план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
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Idioms about thinking and learning
Idioms about thinking and learning
1) Go to one's head - make someone proud or conceited.
It seems that the power of being Vice President has finally gone to his head.
2) Have one's wits about one - remain alert or calm, especially in a crisis.
Being followed was terrifying, but Kate had her wits about her and got home safely.
3) In the dark (about) - uninformed about someone or something; ignorant about someone or something.
She's in the dark about how this machine works.
4) Know what's what - be experienced and competent in a particular area.
Harry's been in the business for 40 years - he knows what's what.
5) Not have a leg to stand on - have no facts or sound reasons to support one's argument or justify one's actions.
You see, when you don't have a leg to stand on, you immediately try to change the subject so you can talk about something else.
6) Not see the wood for the trees - pay too much attention to details and not understand the general situation.
Company officials were so involved in the talks, they couldn't see the wood for the trees and didn't realize their employees were willing to strike.
7) Put two and two together - figure something out from the information available.
I didn't tell her George had left, but she noticed his car was gone and put two and two together.
8) Quick/slow on the uptake - quick/slow to understand or learn something.
Mary understands jokes before anyone else because she's so quick on the uptake.
I tried to explain how the new software works to my manager, but he's a little slow on the uptake.
9) Ring a bell - cause someone to remember something or for it to seem familiar.
I've never met John Franklin, but his name rings a bell.
10) Round the bend - crazy.
I was sure I'd locked that door. I must be going round the bend.
11) Split hairs - argue about very small differences or unimportant details.
Let's not split hairs about whose turn it is.
12) Take stock (of) - make an overall assessment of a particular situation, typically before making a decision.
He needed a period of peace and quiet in order to take stock of his life.
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