Викторина Праздники и традиции Великобритании
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Викторина разработана для учащихся 8 класса .посвящена празднованию Рождества, Пасхи и других знаменательных дат в англоговорящих странах
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Внеклассное мероприятие в 8 классе по теме «Праздники и традиции Великобритании и США»
Цели мероприятия: расширить знания обучающихся о праздниках, традициях и обычаях англоговорящих стран, развить интерес и уважение к другому образу жизни, дать возможность ученику почувствовать себя личностью, которая принадлежит к определенному социокультурному обществу людей, сравнить свою культуру с культурами других стран, расширить опыт социализации школьников.
Задачи игры:
• развитие коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме);
• развитие коммуникативной компетенции, включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими, выполняя разные социальные роли;
• развитие исследовательских учебных действий, включая навыки работы с информацией: поиск и выделение нужной информации, обобщение и фиксация информации;
• совершенствование умений пользоваться справочным материалом (грамматическим и лингвострановедческим справочниками, двуязычным и толковым словарями, мультимедийными средствами);
• развитие таких качеств, как воля, целеустремленность, творчество, инициативность;
• осознание возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка.
Подготовка к мероприятию: мероприятие проводится в форме игры, из трёх восьмых классов формируются три команды из 7 человек по принципу добровольности; каждая команда готовит презентацию на заданную тему (10–12 слайдов); подготовка раздаточных материалов, сертификатов, призов, оборудования для проведения конкурсов.
Ход игры
- Приветствие участников игры.
Dear Students, we are very glad to see you. Can you answer my questions?
What makes our life more exciting and enjoyable?
What can break the routine of our everyday existence?
What gives us a chance to reunite with our family and to meet our friends?
Holidays, of course. You know a lot about different aspects of life in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries and our today’s game is dedicated to holidays in Great Britain. Let us consider that our game is one more event dedicated to understanding British holiday culture.
- Представление команд.
Каждая команда представляет себя. Называют свой девиз, название, показывают свою эмблему.
- Задание 1 (max 8 points)
Do you know that in the UK the greeting card industry is huge, producing more than £1.3 billion cards annually? You know that in our country, the practice of giving cards for special days isn’t as common as it is in the UK. Are you eager to get to know more about the British tradition of sending cards for occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, for the arrival of a new baby etc.?
Ведущие зачитывают утверждения относительно поздравительных открыток в Соединённом Королевстве. Если учащиеся считают, что это правда, то поднимают руку. Команда, поднявшая руку первой, получает балл.LACTIVITIES
1) The greeting card industry in the UK is one of the biggest in the world.
2) On average, a British person sends 55 greetings cards every year.
3) 85% of greetings cards are bought by women.
4) In the UK, lots of schools have special post boxes for students to send each other Christmas cards.
5) There are special shops in the UK that sell greetings cards. There are thousands to choose from.
6) Most people in the UK display the cards they receive for their birthday or Christmas in their home.
Believe it or not but all the statements are true! And now read the greetings and try to match them to the special days. You can start with the easy ones and use a process of elimination.
- Подобрать верное поздравление к каждому празднику.
1 “Many happy returns!”
2 “Season’s greetings.”
3 “Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you!”
4 “Thanks! You’re the best in the world!”
5 “Wishing you all the best for a happy future together.”
6 “Congratulations on the birth of your new son.”
7 “Well done! I knew you could do it!”
8 “Congratulations on your betrothal. We’re looking forward to the big day.”
A Valentine’s Day
B Wedding
C Mother’s or Father’s Day
D Birthday
E Christmas
F Engagement
G A baby’s arrival
H Passing your driving test
- Пасхальные традиции (max 4 + 2 + 3 points)
Read the text and put the paragraph titles in the correct place.
1 – What it means
2 – A matter of taste?
3 – Modern Easter in the UK
4 – Chocolate eggs
Now your task is to work with one of the sections of the text. You are to read it aloud and to choose two best readers who will be the reporters on one of the BBC radio channels, presenting the information about British holidays. The other teams are supposed to be listeners who can phone in and ask one question for clarification (one special question).
- Задание 4. День всех святых (max 10 points)
Ведущие: One of the favourite holidays for children is Halloween. We hope you know a lot about it and сan display your knowledge while doing the quiz.
1. An old religion.
2. A vegetable which is used to carve a face for Halloween.
3. A word for things that come from magical power without a natural or scientific explanation.
4. Some treat that might be given to children at Halloween.
5. The spirit of a dead person which some people believe can be seen at Halloween.
6. The month that Halloween occurs in...
7. What children say when they knock on doors at Halloween.
8. At Halloween, vegetables which are carved with faces are called “Jack o’ __________”.
9. The loud pitched shout that someone makes when they are very scared.
10. The pagan festival from which Halloween originates.
Key: 1. pagan; 2. pumpkin; 3. supernatural; 4. sweets; 5. ghost; 6. October; 7. Trick or treat; 8. lanterns; 9. scream; 10. Samhain.
