Проверочные работы. 8 класс. УМК Кузовлев В.П.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1) Somebody has told me that Jack is in town.
Jack ...
2) It is thought that life on Earth was brought from space.
3) Many people think that Stevenson wrote more poems than we know of.
4) Everybody believed that somebody had prompted Jack what shares to buy.
5) People suppose that crises are a regular display of economics.
Crises …
6) It is said that Peter used to be a talented journalist.
Peter …
7) Some people suppose that this derelict land was a bustling town in the past.
This derelict land …
8) They thought that Steve was the person who was guilty.
Steve …
9) Everyone firmly believes that Manchester United is the strongest team.
Manchester United …
10) Everyone firmly believed that Manchester United is the strongest team.
Manchester United…
11) Everyone firmly believes that Manchester United was the strongest team.
12) People suppose that there is a huge amount of natural resources in the ocean floor.
Ocean floor …
Keys: 1) Jack is said to be in town; 2) Life is thought to have been brought to Earth from space; 3) Stevenson is thought to have written more poems than we know of; 4) Jack was believed to have been prompted what shares to buy; 5) Crises are supposed to be a regular dispaly of economics; 6) Peter is said to be a talented journalist; 7) This derelict land is supposed to have been a bustling town in the past; 8) Steve was thought to be the person who was guilty; 9) Manchester United is firmly believed to be the strongest team; 10) Manchester United was firmly believed to be the strongest team; 11) Manchester United is firmly believed to have been the strongest team; 12) Ocean floor is supposed to contain/to have a huge amount of natural resources;
Контрольная работа №1
1-й вариант
1. Choose the right answer.
1. What can you find in the City?
a) Westminster Abbey b) St. Paul's Cathedral c) the National Theatre
2. The richest and the most beautiful part of London is....
a) the City b) the East End c) the West End
3. The geographical centre of London is....
a) Buckingham Palace b) the Palace of Westminster c) Trafalgar Square
4. The Tower of London is....
a) a fortress b) a prison c) a mint
2. Match the name of the city on the left with the sights on the right.
1. London a) Royal Shakespeare Theatre
2. Liverpool b) St. Paul's Cathedral
3. Stratford-upon-Avon c) Prestigious University
4. Cambridge d) The Beatles Story Museum
3. Translate into Russian.
1) boating; 6) fare;
2) castle; 7) request stop;
3) leaflet; 8) travel card;
4) archery; 9) pro and con;
3. Translate into Russian.
1) comfortable; 6) sailing;
2) festival; 7) post office;
3) luggage; 8) destination;
4) railway; 9) arts;
5) expensive; 10) visa.
4. Fill in the prepositions.
1) He is extremely interested... reading travel books.
2) Jack travels to improve his knowledge... English.
3) The train from London have arrived... platform 5.
4) We'd recommend you to travel... bus.
5) It is the oldest house... the town.
Проверочные работы для 8-го класса.
Контрольная работа №2
1-й вариант
1. Translate into Russian.
1) to celebrate; 6) old-fashioned;
2) common; 7) superstition;
3) huge; 8) to give up;
4) to ignore; 9) silence;
5) to grow up; 10) occasion.
2. Match the numbers and the letters.
1) to attend; a) the classmates;
2) to celebrate; b) smoking;
3) to mock at; c) Chinese New Year;
4) to give up; d) ugliness;
5) to avoid; e) school.
3. Fill in the tags
1) My brother isn't rude,...?
2) The girls always chatter,...?
3) Your parents didn't go to Great Britain,...?
4) Football was invented in England,...?
5) My boy-friend hasn't been to school,...?
6) It's rainy,...?
7) You have done it,...?
8) Jane found it last summer,...?
9) Their sisters can't speak English,...?
10)You're looking for your glasses,...?
4. Match the holidays and their descriptions
1) New Year's Eve is a night when - people honour women by giving them
flowers and presents.
2) April 1st is a day when - people play tricks on friends.
- pupils and students start the new
academic year.
3) February 23rd is a holiday when - people in our country honour workers.
- people have parties and stay up until
midnight to see the new year in.
4) March 8th is a day when - people have parades and ceremonies
to honour those who died in the
Great Patriotic War.
