Конкурс по "Шерлоку Холмсу"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Contest of Sherlock Holmes.
В конкурсе принимают участие 2 команды с любым количеством игроков.
Intellectual contest.
- What country and city did Sherlock Holmes live in?(GB, London)
- What street did he live in? (Baker street)
- Was he fond of smoking? (Yes, he was)
- What did he smoke? (a pipe)
- What was Sherlock Holmes’s favourite musical instrument? (Violin)
- Who was his best friend? (Dr. Watson)
- What was Watson? ( a doctor)
- Where did Holmes usually get the greatest part of crime news? (Newspapers)
- Who is the author of Sherlock Holmes stories? (Conan Doyle)
Конкурс 1“Wanted” (Разыскивается)
Командам предлагается дать описание внешности одного из участников конкурса (из команды соперников). Соперники должны угадать, о ком идет речь. Учитывается логичность высказывания, объём, количество лексических единиц по теме «Внешность человека».
Конкурс 2 « A story» (Рассказ)
Командам предлагается составить рассказ о том, что произошло с ними недавно. Рассказ должен включать вступление (кто, когда, где, что), основную часть (события в хронологическом порядке и кульминация), заключение (что произошло в конце, чувства героев). Учитывается логичность высказывания, острота сюжета, грамотность изложения, логичность.
Конкурс 3 «Solving a logical problem» (Решение логической задачи)
Situation 1
Dr. Quick and his son decided to have a ride. On their way they dropped in the Police-Office to visit their friend – sergeant Rebecca Shotlend.
When they entered the study, the sergeant was talking to a short bald-headed man who was very upset. In the corner of the study a strange young man was speaking on the telephone, dropping coin after coin into the slot (щель).
“To my mind we are not in time,” said Dr. Quick. “I’m busy at the moment,” answered Rebecca, “but I hope you and Junior will help me.”
She introduced the bald man to them. His name was Mr. Money. The sergeant told them that Mr. Money’s house had been robbed an hour ago and the young man had been arrested not far from that house. He had been talking to his lawyer for 20 minutes. The sergeant also reported that Mr. Money’s jewellery and coin collection had been stolen. The jewellery was found in the yard and the coins completely disappeared.
“The collection is really priceless!” exclaimed Mr. Money. “I collected ten cent coins, I have some coins of 1892 – 1916 years and they cost lots of money.”
At last the young man finished his conversation.
“My lawyer will take me out of here in a few minutes,” he declared.
“Who is your lawyer?” asked Dr. Quick. “He’s from ‘Peter-and-Mark’ lawyer office. It’s a pair of blocks from here.” “Well, arrest this fellow!” ordered Dr. Quick. “And call the telephonist.” “What are your proofs?” exclaimed the young man. “I can answer this question.” said Junior.
What did Dr. Quick and Junior guess about?
(Dr. Quick and Junior guessed that this young man committed a crime because he had been talking to his lawyer for 20 minutes, dropping coin after coin into the slot).
Situation 2
Once Dr. Quick got up early in the morning. In an hour, after he had finished his breakfast, his telephone rang. “Excuse me, this is Chang Low speaking. I’m butler of James Goodwin. I’ve just entered the house and found out that my host had been killed and robbed by somebody,” said an excited voice from the telephone receiver.
Dr. Quick arrived at the place in a few minutes and the butler took him to the drawing room, which was bright and warm with sunlight. The dead body of Mr. James Goodwin was lying on the floor. “Did you find him exactly here?” asked Dr. Quick. “Yes, exactly here 20 minutes ago, when crossing the drawing-room I stumbled over the body in the darkness. I was so frightened that immediately ran to the telephone hanging at the entrance and rang you up,” said Chang.
Dr. Quick cast an attentive glance at the room, with luxurious leather furniture, expensive blinds on the windows and a fleecy carpet on the floor. At last he said: “Come out into the light and tell why you did it.”
Why did Dr. Quick suspect Chang?
(Dr. Quick suspected Chang because the room was bright and warm with sunlight. But Chang said that he stumbled over the body in the darkness).
При оценке выполнения задания учитываются грамотность и логичность высказываний.
Конкурс 4 “Decorating a note” (Расшифровка)
Командам предлагается расшифровать записки по цифрам, соответствующим буквам английского алфавита. Учитывается скорость выполнения задания.
You are called to the director. Urgently!
25,15,21 1,18,5 3,1,12,12,5,4 20,15 20,8,5 4,9,18,5,3,20,15,18. 21,18,7,5,14,20,12,25! |
A cruel murder took place in this cinema.
1 3,18,21,5,12 13,21,18,4,5,18 20,15,15,11 16,12,1,3,5 9,14 20,8,9,19 3,9,14,5,13,1 |
Конкурс 5 “A telegram” (Телеграмма)
Вы попали в беду, все подозревают вас в жестоком убийстве, хотя вы не имеете к нему никакого отношения. Только Шерлок Холмс может доказать вашу невиновность. Телеграфируйте ему свою просьбу о помощи и алиби. При оценивании учитывается ясность и краткость изложения
Конкурс 6 “Find 5 words among the letters”
(Найти 5 слов среди букв)
(To give pupils the envelope with the texts)
The answers are:
1. Trade, bury, enter, path, argue
2. grave, hang, rock, modest, rescue
3. injury, devotion, smart, strike, stream
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Урок-игра "По следам Шерлока Холмса
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Сценарий спектакля "Новогоднее дело Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона".
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Задачи Шерлока Холмса
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