Тесты по теме "Наука будущего"
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Тесты по теме "Наука будущего"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-7) with phrases (A-H). There is one phrase you do not need. Transfer your answers to the table.
A including your passwords, pin codes and credit card details
В the internet provides additional opportunities for fraud
С it just applies mechanical approach to search for information
D as e-trade is very convenient for busy people
E their buying habits and preferences
F but click only on the links that seem relevant
G which means that you need to type in the details of your credit card in a special form
H the searching system is not able to think logically
E-commerce means selling and buying products online. Nowadays internet shops can compete with retail shops quite successfully. Is online trade just a fashion or a persistent tendency? Will it ultimately cause traditional shops to die out? Everything depends on customers and 1 ... Let us find out how people in the streets feel about e-trade growing opportunities.
“I find buying online very convenient,” says Allan Brig, a loyal internet customer. “I have unlimited access to the internet and I’m practically always online. If I need to buy something, I try internet shops first and only if they can’t offer me what I need, do I go to a store, a shopping centre or a supermarket.”
“Buying via the internet is a great option,” Julia Smith, a busy undergraduate, shares the opinion. “And it’s good for ideas too. If I want to buy something, say, a present for my friend, but have no idea what exactly I need, I type the key words “buy” and “original presents” in the search bar and press enter. Instantly the searching system provides me with a long list of sites which, as the machine thinks, meet my requirements. I look through the list 2 … Naturally, the results of the search may contain lots of irrelevant links. It’s irritating sometimes, but the machine doesn’t want to confuse me deliberately, 3 ... According to it, if a site contains all three words “buy”, “original” and “presents”, it’ll be selected automatically. Unfortunately, 4 … and analyse the content of the site. But I’m sure it’ll learn how to do it very soon.”
Another opinion belongs to Maria Chris, a freelance designer. “I often shop online,” she says, “though many of my friends don’t think that it’s safe enough. That’s true, 5 …, but if you are careful, you can feel quite safe. When I buy via the internet, I usually visit several sites to compare prices and delivery terms. I want to know if the delivery is free, to put it bluntly, if the delivery costs have been included in the price already, or if they want me to pay extra for it. As for the ways of payment, there are usually two options. The first one is payment by a credit card, 6 …. The essential information they need to withdraw the money from your account is the card holder’s name, the number written on the card and the expiry date. Alternatively, you can pay cash to the delivery man when you receive the ordered goods. Though paying cash is not very convenient, as the delivery man may not have change, I usually prefer it as a very safe way.
John Flint, a sales manager in tourism, doesn’t contradict the previous respondents. Actually, he sums up their opinions. “Theoretically speaking”, he says, “hackers can break any computer and get access to your personal data 7 …. I’m not a computer geek and I don’t know how it can be done, but I’m sure it’s possible. In spite of that, I feel that e-trade offers us an amazing opportunity to save our time. Shopping is inevitable and sometimes it’s fun, but I’m grateful to the technological progress that now I can devote more time to what I really like — my family, my friends and my rare plants collection.”
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Farming is time-consuming, labour-intensive work. Technology will continue to be developed in order to increase production for less cost. By 2025, robots will tend delicate greenhouse plants such as tomatoes, as well as harvesting fruit crops. More automation will also be used in the rearing of livestock. Advances in biotechnology have led to the first self-shearing sheep. The sheep is injected with a special solution called Bioclip which contains a protein that causes wool fibres to break away. | 5. Scientists claim that fully functioning replacements for such body parts as hands and ears will be available by 2025. This branch of science is called tissue engineering. Individual cells are placed into a special medium over a three- dimensional scaffold made of biodegradable material. Although further research is needed, this is not science fiction any more. |
2. Genetic defects are responsible for almost 5,000 diseases. Gene therapy is a new form of treatment that involves the insertion of a healthy gene into a virus that has been neutralised so that it can do no harm. The modified virus, carrying the corrected gene, is then injected into the patient. In this way, inherited diseases may be successfully combated. | 6. Doctors know that human bodies differ considerably in their response to medication. In the future, doctors will be able to tailor specific drugs for individual patients. This will help to increase the effectiveness of the treatment many times. Genetic tests will reduce side effects through accurate dosages and microelectronic control will allow targeting the pills to a specific area of the body. |
3. This branch of medical technology aims to create tissue and even new body parts from human cells. Scientists have already been successful in growing skin, pieces of bone and cartilage. Complete internal organs may be available by 2030, known as neo-organs. By 2040, major neo-organs such as the heart and lungs will be generated from cells. Tissues such as heart valves and blood vessels may be produced much sooner. | 7. Playback systems the size and thickness of a credit card will be widely used before 2010. A tiny memory card, probably no bigger than a postage stamp, will store the music downloaded from the Internet. Pre-recorded discs will eventually disappear from the shops. |
4. Present-day techniques of genetic engineering are, in principle, able to modify the structure of the proteins involved in photosynthesis so that some properties of light-harvesting bacteria are incorporated into a green plant. If this strategy is applied to a plant, the fuel production rate of that plant should then increase several-fold. Perhaps an oil-producing shrub could be genetically engineered to produce oil five times faster than it does now. This plant will become the oil crop of the future. | 8. We are already used to the idea of making purchases over the Internet and using credit cards for this. In the 21st century e-cash (electronic cash) will be accepted even in the most remote corners of the planet. Who would carry cash then? This will eventually lead to cash disappearing even from non-Internet transactions. |
A – Smart pills F – Oil- producing plants
B – Cashless society G – Robo- farmers
C – Artificial parts H – Tissue engineering
D – Gene therapy I - Music through the Internet
E – A new planet to live J - Biospheres
9. Mars doesn’t seem to offer a human-friendly environment. Anyway, humans can start exploration by first sending closed-ecology units, sometimes known as biospheres there. Constructed by autonomous machines and robots, they will be tightly isolated from the hostile environment, only taking in solar energy from outside. All wastes would be recycled and oxygen would be generated using plants inside the unit.