- people honour members of the armed
- many people have gatherings eating
dyed eggs, paskha and kulich.
- people have parties, light candles and
give each other gifts.
Проверочные работы для 8-го класса.
Контрольная работа №2
2-й вариант
1. Translate into Russian.
1) ancient;
2) celebrations;
3) to introduce;
4) suggestion;
5) behaviour;
6) elbow;
7) to abandon;
8) souvenir;
9) background;
10) to pretend.
2. Match the numbers and the letters.
1) to keep; a) noisily;
2) to receive; b) gifts;
3) tto ear; d) the distance;
4) to bump; e) Easter.
5) o celebrate; c) into another person;
3. Fill in the tags
1) People in Britain have rich traditions,...?
2) Their teachers are not very friendly,...?
3) The Welsh like to sing during the festivals very much,...?
4) You're from Russia,...?
5) Try to be more punctual, the Germans like it,...?
6) David usually mistakes in his spelling test,...?
7) My Mum helps my little sister to count,...?
8) Kate has done her best to pass the exam,...?
9) The travellers made their way through the forest,...?
10)You're not allowed to do it in public,...?
4. Match the holidays and their descriptions
1) September 1st is a day when - people honour women by giving them
flowers and presents.
2) Easter is a religious holiday when - people play tricks on friends.
- pupils and students start the new
academic year.
3) Labour Day is a holiday when - people in our country honour workers.
- people have parties and stay up until
midnight to see the new year in.
4) Christmas is a religious holiday when - people have parades and ceremonies
to honour those who died in the
Great Patriotic War.
- people honour members of the armed
- many people have gatherings eating
dyed eggs, paskha and kulich.
- people have parties, light candles and
give each other gifts.
Open the brackets.
- You (consider) to be the most fashionable girl in our class.
- The English (think) to be polite.
- Tony (suppose) to be an excellent doctor.
- The British (believe) to be intellectual.
- Kate (know) to be hard-working.
Fill in the necessary words from the box.
snobbish, typical, language, emblem, humour |
- The... of England is the red rose.
- Fish and chips is the... British food.
- She has a good sense of...
- For centuries the British have been known as hypocritical and...
- English is the official... of the UK.
Fill in the tags.
- My brother isn't rude,...?
- The girls always chatter,...?
- Your parents didn't go to Great Britain,...?
- Football was invented in England,...?
- My boy-friend hasn't been to school,...?
- It's rainy,...?
- You have done it,...?
- Jane found it last summer,...?
- Their sisters can't speak English,...?
- You're looking for your glasses,...?
Fill in the tags.
- People in Britain have rich traditions,...?
- Their teachers are not very friendly,...?
- The Welsh like to sing during the festivals very much,...?
- You're from Russia,...?
- Try to be more punctual, the Germans like it,...?
- David usually mistakes in his spelling test,...?
- My Mum helps my little sister to count,...?
- Kate has done her best to pass the exam,...?
- The travelers made their way through the forest,...?
- You're not allowed to do it in public,...?
Контрольная работа по проверке пройденного лексического и
Грамматического материала к учебнику Кузовлева В.П.
“Английский язык 8 класс” по теме:
“Be A Good Sport”
Цель: закрепить активную лексику по теме “Be A Good Sport” (4 раздел), проверить усвоение грамматической структуры The Passive Form
I. a) Read the articles below.
1. In a FIFA-sanctioned match marked by 31 fouls, the Texas men’s soccer team was defeated 7-0 by Naberezhnye Chelny Kamaz, a Russian premiere division team, Saturday at House Park Stadium.
The game also featured 20 fouls by Kamaz and 11 by Texas, including two Kamaz yellow cards and one Texas yellow card.
2. With Smith, Holly Bull has six wins in seven races, including victories in the Blue Grass,
Florida Derby and the Futurity. He’s the 8-5 favourite in a Derby field of 15. Overall, Holly Bull is 7-for-8, his first coming with Louis Rivera aboard. Just a year ago, Smith was aboard another
Derby favourite – Prairie Bayou, who ran a game second after going six wide.
3. Wimbledon, England. – Lori McNeil punched shots with unrelenting precision at Steffi Graf’s backhand, attacking her single flaw, breaking her down methodically, and dethroning a reigning Wimbledon women’s champion in the opening round for the first time in history.
