"Great Britain", урок в 8 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
В форме игры повторяется и закрепляется материал по теме Великобритания.
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План – конспект урока английского языка, 8 класс
Тема: Great Britain
Тип урока: повторение и закрепление изученного материала
Цели урока:
Учебный аспект: отрабатывать фонетические навыки на конкретном примере; учить понимать иностранную речь в игровых ситуациях.
Развивающий аспект: развивать умение применения полученных знаний, умений и навыков в конкретной обстановке.
Воспитательный аспект: прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, достопримечательностям англоязычных стран; воспитывать умение работать в коллективе (группе).
Оборудование: Карты Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, флаги и эмблемы стран Соединенного Королевства, аудиокассета (песни группы “The Beatles”), сигнальные карты, игровое поле, черный ящик, карточки для викторины, карточки с лексикой для разминки, песочные часы, диск с видами и достопримечательностями Великобритании.
- Организационный момент.
- Фонетическая разминка.
- Речевые упражнения.
- Страноведческий тест.
- Игра – викторина.
- Подведение итогов.
- Организационный момент.
- Приветствие;
- Сообщение правил игры;
- Представление команд (краткое сообщение об эмблеме команды – у каждой команды флажок и эмблема одной из стран “England”, “Scotland”).
- Фонетическая разминка: прочитай английское слово по его транскрипции.
(1 слово-1 балл).
Teacher: London is full of parks and gardens. Here are the mixed names of some of them. Try to guess.
- Речевые упражнения
Teacher: Name these sights and say a few words about them.
(На экране появляются виды Лондона)
(Правильное название – 1 балл, описание – 1балл.)
- …Park
- …Square
- …Gallery
- …of London
- …Cathedral
- …Bridge
- …Abbey
- …Palace
- The River…
- The Houses…
Примерные тексты для описания достопримечательностей:
HADE PARK covers an area of 360 acres. Beneath Hyde Park there is a car park for 500 cars and also a tube station. On the north of Hyde Park there is a very famous place called Speaker’s Corner where, only on Sunday, any person can talk on any subject. One of the most famous speakers there is Lord Soper who is a politician. Here you will see what we call “hecklers”. They are people who try to upset the person speaking. It is well worth a visit on Sunday from 10.00 until they finish.
TRAFALGAR SQUARE is a very famous square where on New Year’s Eve people gather to celebrate. At midnight people jump info the fountains fully clothed and enjoy themselves. In the middle of the square there is a very famous statue “Nelson’s Column” which is over 170 feet high. The statue on the top is in memory of Lord Horatio Nelson who won the most famous sea battle at Trafalgar. This column is cleaned once evere seven years. It is a very difficult job as they have to climb to the top and clean all the mess the pigeons have made on the statue. Trafalgar Square has become famous as a rallying point for all kinds of demonstrations, marches and political meetings.
NATIONAL GALLERY. The whole of the north side of Trafalgar Square is dominated by the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collections in the world. It includes paintings from British, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Flemish and other famous schools. It has a priceless collection of paintings by the famous artists Van Gogh, Reubens, Constable and any other painter you wish to name.
WESTMINSTER ABBEY is a symbol of English tradition at its best. The coronations of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror have taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. Beneath the roof of this Gothic building there are also the graves and memorial slabs of statesmen, philosophers, men of letters and other distinguished people. Here you can see memorials to Isaac Newton, Charles and Thomas Hardy.
THE TOWER OF LONDON is a very old building - nine hundred years old! In the early days of English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those days. Now the Tower of London is a museum housing the National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalias, and many tourists from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. Something that should not be missed is the Crown Jewels, a priceless collection of every jewel known. The Tower is still guarded by the Yeomen Warders, the famous Beefeaters, who wear a traditional sixteen-century uniform.
THE THAMES is not a long river. It is three hundred and thirty kilometers long and it flows into the sea. The English people call it “the Father of London”. London began on the Thames. When we go in a ship up the Thames we pass under London Bridge, the Tower Bridge and other. There is a museum of old ships on the Thames. These ships are from the history of Great Britain. One of these ships, the “Discovery”, went to the South Pole from 1901-1904. If we go down the Thames we pass the port of London and arrive in Greenwich - a very old town. We can see the place where the Greenwich Meridian passes.
