Фразы одобрения и поддержки на уроках английского языка.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Махмутова Оксана Николаевна

В английском языке имеется большое количество фраз для того, чтобы подбодрить и похвалить учащихся во время урока. Главное, умело ими пользоваться и обучить им своих учеников.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Fantastic!
2. That’s really nice.
3. That’s clever
4. You’re right on target.
5. Thank you!
6. Wow!
7. That’s great!
8. Very creative.
9. Very interesting.
10. I like the way you’re working1

11. Good thinking.
12. That’s an interesting way of  looking at it.
13. It’s a pleasure when you work like this.
14. Now you’ve figured it out
15. Keep up the good work.
16. You’ve made my day.
17. Perfect.
18. You’re on the ball today.
19. This is something special.
20. You’re working so hard.

21. That’s quite an improvement.
22. Much better.
23. Keep it up.
24. That’s the right way.
25. Exactly right.
26. Superb!
27. Superior!
28. Great going!
29. Where have you been hiding all this talent?
30. I knew you could do it!

31. You’re really moving.
32. Good job!
33. What neat work!
34. You really outdid yourself today!
35. That’s a good point.
36. That’s a very good observation.
37. That’s certainly one way of  looking at it.
38. This kind of work and effort pleases me very much.
39. Congratulations!
40. That’s right. Good for you.

41. Terrific!
42. That’s an interesting point of view.
43. You’re really going to town.
44. You’ve got it now.
45. Nice going.
46. You make it look so easy.
47. This shows you’ve been thinking.
48. You’re becoming an expert at this.
49. Top notch work!
50. This gets a five-star rating.

51. Beautiful!
52. I’m very proud of the way you worked today.
53. Excellent work.
54. I appreciate your help.
55. Very good.
56. The results were worth all your hard work.
57. You’re a champ.
58. I appreciate your cooperation.
59. Thank you for getting right to work.
60. Marvelous!

61. I commend you for your quick thinking.
62. I like the way you’ve tackled this.
63. What a performance!
64. How impressive!
65. You’re on the right track.
66. This is quite an accomplishment.
67. I like how you’ve tackled this.
68. A powerful argument.
69. That’s coming along nicely.
70. You’ve shown a lot of patience with this.

71. It looks like you’ve put a lot of work into this.
72. You’ve put in a full day today.
73. This is a prize-winning work.
74. A-1 work.
75. I like your style.
76. That’s very perceptive.
77. That shows a lot of sensitivity.
78. This really has flair.
79. A splendid  job.
80. You’re right on the mark.

81. Good reasoning.
82. Very fine work.
83. You really scored here.
84. Outstanding.
85. This is a winner!
86. That’s a good solution!
87. You really went the limit.
88. Flawless.
89. Nothing can stop you now.
90. You’re one in a million.

91. That took a lot of skill.
92. That required a lot of patience.
93. Quality work.
94. I wish I could have seen you do that.
95. Splendid.
96. You’re a real superstar!
97. You’ve surpassed yourself.
98. That’s dandy.
99. Aces!
100. You really knocked me out.

