Урок-викторина в 5х классах «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Викторина на обобщение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии».
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок-викторина в 5х классах
«The United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland»
Цель: обобщение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии».
- расширить общий кругозор учащихся;
- обобщить лингвистический и страноведческий материал.
- совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения лексическим материалом по данной теме;
- формировать и развивать способности к догадке, развитие внимания, памяти и логического мышления.
- способствовать развитию навыков сотрудничества в ходе групповой работы;
- формировать уважительное отношение к мнению других.
Оборудование и оснащение: флаги Великобритании, эмблемы команд, карта Британских островов(прил.1), карточки с названиями городов(прил.2), клей, презентация Power Point «How much do you remember?»(прил.3), puzzles (на большом формате), бумага формата А4, маркеры, ручки, таблица оценивания для жюри(прил.4), грамоты.
План занятия:
I. Организационный момент:
1) Приветствие.
2) Вступительная речь.
3) Представление жюри и жеребьевка команд.
II. Конкурсы:
1) Приветствие команд.
2) “Show at the map”.
3) “Name the cities”.
4) “How much do you remember?”.
5) “Word-wizard”.
6) Puzzle.
III. Итоги игры:
1) Подведение итогов игры и награждение команд.
2) Анализ ответов и оценивание учащихся.
Ход занятия:
I. Организационный момент.
1. Приветствие учащихся.
2. Вступительная речь.
- Good morning everybody! I’m glad to see you at our unusual lesson - quiz. It is devoted to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You have learned a lot during this term, so it’s time to show how much do you know about the UK, its location, countries, cities and people. This quiz will show your knowledge of the topic. I wish you success and good luck!
3. Представление жюри и жеребьевка команд.
First I would like to introduce you the members of our jury. They are your teachers of English.(names)
We have 3 teams, and now I ask one member of the each team to come over and choose the card with number in order to decide who will begin the competition.
1. Приветствие команд.
Now each team should introduce themselves. Your hometask was to prepare the name of the team, the emblem and the motto. You are welcome.
2. «Show at the map»
The second task is the following: each team should answer to 2 questions and show the answer (country) on the map. We will begin with the first team.
- What country consists of 4 parts? (UK)
- What country consists of 3 parts? (Great Britain)
- What country lies to the south of Scotland and to the east of Wales? (England)
- What country lies to the north of England and Northern Ireland? (Scotland)
- What country is separated from Great Britain by the Irish Sea?(Northern Ireland)
- What country lies to the west of England and to the east of Northern Ireland? (Wales)
3. «Name the cities»
Each team gets envelope with cards, your task is to put together the name of the cities and stick it on the paper (учащиеся должны из «домино» сложить названия городов и приклеить на листочки).
4. «How much do you remember?»
The next task is to answer for questions about the UK, four variants of answers are given. You should choose the correct one. (5 questions for each team). Are you ready? Lets begin. (Прил.3)
5. «Word-wizard»
Our next game is word-wizard, and your task is to make as many words as you can out of the word Great Britain (работа выполняется на листочках и сдается жюри).
One of your favorite games at the lesson is puzzle; here at the blackboard you can see 3 different puzzles for each team. I’ll give your cards with questions; you should answer for them and find these words in the puzzle.
Example of Card.
- The people from England are ----------------
- The people from Wales are -------------------
- The people from Scotland are ---------------
- The people from Ireland are -----------------
- The people from the United Kingdom are -----------
- The people from England are ENGLISH
- The people from Wales are WELSH
- The people from Scotland are SCOTTISH
- The people from Ireland are IRISH
- The people from the United Kingdom are BRITISH
Example of puzzle.
N | A | B | M | B | R | T | U | V |
P | Q | E | I | R | I | S | H | O |
K | O | G | T | I | S | H | E | J |
Z | S | C | O | T | T | I | S | H |
E | N | G | L | I | S | H | F | L |
V | W | E | L | S | H | A | C | O |
H | O | T | U | H | R | I | T | I |
N | A | B | M | B | R | T | U | V |
P | Q | E | I | R | I | S | H | O |
K | O | G | T | I | S | H | E | J |
Z | S | C | O | T | T | I | S | H |
E | N | G | L | I | S | H | F | L |
V | W | E | L | S | H | A | C | O |
H | O | T | U | H | R | I | T | I |
III. Итоги игры:
1) Подведение итогов игры и награждение команд.
And now I give word for our jury.
2) Анализ ответов и оценивание учащихся.
Таблица для судей.(Прил.4)
First team’s name | Second team’s name | Third team’s name | |
1.Приветствие команд (макс 3балла) | |||
2.Работа с картой (макс 4 балла) | |||
3.Name the cities (макс 9 баллов) | |||
4.How much do you remember? (макс 10 баллов) | |||
5.Word-wizard (макс 5 баллов) | |||
6.Puzzle (макс 5 баллов) | |||
Итого (макс 36 баллов) |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Question #1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is in... B - Europe A - Africa C - America D - Asia B - Europe
Question #2 The UK consists of ... countries. B - two A - three C - five D - four D - four
Question #3 The country is NOT washed by the... B – North Sea A – Atlantic Ocean C – Indian Ocean D – Irish Sea C – Indian Ocean
Question #4 The population of the UK is ... million people. B - 62 A - 10 C - 114 D – 55 B - 62
Question # 5 Great Britain consists of... B – England, Scotland, Wales A - England, Wales, N. Ireland C - Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland D - England, N. Ireland, Wales B - England, Scotland, Wales
Question # 6 The largest country of the UK is... B - England A - Scotland C - Wales D – Northern Ireland B - England
Question # 7 The smallest country of the UK is... B - Scotland A - England C - Wales D – Northern Ireland D – Northern Ireland
Question # 8 The symbol of Scotland is the ... B - shamrock A - thistle C - daffodil D - rose A - thistle
Question # 9 The capital of Wales is... B - Edinburgh A - Belfast C - Cardiff D - London C - Cardiff
Question #1 0 A red rose is the symbol of... B - England A - Scotland C - Wales D – Northern Ireland B - England
Question #1 1 B - rose A - thistle C - daffodil D - shamrock C - daffodil The symbols of Wales are leek and...
Question # 12 The official flag of the UK is called the... B – Unified Jack A – United Jack C – Unity Jack D – Union Jack D – Union Jack
Question # 13 There is a Red Dragon on the ... flag B - Scottish A - English C - Welsh D - Irish C - Welsh
Question # 14 The UK is ruled by the Queen.... B – Elizabeth II A – Elizabeth I C – Elizabeth III D – Elizabeth IV B – Elizabeth II
Question # 15 The flag of this country is a white cross on a blue field. B - Northern Ireland A - Wales C - England D - Scotland D - Scotland
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