"A small concert" внеклассное мероприятие в 5-7 классах
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8 класс) на тему
Концерт проводится в школе во время недели английского языка с целью повышения интереса школьников к английскому языку
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку.
“A small Concert”
Цель внеклассного мероприятия: повышать интерес детей к изучаемому языку.
Оборудование: костюм «цветов» и «времен» года (лето, осень, зима, весна); макет домика к сказке «Снежная королева», костюмы персонажей этой сказки, ваза с розами, бумажные снежинки, музыкальные инструменты. Мероприятие проводилось во время Недели английского языка в школе. В подготовке сценок, песен и стихотворения принимали участие учащиеся с 5-го по 11 классы. В ходе подготовки мероприятия использовались журналы: «Иностранные языки в школе» и газеты “English”.
План мероприятия:
Story-teller: Hello, boys and girls! Dear teachers! Pupils of our school. You will see two scenes: “The seasons” and “The Snow Queen”, you will listen to a poem “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” and listen to two songs. So, be attentive and see the scene “Seasons”. Pupils of Forms 5, 6 and 7 will act it.
- Инсценировка по теме “Seasons”.
Characters: Story-teller, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Queen of Flowers, Snowdrop, Violet, Lily-of-the Valley, Daffodil, Buttercup, Bluebell, Cornflower, Sunflower, Poppy and Rose.
Звучит музыка.
Spring: I am Spring. People call me the season of hope and happiness.
Story-teller: One day the flowers meet in the forest. They decide when to come to the gardens and fields.
Queen of Flowers: My dear flowers! Spring is here. When are you coming to the gardens and fields?
Flowers: We are coming, we are coming!
Queen of the Flowers: Who is coming first?
Snowdrop: I am the first to come. I come when the snow is on the ground. I have a white dress. My name is Snowdrop. Don’t you think I am pretty?
Violet: And I come next. I don’t like snow. It is cold when the snow is on the ground. I like warm days. My dress is violet. And now you know that I am the violet.
Lily-of-the-Valley: My name is Lily-of-the Valley. I hope you all like my small white bells.
Daffodil: I come next. I am yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wind. My name is Daffodil.
Buttercup: I am the last who comes in spring. I have a pretty yellow dress too. My name is Buttercup.
Queen of Flowers: Here comes Summer.
Summer: I am the hottest season of the year. The sun shines brightly, green grass and flowers are everywhere.
Queen of Flowers: Who are Summer’s flowers?
Bluebell: I am the flower of Summer. I am the Bluebell. I am blue like the sky and my dress looks like a bell.
Cornflower: Blue is my colour too. I grow in the corn and make the fields beautiful. My name is Cornflower.
Sunflower: And I am like the golden sun. You can find me in the fields. My name is Sunflower.
Poppy: I come in Summer too. My name is Poppy. I have two dresses – red and yellow.
Rose: All of you know me very well and like my sweet smell. Can’t you guess who I am? Yes, of course, you can. I am the Rose. I have many pretty dresses – yellow, pink and white. I come when the sun is hot. Then I smell lovely and you know that I am here.
Queen of Flowers: Thank you, dear flowers. Now you know when to come. So go to the fields and gardens and make them beautiful.
Story-teller: Autumn comes!
Autumn: I come after Summer, when days become cool. I bring fruit, vegetables and corn, and turn the leaves red, yellow and brown. Everything looks so beautiful in its colourful dress. Many birds fly to the South. The rain begins. One day you get up and see that your village is all covered with snow.
Story-teller: After beautiful autumn comes winter.
Winter: I am the coldest season of the year. When I come, all the rivers and lakes are frozen. Snowflakes dance in the air.
See the pretty snowflakes,
Falling from the sky,
On the walls and housetops
Soft and think they lie.
(Дети исполняют песню о зиме, например “Jingle, bells”).
Spring: Spring, spring, spring!
The trees are green.
I bring you flowers,
Joy and grass,
And a holiday for us.
Summer: Summer, summer, summer!
The sun is shining,
The flowers are blooming,
The sky is blue, the rains are few.
Autumn: Autumn, autumn, autumn!
The summer is over,
The trees are bare,
There’s mist in the garden
And frost in the air.
Winter: Winter, winter, winter!
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and all night
Потом дети исполняют песни “The more we get together” и “If you are happy and you know it…”
- Следующий номер концерта – песня “Yesterday” (исполняет ученик под музыкальное сопровождение)
- Стихотворение “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” в исполнении ученицы 8-го класса.
- Песня “S.O.S.” в исполнении ученицы 10 класса под музыкальное сопровождение.
- Инсценировка сказки “The Snow Queen”.
Characters: Story-teller, Kay, Gerda, the Snow Queen, Granny, the King’s Counsellor, the Old Robber Woman, the Little Robber Girl, Reindeer, 2 robbers.
Scene 1.
Story-teller: Hello, boys and girls. Listen to this story about friendship and love.
(Kay and Gerda are in the room)
Gerda: Hello, boys and girls! This is my brother. We live here, in this little house with our Granny. My name is Gerda.
Kay: And my name is Kay.