101 Ways to Praise Kids! REMEMBER, A SMILE IS WORTH 1,000 WORDS

  • That's Incredible!
  • How Extraordinary! 
  • You're Very Talented!
  • Outstanding Performance!
  • Far Out!
  • Great! 
  • Very Brave!
  • Marvelous!
  • I Can't Get Over It!
  • Wonderful! 
  • You Figured It Out!
  • You Should Be Proud!
  • Amazing Effort!
  • Unbelievable Work! You've Made Progress! 
  • Magnificent!
  • Your Work Is Out of Sight!
  • What An Imagination!
  • It's Everything I Hoped For!
  • Brilliant!
  • Stupendous!
  • You're Sensational!
  • Very Good! 
  • You're A-OK!
  • You Made The Difference!
  • Good For You!
  • A+ Work!
  • You're So Kind!
  • Take A Bow!
  • Super Job!
  • How Thoughtful of You!
  • You're Sharp!
  • Nice Going!
  • Class Act!
  • Well Done!
  • Thanks For Helping!
  • You're Inspiring!
  • How Artistic!
  • You Go The Extra Mile!
  • You've Earned My Respect!
  • Hooray For You!
  • You're A Joy!
  • You're A Shining Star!
  • You're #1!
  • You're Amazing!
  • You're Tops!
  • Spectacular Work!
  • You're A Winner!
  • Thanks For Caring!
  • Beautiful!
  • You're the Greatest!
  • Phenomenal!
  • You've Got It!
  • Superb!
  • How Original!
  • You're Special!
  • Cool!
  • Excellent!
  • Congratulations!
  • Your Project is First Rate!
  • Way To Go!
  • You've Outdone Yourself!
  • You're Super!
  • Thumbs Up!
  • What A Great Listener!
  • Your Help Counts!
  • You Make Me Smile!
  • You Came Through!
  • Terrific!
  • You Tried Hard!
  • You're A Pleasure To Know!
  • Fabulous!
  • Your Effort Really Shows!
  • You Made It Happen!
  • What A Genius!
  • You're A Real Trooper!
  • It Couldn't Be Better!
  • Bravo!
  • You're A Champ!
  • You're Unique!
  • Exceptional!
  • You Set A Good Example!
  • Right On!
  • Fantastic Work!
  • Breathtaking!
  • Keep Up The Good Work! 
  • Clever!
  • Awesome!
  • I Knew You Had It In You!
  • What A Great Idea!
  • Great Answer!
  • Great Discovery!
  • Extra Special Work!
  • You Deserve A Hug
  • You're Getting Better!
  • Wow!
  • You're Catching On!
  • You're Neat!
  • You're Very Responsible!
  • You've Got What It Takes!
  1. You haven't missed a thing!
  2. That's the way!
  3. Keep up the good work.
  4. Nothing can stop you now.
  5. That's  the way to do it.
  6. Sensational!
  7. You've got your brain in gear today.
  8. That's better.
  9. That was first class work.
  10. Excellent!
  11. That's the best ever.
  12. You've just about mastered it.
  13. Perfect!
  14. That's better than ever.
  15. Much better!
  16. Wonderful!
  17. You must have been practicing.
  18. You did that very well.
  19. Fine!
  20. Nice going.
  21. You're really going to town.
  22. Outstanding!
  23. Tremendous!
  24. That's how to handle that.
  25. Now that's what I call a fine job.
  26. That' s great.
  27. Right on!
  28. You're really improving.
  29. You're doing beautifully!
  30. Superb!
  31. Good remembering.
  32. You've got that down pat.
  33. You certainly did well today.
  34. Congratulations. You got it right!
  35. You did a lot of work today.
  36. Well, look at you go.
  37. That's it.
  38. I'm very proud of you.
  39. Marvelous!
  40. Way to go!
  41. Now you have the hang of it.
  42. You're doing fine!
  43. Good thinking.
  44. You are really learning a lot.
  45. I've never seen anyone do it better.
  46. Keep on trying.
  47. You outdid yourself today!
  48. I think you've got it now.
  49. That kind of work makes me happy.
  50. It's such a pleasure to teach when you work like that.
  51. I think you're doing the right thing.
  1. I’m happy to see you working like that.
  2. You’ve just about mastered that.
  3. You’re really working hard today.
  4. I’m proud of the way you worked today.
  5. That’s the best you’ve ever done.
  6. You’re doing that much better
  7. Keep working on it. You’re good.
  8. Couldn’t have done it better myself.
  9. Now that’s what I call a fine job
  10. You must have been practicing.
  11. You’re doing beautifully.
  12. Superb!
  13. Keep it up!
  14. You did a lot of work today.
  15. You’ve got it down pat.
  16. You certainly did well today.
  17. Tremendous!
  18. You’re doing fine.
  19. Good thinking!
  20. You are really learning a lot.
  21. Keep on  trying.
  22. You outdid yourself today.
  23. I’ve never seen anyone do it better.
  24. Good for you!
  25. Good going!
  26. One more time and you’ll have it.
  27. I’m very proud of you.
  28. That’s a good boy/girl.
  29. I think you’ve got it now.
  30. Good job, (individual’s name).
  31. That's a good (boy/girl).
  32. Good for you!
  33. Good going.
  34. That's really nice.
  35. You figured that out fast.
  36. You remembered.
  37. That’s really nice.
  38. It’s a pleasure to teach you when you work like that.
  39. You’re right.
  40. Clever!
  41. That makes me feel good.
  42. That’s great!
  43. That’s it!
  44. Way to go!
  45. Well, look at you go
  46. Now you have the hang of it.
  47. Congratulations!
  48. You’ve got your brain in gear today.
  49. Keep it up!
  50. Much better!
  51. You’ve got it made.
  1. Super!
  2. You’re on the right track now.
  3. That’s good!
  4. You are very good at that.
  5. That’s coming along very nicely.
  6. That’ s much better
  7. Good work!
  8. You’re doing a good job.
  9. You’ve just about got it.
  10. I knew you could do it!
  11. That’s quite an improvement.
  12. Now you’ve figured it out.
  13. Now you have it.
  14. Not bad!
  15. You are learning fast.
  16. Good for you!
  17. You make it look easy!
  18. You really make my job fun!
  19. That’s the right way to do it.
  20. You’re getting better every day.
  21. You did it that time!
  22. Awesome job!   
  1. That’s not half bad!
  2. That’s the way!
  3. Nice going.
  4. Now you’ve figured it out.
  5. Sensational!
  6. You haven’t missed a thing!
  7. That’s the way to do it!
  8. Keep up the good work!
  9. That’s better.
  10. Nothing can stop you now.
  11. That’s first class work!
  12. That’s the best ever.
  13. You’re really going to town!
  14. That’s better than ever.
  15. Outstanding!
  16. You did very well!
  17. You’re really improving.
  18. Right on!
  19. You’re on target now!
  20. I’m impressed with your progress!
  21. Incredible job!

If something is wrong…

Not really.

Unfortunately not.

I’m afraid that’s not quite right.

You can’t say that, I’m afraid.

You can’t use that word here.

Good try, but not quite right.

Not quite right. Try again.

Not exactly.

You were almost right.

That’s almost it.

You’re halfway there.

You’ve almost got it.

You’re on the right lines.

There’s no need to rush.

There’s no hurry.

We have plenty of time.

Go on. Have a try.

Have a go.

Have a guess.

That’s just what I was looking for.

Don’t worry about your pronunciation.

Don’t worry about your spelling.

Don’t worry, it’ll improve.

You’re half way there.

Have a guess if you don’t know.

Not to worry, it’ll improve.

What if I give you a clue?

I’ll help you if you get stuck.

That wasn’t very good.

That was rather disappointing.

You can do better than that.

Maybe this will help you.

Do you want a clue (hint)?

You have good pronunciation.

Your pronunciation is very good.

You are communicating well.

You speak very fluently.

You have made a lot of progress.

You still have some trouble with pronuncation.

You need more practice with these words.

You’ll have to spend some time practising this.

Not quite right, try it again.

You’ve almost got it.

There’s nothing wrong with your answer.

What you said was perfectly all right.

You didn’t make a single mistake.

That’s exactly the point.

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