7. Задание 5. Аудирование. День Гая Фокса. (max 8 points)
A: Watch the video. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. Guy Fawkes wasn’t behind the Gunpowder Plot. T / F
2. Guy Fawkes was arrested, tortured and he eventually confessed. T / F
3. The cellars under the Houses of Parliament are always searched before the Queen visits. T / F
B: Watch the video again. Choose the correct answer.
1. The Gunpowder plot was originated by…
(a) a group of Catholics. (b) a group of Protestants. (c) Guy Fawkes.
2. How many barrels of gunpowder were hidden under the Houses of Parliament?
(a) 36 (b) 800 (c) 1800
3. After his confession, Guy Fawkes…
(a) was sent to prison. (b) was executed. (c) was murdered.
4. The Bonfire Night tradition began…
(a) to celebrate the Gunpowder Plot.
(b) to remind people that Guy Fawkes was a traitor.
(c) to celebrate King James I’s survival.
5. Traditionally on Bonfire Night, people eat…
(a) baked potatoes, apples and drink wine.
(b) baked potatoes, toffee apples and drink wine.
(c) baked potatoes, toffee apples and drink water.
8. Задание 6. Рождественская открытка (max 10 points)
Ведущие: Two people from each team will have one minute to look at a Christmas card. Then they will come back to their team to describe what the card looked like so that the artists could draw it. Mind you must not speak Russian. Only English. You can be penalized if you speak Russian. We are going to compare the two cards when you are ready.
9. Подведение итогов. Награждение.
Ведущие: Thank you. Our competition is over.
Раздаточный материал
Task 1. Match the Greetings.
Greetings to write in cards
1. “Many happy returns!”
2. “Season’s greetings.”
3. “Roses are red, violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet and so are you!”
4. “Thanks! You’re the best in the world!”
5. “Wishing you all the best for a happy future together.”
6. “Congratulations on the birth of your new son.”
7. “Well done! I knew you could do it!”
8. “Congratulations on your betrothal. We’re looking forward to the big day.”
Special Days
A. Valentine’s Day
B. Wedding
C. Mother’s or Father’s Day
D. Birthday
E. Christmas
F. Engagement
G. A baby’s arrival
H. Passing your driving test
1. ____; 2. ____; 3. ____; 4. ____; 5. ____; 6. ____; 7. ____;
8. ____
TEAM ________________________________
Task 3. Easter Readings.
1 – What it means
2 – A matter of taste?
3 – Modern Easter in the UK
4 – Chocolate eggs
TEAM ________________________________
Task 5. Listening Comprehension (max 8 points)
Task A: 1. ____; 2. _____; 3. _____
Task B: 1. ____; 2. ____; 3. ____; 4. ____; 5. ____;
For a lot of people in the UK the Christian festival of Easter means the opportunity to eat chocolate eggs.
A. As soon as 2 January arrives, shops remove the Christmas product lines from their shelves and the Christmas decorations from their windows. What fills the empty spaces? Chocolate Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and Easter chicks, despite the fact that Easter itself doesn’t come along until a few months later. This year Easter Day is on Sunday 27 March. Easter also means we have public holidays, Good Friday and Easter Monday, it’s the longest public holiday after Christmas and people sometimes take the opportunity to take a short break away from work by extending their leave. Cheryl from Liverpool said, ‘I use the Easter break to visit relatives and socialize with friends, the chocolate giving and receiving is a good bonus!’
B. Easter is a spring festival. In the Christian festival, it celebrates the resurrection of Christ. In the European preChristian tradition, it celebrates the return of nature and greenery after the cold, snowy winter. Both the Christian and pagan versions of Easter celebrate life and rebirth. The Easter chick symbolises new life, the rabbit represents fertility and the egg symbolises both. That is why painted eggs or chocolate eggs are given as gifts at Easter.
C. Chocolate Easter eggs are sold in larger numbers every year in the UK. Confectionery companies make chocolate eggs for every type of chocolate bar available throughout the rest of the year. The British people consume more confectionery than any other country in the world! That’s not even per head; that’s per country! Of course, it depends on the amount of givers, but the average child in the UK receives 6–10 large chocolate eggs and that’s not including the small ones.
D. Not only are the British eating more and more chocolate, but they are also demanding chocolate of better quality. European Union law means that British chocolate-making companies have to put more cocoa solids in their ‘chocolate’ than they used to. British companies that fail to do so are not allowed to say they make ‘real’ chocolate! New chocolate has come onto the market that is slowly educating the British palate and changing consumer patterns.
Task 1: 1. D; 2. E; 3. A; 4. C; 5. B; 6. G; 7. H; 8. F
Task 3: 1. B; 2. D; 3. A; 4. C
Task 4: 1. pagan; 2. pumpkin; 3. supernatural; 4. sweets;
5. ghost; 6. October; 7. Trick or treat; 8. Lanterns; 9. Scream;
10. Samhain
Task 5: A: 1. F; 2. T; 3. T. B: 1. a; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. b
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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