(The sound of creaking stairs)
Gerda: What is it?
Kay: The stairs are creaking. Here is our Granny.
(There is a knock at the door)
Why is she knocking? Let’s frighten her and hide somewhere.
Gerda: All right.
(Gerda and Kay hide in the room. The door opens and a tall thin man enters the room.)
Kay: Bow – wow – wow!
Gerda: Miaow, miaow!
Man: What is going on in this house? Why are you shouting, you silly children?
Gerda: We are very sorry. We thought you were our Granny.
Man: Nonsense! I am not your Granny!
(He looks around)
Where are the roses?
Gerda: Here they are.
Man: I see. They are rather beautiful.
(The door opens and an old woman enters the room)
Kay: Granny!
Gerda: Our Granny!
Granny: My dear children.
(She sees the man)
Man: Good evening, madam.
Granny: Good evening, sir! What can I do for you? And who are you?
Man: I’m the King’s Counsellor, I’ve heard about your roses, and I want to buy them.
Granny: Do you like flowers so much?
King’s Counsellor: Not at all. I hate them.
Granny: Then why do you want to buy our roses?
King’s Counsellor: I buy rarities. In winter flowers are rare. That’s why I want to buy your roses. I can see that you are very poor. Here are ten pounds for your roses.
Granny: I am not going to sell the roses. We like them so much.
Gerda: Yes, we enjoy them greatly.
King’s Counsellor: Twenty pounds.
Granny: No.
King’s Counsellor: Thirty… fifty… one hundred.
Granny: No!
King’s Counsellor: Oh, I see you are very sly. Two hundred pounds for your roses!
Granny: No!
King’s Counsellor: I am the King’s Counsellor. I am very, very rich. I sell ice. I know the Snow Queen Herself. She helps me. I can buy anything. I’ll ask you a second time: how much are these roses?
Granny: These roses are not for sale.
King’s Counsellor: Then… then you are a crazy old woman.
Kay: Don’t shout at our Granny! Everybody respects her. She is so kind.
Gerda: Yes, yes, don’t shout at her. We love her so much.
King’s Counsellor: Well, I am leaving. But I’ll take revenge on you. And it will be very soon. I’ll tell about you to the Snow Queen.
(Goes out of the room)
Kay: What an angry old man!
Gerda: He wanted to take our roses. And he said that he would tell about us to the Snow Queen. Granny, who is she?
Granny: The Snow Queen lives in the North in her ice palace. She is very beautiful, but very cruel.
Kay: Granny, have you ever seen her?
Granny: No, I haven’t, but I’ve heard a lot about her. Be calm, children!
(Suddenly a beautiful woman appears in the room. She is dressed in white)
Kay: Oh, who are you?
Snow Queen: I am the Snow Queen. Good evening, you all.
Granny: Good evening, Your Majesty. Sit down, please. Would you like some tea?
Snow Queen: No, no! It’s too hot for me. I want to have a talk with you, madam. You are a very nice woman, but you are very poor. And you have two children. I suppose it must be difficult for you to bring them both up. And I am quite alone, but very rich. So, I will take boy from you.
Kay: What?
Snow Queen: He will live with me, and he will be a son to me.
Kay: Granny, I don’t want to go with her!
Gerda: Granny, don’t give Kay to this woman.
Granny: Don’t worry, children. I would never let him go.
Kay (to the Snow Queen): Did you hear my Granny?
Snow Queen: You must think, Kay. You will be my only son. You will live in the palace with me and I’ll give you everything you wish.
Kay: No, I don’t want to leave Gerda and Granny!
Snow Queen: All right, Kay. Stay here.
(comes up to Kay and touches his chest with her magic stick)
Good-bye to you all! See you soon, my boy.
Kay: Ha-ha-ha! Oh, how funny and fat you are, Granny! And you, Gerda, you are so ugly!
Gerda: Granny, Granny, what’s the matter with him?
Granny: Kay, I don’t recognize you.
Kay: Oh, I am sick and tired of you both. I hate everything here. I don’t want to live in this poor house. I’m leaving. Good-bye!
(Runs out)
Gerda: Kay! Kay!
(Embraces her Granny and weeps)
Story-teller: Gerda left her Granny, her house. She wanted to find her brother Kay. She visited many places, met different people, asked them about Kay. But nobody knew anything about him. She looked for Kay in one Kingdom, where kind Prince and Princess lived. They were sorry for her. They gave Gerda a hat, a coat, fur boots, a nice gold carriage and four black horses.
Scene 2.
Gerda is going in the carriage. Suddenly… What’s there? Robbers!
1-st Robber: Look! A rich girl!
2-nd Robber: Let’s catch her!
(The Robbers caught Gerda and brought her to the Old Woman Robber. Gerda cries “Help me!”, “Help me!”)
1-st Robber: Here is a rich girl!
2-nd Robber: And here is a gold carriage!
Old Woman Robber: (to her robbers) Go away! (to Gerda) Oh, how nice and fat she is! I think she will be very tasty. (Takes out a knife)
Gerda: Don’t kill me, please! Wait a little. Take my hat, my coat, and my fur boots. Only let me go.