(и другие тексты на английском языке)
- Страноведческий тест
Цель: выявить, какая команда начнет игру.
- The capital of the UK is…
- Belfast;
- Cardiff;
- London.
- You can see waxen figures of different famous people in…
- National Gallery;
- Madam Tussaud’s Museum;
- the Tower of London.
- The highest mountain in Great Britain is…
- Ben Nevis;
- Snowdon;
- Snowpeak.
- The population of the UK is…
- 45 ml. people;
- 57 ml. people;
- 60 ml. people.
- The longest river in Great Britain is…
- The Thames;
- The Clyde;
- The Severn.
- Daniel Defo was a famous English…
- Sqientist;
- Sea explorer;
- Writer.
- The colours of the British Flag are…
- White, blue, green
- White, blue, red
- Blue, red, yellow
- The name of a famous stadium in England where football matches take place is…
- Wimbledon;
- Wembley;
- Luzhniki.
- A double-decker is…
- A car;
- A train;
- A bus.
- British monarchs are crowned in…
- Westminster Abbey;
- The Tower of London;
- The Houses of Parliament.
- A school year in Britain has…
- Four terms;
- Two terms;
- Three terms.
Teacher: Well, my friends, and now we’ll see if you know geography and history well. Take your cards and pub the number of the right answer. Those who are first, will start the game. You have only 3 minutes.
(Пока учитель объясняет правила игры, жюри подводит итоги и объявляет, какая команда начинает игру.)
- Игра
Teacher: You can see six parts on the field. The card on each part is of a different colour. On the cards there are tasks and questions on: Geography, Economy, Culture, Sport, Sightseeing; plus Musical Intervals. The team _______________ is first. They will start the game.
(четкое правильное чтение вопроса – 1 балл, правильный ответ 1 балл; отвечающего назначает капитан.)
- Подведение итогов урока
Teacher: You have worked well, thank you. The winner of the game is the first team. The members of the second team also have good results. Your marks are…
(Учитель сообщает оценки классу)
Did you like the game “Great Britain”?
What did you like most of all? (дети говорят о том, что им понравилось на уроке, что запомнилось)
Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye.
- Give the name which is proper both for a mountain pony and for one of the countries of the UK. In the plural it means a mountainous area of that country.
- William Wordsworth, a popular English poet, wrote a poem about flowers which bloom in valleys. There are a lot of such flowers in this country and in the Lake District. This flower is the emblem of one of the countries of the UK. Name this country and the flower.
ECONOMY (black boxes)
- It is an island in the Pacific Ocean. And it is a name of a chocolate bar with coconut filling. And it is a prize (the benefit) for the army of volunteers. It is here, in the black box.
- It is a type of car which was produced from 1900-1925. And a washing powder which is very popular has the same name. The washing powder is a product of the Proctor and Gamble Company.
- It is a very famous theatre. First it was a wooden square surrounded with a fence. Then it was rebuilt of stone. It existed from 1599-1644. A famous English poet wrote plays for it and staged them there.
- Extra question. The British are fond of flowers. Every year in May they organize an exhibition of flowers in this district in the Western part of London. This is also the name of a London football club. What is the name of the district?
- The one hundred anniversary of this game was celebrated in 1963, but the game is really much older. The ball game did not take place in stadiums, but on squares and the streets for many centuries. It was dangerous for windows and gates.
- It is a national team sport game. It takes place on a grass field. Its aim is to hit the other team and to return the ball with a bat as far as they can and score points. This word means the name of an insect as well.
- There are a lot of different museums, galleries and exhibitions in London. One them was opened in 1824. It is situated on Trafalgar Square and it contains the greatest collection of fine arts. There one can see masterpieces of the most famous painters.
- This is a unique museum, named after founder. It was opened in 1802. One can see there waxen figures of different famous people. In this museum there is a Chamber of Horrors, where they demonstrate figures of criminals.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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