y N I S U O C S O N U S I S T E R O P Z X
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