Внеклассное мероприятие для 9-11 классов на английском языке “Travelling to Wales”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
В данном конспекте предоставлен познавательный и увлекательный материал по поэтапной подготовке бизнес-поездки в Уэльс (вокзал-таможенный контроль). Происходит знакомство с Уэльсом: столицей, достопримечательностями и традициями, традиционной едой.
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Внеклассное мероприятие для 9-11 классов на английском языке
“Travelling to Wales”
Part 1
P r e s e n t e r 1. Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, our dear guests! We are glad to see you today at our lesson. We want to demonstrate you our knowledge in Business English and Country Studying in such situation like getting acquainted, getting about the town, at the customs, and the hotel and travelling by train. By the way, it’s my favourite kind of travelling. It is rather fast, interesting and comfortable. Let’s have a look at the railway station. The trains come in and go out. We can see a train standing at one of the platforms and ready to leave. It is a long distance train. It has got a lot of carriages, among them a dining car and a luggage van.
Presenter 2: Some of the passengers are looking out of the windows watching the latecomers, who are hurrying along the platform to their carriages. Some people are standing on the platform near the train. They have come to see their friends and relatives off. We can hear them saying “good-bye” to each other.
Presenter 1: The porters are very busy carrying the passengers’ luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. They are taking trucks with suitcases to the luggage van.
Presenter 2: On another platform the other train has just come in. The passengers are getting out. Some of them are met by their friends or relatives. This train has made a long journey. Those are sleeping carriages in front of the train. It is a slow train, it stops at many stations. Let’s imagine: one family is going to travel to Wales on business. They choose travelling by train. So: talking with a partner(1),private conversation(2), booking tickets(3).
- Hello, James. This is Guy Hunt.
- Oh! Hello, Guy. How are you?
- Fine, thanks.
- Good. When are you going to visit us?
- May we come on Saturday, the fourth of July? I’m going to Wales by train and then I’ll hire a car and we are going to drive there.
- What time are you going to come?
- Is 10 in the morning all right?
- Fine.
- May I bring my wife?
- Of course, you may.
- Hi, darling. I’ve already received an invitation from my Welsh partner to visit Wales. I’ll go there to the conference and I may go out with my wife. We’ll spend most of the time together.
- It sounds great! What a wonderful surprise!
- Well, see my luggage, please. Carry on. Change of underwear. Look at that-grey suit-just what you recommend, appropriate to all occasions.
- Oh, I’d like to go and start packing right now.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- What trains are there to Cardiff?
- There are two through trains at 10 a.m. and at 2 a.m.
- How much is a one-way ticket there?
- 100 pounds.
- And return one?
- 185 pounds.
- Fine. Please give me two return tickets for 2 a.m. train.
- Ok. What berths would you prefer?
- Two lower berths, please.
- Ok. You can take your tickets at the booking office in Newton Street.
- Good morning. Can I see your passport?
- Certainly. Here it is.
- Yes. That is all right. Have you got anything to declare?
- I have got a bottle of brandy and some food.
- Would you show them to me, please?
- Yes? Here they are.
- You are allowed that … Sorry, but this is more than I can allow you free. I am afraid that we will have to charge you some duty of those. But first let me see inside your bag. Open your case, please … I see … you should fill in the custom declaration.
Presenter 2. Imagine the situation that our partners are coming to Cardiff. Sarah Bruce, who works as a secretary, is meeting the couple on the railway station.
- Hello, Mr. Hunt. I hope you had a pleasant journey. My name is Sarah Bruce. I’m Mr. Boyd’s secretary.
- How do you do, Miss Bruce? Nice to meet you. This is my wife, Jane.
- Nice to meet you, Jane.
- Pleasure is mine. First I’ll take you to book a room at the Hilton Hotel in Cardiff. Then, tomorrow, we’ll go sightseeing and I’ll be your guide. In the evening you are having dinner at the restaurant.
- Oh! Which one?
- Sam’s Place. I’ve booked a table for Sunday’s night.
- Good.
Presenter 1. One more situation: coming to the hotel and booking a room there.
- Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
- We’d like to have a double room for two weeks.
- Have you made a reservation?
- Yes, I called from New York. My name is Guy Hunt.
- Ah, yes. To be sure … Here we are! Room 215. Second floor.
- What’s the price?
- 100 pounds per night.
- Shall we pay in advance?
- Yes, please! Porter!!!
- This way, please. Can I do anything else for you?
- No, that will be all.
- If you want anything, just push this button.
- Your tips.
- Thank you, sir.
Presenter 1. The next day the couple is meeting with their guide again near the hotel entrance. They are going to visit many interesting and historical places in Cardiff.