“It doesn’t hurt to lose my crown – it hurt to lose,” said Graft, who three straight Wimbledon titles.
Punch shot – pазгромить
Unrelenting – безжалостно
Dethrone – свергать с престола
4. So much of these Olympics will seem so familiar. The faces. The accent. The time slot. So much will be different. More women competing, Former Soviet athletes dispersed to new teams. Beach volleyball. No boycotting nations.
Not one nation extended an invitation by the IOC turned it down. That means a record 197 nations will be on hand, competing in 271 events in 26 sports.
To represent the new teams and old ones, there will be 10,800 athletes, about 3,800 of whom are women – a 40 percent increase over the number competing four years ago.
5. SALT LAKE CITY. – Karl Malone scored 34 points, including a 20-footer with 42 seconds to play, and the Utah Jazz held off a late San Antonio rally to win 95-90 Thursday night, eliminating the Spurs from the NBA playoffs.
Utah beat the Spurs for the seventh time in the eight games this season.
b) Look through the articles below. Decide which of the articles is about:
1. the Olympics | 4. basketball |
2. tennis | 5. horse racing |
3. soccer |
c) Study the articles for five minutes and find the answers to the following questions:
1. Which team has won the football match?
2. How many races has Holly Bull won with Smith?
3. How many times has Steffi Graft a Wimbledon champion?
4. How many athletes will take part in the coming Olympics?
5. In how many sports will they compete?
6. How many times have the Utah Jazz beaten the Spurs this season?
II. Listen to the text and for the question below, choose the best answer.
In 776 B.C. the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads .
Originally these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games take place.
The Greeks attached so much importance to these games that that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776 B.C.
To emphasize – придавать особое значение
Therefore – поэтому
To halt – останавливать
1. Which of the following is not true?
a) Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.
b) The games were held in Greece every four years.
c) Battles were interrupted to participate in their games.
d) Poems glorified the winners in song.
2. Why were the Olympic Games held?
a) to stop wars
b) to honor Zeus
c) to crown the best athletes
d) to sing song about the athletes
3. How many years ago did these games originate?
a) 776 years
b) 1,205 years
c) 2,277 years
d) 2,760 years
4. Which of the following contests was not mentioned?
a) discus throwing
b) boxing
c) skating
d) running
III. a) What do you call a man who can:
Wrestle, ski, skate, run, swim, play football/chess/volleyball/basketball/hockey/tennis, go boating/yachting/parachuting
Key: wrestler, skier, skater, runner, swimmer, footballer, chess-player, volleyball player, a basketballer (basketball player), a hockey-player, a boatman, a yachtsman, a parachute-jumper (parachutist)
b) Translate the following sentences from English into Russian, paying attention to the translation of the words in bold type.
1. Cricket is a team game.
2. She established the British long-jump record.
3. The next event will be the 100 meters race.
4. Boxing is a dangerous spectacular sport.
c) Translate into English.
1. Я предпочитаю легкую атлетику боксу и борьбе.
2. Британия – родина многих популярных видов спорта таких как футбол, регби, гольф, теннис, бадминтон.
3. Многие люди увлекаются плаванием.
4. Спорт укрепляет характер.
IV. Complete these sentences using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Professor Higgins (award) a major science prize last month in London.
2. More and more countryside (destroy) every year to make new roads.
3. The Wimbledon championship (hold) since 1877.
4. Many accidents (cause) by dangerous driving.
5. The castle (build) 400 years ago and (own) by two old ladies.
6. Football (play) for hundred of years.
7. The University boat-race (row) on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.
V. Give a talk on the topics:
1. Какие традиционные виды спорта страны изучаемого языка ты знаешь? Популярны ли они в России? Какими видами спорта интересуются в твоей семье?
2. Одни люди занимаются спортом, другие предпочитают смотреть спортивные соревнования. Так что же лучше – заниматься или смотреть?
3. Мой любимый спортсмен (спортсменка).
VI. You’ve got a personal letter from your English friend John. He would like to know:
what sport you go in for;
how good you are at it;
how often you go in for sport;
what sports you would like to try
Write 100-140 words.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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