Columbus Day (Христофор Колумб)
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Christopher Columbus wasn’t the first European to set foot on the Western Hemisphere. Long before his time Vikings probably reached the New World. Historians believe that in the fourteenth century Portuguese and English fishing boats crossed the Atlantic Ocean and landed Newfoundland and Labrador. Columbus’s historic landing on an island in the Bahamas on the 12 of October 1492 was the turning point in the world history.
Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa. As a boy, Columbus helped his father in his wool- weaving business. At the age of 14 Christopher began sailing on trading ships in the Mediterranean. When he was 25, on his first voyage his ship was attacked by pirates. The ship sank, but Christopher reached Portuguese shore on a floating oar. Columbus stayed in Portugal for ten years.
In the 15 th century Europeans were interested in Asian goods, they wanted gold, jewels, silks, perfumes and spices. A land journey was risky and expensive. Europeans wanted a safe route to allow trade with the countries of the Far East – India, China and Japan. At this time people knew that the Earth is round. So Columbus had an idea to sail to the West, cross the Atlantic Ocean and reach India. Columbus’s route would have worked if America had not been in his path.
In 1485 after the King of Portugal refused to finance Columbus’s expedition Columbus and his son traveled to Spain to ask King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth for ships and sailors. But he had to wait about 7 years. For his first voyage, Columbus had three ships; the Nina, the Flinta , and the Santa Maria. The crew of all three ships numbered about 90.
On the 12 th of October 1492 his ships reached an island that was named San Salvador.
Columbus made three more voyages to America, but he thought that he had reached India. He never admitted his mistake.
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