10. The most ambitious of all future plans is terraforming or changing the entire environment of a planet. This will probably take thousands of years. A planet like Mars first needs to be warmed up. To achieve this, gases could be pumped into the atmosphere. Through the resulting greenhouse effect more solar energy will be trapped. Part of Mars’ polar caps will be melted to provide ground water and vapour in the atmosphere. Genetically engineered plants and bacteria will absorb carbon dioxide to release oxygen. Then animals and people will come to settle.
Предварительный просмотр:
Read what Angela and Tony talking about technological progress.
Angela: Do you believe that the world may change beyond recognition during our lifetime?
Tony: Change beyond recognition? What do you mean?
Angela: I think that technologies will change the environment we live in. It will be a different world, not the same one we are living in now...
Tony: Yes, probably. We are already on this track. Society is developing and changing very rapidly now. It’s amazing, but at the beginning of the 21st century very few people knew what a mobile phone was. Few people had DVD players or CPC computers.
Angela: And the Internet? It’s a very recent innovation too, isn’t it?
Tony: Relatively recent. The general public got access to the internet in the late 90s of the twentieth century. The number of users then was not comparable with the number of people who use the internet on a permanent basis now. Then only the select few could do it. And, certainly, the idea had been in the air for a good while before the internet was actually put into use.
Angela: Do you think so?
Tony: Yes, like lots of cutting-edge technologies, which have a wide application in our everyday life now, the internet was first designed for military purposes as an alternative means of communication in case of a nuclear war. You know that communication means is crucial for any military operation, but in case of a serious war it’s absolutely vital as traditional radio stations can be easily blocked.
Angela: I never thought about that...
Tony: I can’t say that I’m absolutely sure of that myself, but I read something about it.
Angela: Yeah, interesting. And now everyone can commute between computers and exchange any format of information — texts, pictures, videos, whatever. Amazing that only a couple of decades ago these technologies seemed very advanced and non accessible to most people!
Tony: And we are developing very fast! The Internet allows for a great information flow. It wasn't possible before. That’s why we are bound to make new breakthroughs in the near future. During our lifetime. I'm sure.
Angela: And in what spheres do you think?
Tony: Well. I expect there`ll be a sustainable growth in communications, and we`ll certainly discover something new in medicine.
Angela: Are you talking about cloning?
Tony: Cloning is a buzzword today. The media talks a lot about it — if it`s ethical or not, should the research into cells and genes be encouraged or banned...
Angela: And what`s your opinion?
Tony: I don't know. Experiments with genes and cloning may lead to unexpected consequences.
We can`t foresee them from now. But on the other hand, any technology can be dangerous if it is misused. Electricity and nuclear power can make a deadly weapon, but we don`t see it as a
reason to stop researching into it and stop using it.
Angela: Sounds logical. Our great-grand-parents could have seen an electrical plug and elect wires as a life threatening objects, let alone aircraft or space shuttles.
Tony: Right. Technological progress cannot be stopped, but people should be ethically educated. And cloning and gene engineering have breathtaking prospects in medicine. By improving the genes we can get rid of lots of diseases, now incurable, like cancer, hemophilia, mental diseases... And cloning technologies can supply surgeons with organs necessary for transplantations. Just imagine that you can grow a spare heart, or kidney or a spare leg and replace your own one if it stops working.
Angela: Ugh... Horrifying... And tempting. I’m, kind of, in two minds about it.
Tony: And not only you. It’s a very controversial issue, but I think that we’ll be able to handle the situation and we’ll see lots of amazing things soon.
- Say if the statement below is true or false.
Both teenagers are sure that technological progress can do people nothing but good.
- Choose the correct answer.
- Tony thinks that scientists started working on creating the Internet:
- in the 90s. b) before the 90s. c) after the 90s.
- Tony says that the Internet was initially designed to be used
- as a public digital library.
- as means of communication between university.
- in the army.
- Tony thinks that people are on the eve of new great discoveries because
- information has become more accessible.
- governments spend less on military purposes.
- people have more computers at home.
- Tony accepts that cloning may have dangerous consequences
- and sees it as a reason to ban research into it.
- but doesn’t see it as a reason to ban research into it.
- and sees cloning as a deadly weapon of the future.
- Tony and Angela believe that gene engineering is
- ethically wrong. b) ethically right. c) ethically controversial.
III. Read again and fill in the gaps with the words from it.
Use no more than two words for each gap.
Angela and Tony are talking about technological inventions. Angela believes that the internet is a 1 …, however Tony says that scientists had been working on it for a long time before it was introduced to the public. He also heard that at first the internet was created for 2 … , as a very safe and reliable communication means. Now the world net is accessible to everyone, and Tony is sure that it will help people to make new technological 3 … very soon.
Angela and Tony also discuss the problem of 4 …. They believe that this advanced technology has great 5 … in medicine. However, they also mention that ethically this issue is still very controversial.
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