The first guide
Wales is the country in the West of Great Britain. The western pocket of Britain is almost a separate nation, with its own language and culture. In the mid 50s Wales was hit in the economic crises, its rural areas depopulated. Only tree million people live in Wales now.
Cardiff, the capital of Wales, which was built by Romans in 75, is beautifully planned. They say it is the greenest city in Wales. The pride of the city is the “Millennium’ stadium for 7000 visitors. The rugby championship of 1999 was held here.
In the centre of the city there is Norman Castle, which was built by Normans in the XII-th century. Nowadays the conferences of leaders of European Union countries are held here.
Outskirts of Cardiff. There is a museum in the open air now, but 2000 years ago Celts had here herds of cattle and sheep were acquired with the use of metal. Later – till the mid 50s- miners lived here. On the screen you can see the typical miners’ houses.
A smithy was the central place of every Welsh village. You can see a lecturer, who tells about the history of the village in Welsh.
The second guide
Welsh language is commonly spoken by about 20 per cent of the population. All the signs along the Welsh motorways are written both in English and Welsh.
You can see a variety of landscapes in Wales – it’s a country of rugged mountains and deep valleys.6 per cent of Wales is covered by forests and much of the country is the pasture-land for sheep and cattle.
South Wales is a region of contrasts. The industrial cities of Swansea, Cardiff and Newport are only a shirt journey away from sandy beaches and busy holiday resorts.
Tembey is a resort in the country of Pembrokeshire. It’s very popular among tourists and holidaymakers. It has almost subtropical climate.
The third guide
Along the seacoast of the West Wales there is the picturesque national Park, Pembrokeshire Coast. There are famous resorts and beaches which attract tourists’ attention.
You can see the castle Harbic now. Nearby people play golf – the national Welsh sports game. Now you can enjoy the views of the northern Wales which is called Snowdonia. It is famous for its castles: Bowery, Co Narvon, Conway. Tourists especially like to walk along the castle’s walls. These mountain villages are very cozy and comfortable. They attract not only holiday – makers but film – makers. Steven Spielberg and Irgman Bergman directed their films there.
The fourth guide
The Conway Castle is the part of Iron Ring – the chain of castles created by James of Saint George d’Esperange. Right here they announce a new Welsh prince. Snowdonia is the motherland of bowling – the national sport of Wales.
The River Conway is very busy with boating.
The Resort Landudn. You won’t find medieval historical places here. But the resort is a wonderful place for middleclass and rich people to rest.
Presenter 2. Now listening comprehension:
- What number of people speaks Welsh language now?
- What is the surface of Welsh landscapes?
- What is Tembey?
- Where is it situated?
- What is the capital of the country?
- Who built the first settlement in Wales 2000 years ago?
Presenter 1.The next situation: meeting at the restaurant with the Boyd’s couple, ordering meals and discussing Business Partnership.
- Would you like anything to start with?
- Yes, two fruit cocktails for us.
- I don’t want any cocktail! I’d like some wine! White wine, please!
- Would you like anything else?
- A lobster, some young potatoes and French salad.
- Would you like any bread?
- I’d like some brown bread.
Presenter 2. A chief and her assistant tell some information about British cafes, especially in Cardiff.
- Imagine that I am a chief of a restaurant “Sam’s place”, this is my assistant and I’d like to tell you about our special proposals. Today I’d like to recommend you an ice-cream with Cherry temptation. It consists of milk ice-cream, marshmallow, muss and cherry filling.
- We’d like to tell you some information about another restaurants and cafes in Cardiff.
- British restaurants are not famous for their good food! Too often they offer only sausages and chips, chips with everything in fact!
- But there are some surprises in Welsh cooking, especially lots of delicious cakes and deserts, and the Welsh, certainly, enjoy sea food.
- There is a fantastic variety of restaurants of all nationalities in Cardiff, where you can choose food to your taste: Italian, French, Chinese and Russian.
- And other restaurants and cafes: Le Monte, Pizza Express, Prezzo Restaurant and so on.
Presenter 1. Dialogue about Welsh star Linnet White.
- This is our pop-star Linnet White! She has a beautiful voice!
- Oh, really? She is so lovely.
Presenter 2.Linnet White is signing.
Presenter1. At our lesson we rolled play some situations from our business course and country studying. How do you like it?
Presenter 2. Please, tell some words about the importance of learning business English and Country Studying.
Presenter 1. I think it’s really important as we learnt a lot: how to book tickets, a room at the hotel, a table at a restaurant, how to order meals at the restaurants.
Presenter 2. After travelling about Wales and Cardiff we know how to get through the customs control, how to communicate with our business partners and so on. So I think it’s a very useful course. It prepares us to adult life. We also learn a lot about Great Britain in Country Studying Course.
Presenter 1. Thank you for your attention! See you later!
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