Old Woman Robber: What a silly girl! Ha-ha-ha!
Gerda: Dear robbers, listen to me, please. Don’t laugh at me. Let me go. Kay will die without me and he is a very, very good boy. Please, I beg you. Let me go.
Old Woman Robber: No, I’m going to eat you up!
(She raises her hand with the knife. At that moment a pretty girl rushes in)
Little Girl Robber: Don’t touch her! Oh, what a nice girl! She will play with me. She will be mine (to the robbers). All of you, go away or I’ll kill you (to Gerda) Oh, how pretty you are! You’ll be my friend. Give me your hat, your coat. What is your name, girl?
Gerda: Gerda. You can take my clothes, but I am afraid I’ll be very cold when I get to the Snow Queen’s Kingdom.
Little Girl Robber: (stamping her foot) No! You won’t go there. You will live with me. Look what I’ve got. Come, come here quickly! (They come to the Reindeer) Gerda, look, how funny he is. (She gets a big knife out and touches the Reindeer’s neck)
Gerda: Oh, please, don’t do it!
Little Girl Robber: But why? I like to do it.
Gerda: May I ask him a question?
Little Girl Robber: Yes, you may.
Gerda: Tell me, Reindeer, did you live in the North?
Reindeer: Oh, yes.
Gerda: And have you ever seen the Snow Queen?
Reindeer: Yes, I have. Once she passed me. She had a little boy by her side. He was white with cold. The Snow Queen called him Kay.
Gerda: Kay! It was Kay! He is my brother. Oh, dear girl, let me go, please. I must save Kay. He was white with cold. He will die there, in the North.
Reindeer: Do let her go. I’ll take Gerda to the Snow Queen’s Kingdom.
Little Girl Robber: All right! There is nothing to be done. Take your hat, your coat. Kiss me for this.
Gerda: Thank you, girl (kisses her)
Reindeer: Thank you.
Little Girl Robber: Good luck, Gerda!
Gerda: Good-bye!
Scene 3.
Story-teller: Poor Gerda! She is riding on the Reindeer through the endless snow desert. There is nothing but ice all around. They are tired. The Reindeer stopped.
Gerda: Tell me, Reindeer, is this the Kingdom of the Snow Queen?
Reindeer: Yes, it is. But I can’t go any farther. Aren’t you afraid to go there?
Gerda: Certainly, I am. But I have to go and set my brother free.
Reindeer: Remember! The Snow Queen is very cruel and it is very difficult to get into her palace. But hurry up! She is out today (disappears)
Gerda: Thank you, my dear friend.
Scene 4.
Story-teller: Gerda is in the hall in the Snow Queen’s palace. She got here at last. Kay is in the hall. He is playing with icicles.
Gerda: Kay! Kay! Are you quite frozen? (shakes him by his shoulders) Answer me!
Kay: Hush, Gerda! You bother me.
Gerda: Kay, dear Kay, it’s me.
Kay: Yes, I see.
Gerda: Kay, have you forgotten me?
Kay: No. I never forget anything.
Gerda: Why didn’t you even say to me “Glad to see you”.
Kay: Glad to see you.
Gerda: You sound so cold. I’ve been looking for you all over the world. Are you really my brother Kay?
Kay: I am really Kay, but I am very busy now I must make the word out of the icicles.
Gerda: Kay, my silly boy, let’s go home. I can’t leave you here all alone. I don’t like it here. You just remember. It’s spring now. The sky is blue. The sun is shining. The birds are singing.
Kay: You bother me!
Gerda: Kay, let’s go away! Our Granny is waiting for us. (Weeps and embraces Kay)
Kay: Our Granny! (He shivers) I am cold Gerda. Is it you? What’s the matter with you? Why are you crying? How did you get here? (Looks around himself) It’s so cold here. I can’t walk, Gerda.
Gerda: You can. Let’s go. You’ll learn to walk. We shall get home. (Takes off her coat and puts it on Kay’s shoulders)
Scene 5.
Story-teller: Gerda and Kay are at home at last.
Granny: My dear children! You have come back at last! (Embraces the children)
(The Snow Queen and the King’s Counsellor entered the room. They are angry)
Snow Queen: You must give me this boy back at once or I’ll turn you into ice!
King’s Counsellor: And after that I’ll crack you all into pieces and sell you.
Snow Queen: Kay, you must go with me!
(Gerda, Granny, Reindeer, little girl Robber take each other by hands and fence Kay in)
Gerda: Nobody is afraid of you.
Snow Queen: Oh, we’ll see!
(Raises her hands. The wind is hard)
Little Girl Robber: You can wave your arms, your legs, but we won’t give you Kay.
Gerda: Go away, you, two! We are not afraid of you.
(The King’s Counsellor and the Snow Queen step back and go away. Gerda takes Kay by his hand. All the characters of this story appear on the stage.)
Gerda: Thank you, dear friends. I would have never been able to save Kay without your help. Now we all know that goodness defeats evil and friendship works miracles.
-The End-
Story-teller: Our concert is over!
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