Открытый урок "Do you know Great Britain?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
Открытый урок по теме "Великобритания"
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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5-6 классах
учитель английского языка
МБОУ гимназии № 7 г Красногорска
Николаева Майя Александровна
г Красногорск
1. Общие сведения
Открытый урок по теме "Великобритания"
2. Цели:
- развивать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию,
- совершенствовать общекультурную компетенцию.
3. Задачи:
- развивать умения строить высказывания в монологической речи в контексте коммуникативной задачи
- развивать умения в диалогической речи
- создать комфортную среду для каждого ученика
- воспитать у учащихся уважение к историческим и культурным памятникам страны изучаемого языка
- воспитать уважение к собеседнику
- развивать лингвострановедческую компетентность учащихся и их познавательную активность
- развивать творческое воображение
- развивать память
- расширять кругозор
- совершенствовать организационные навыки и умения работать в сотрудничестве
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
Good morning, my dear friends! I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please. I hope everybody is ready to work. Let's start! Can you guess the theme of today's lesson? Look at the photos and name the sights. (слайд 2)
Excellent! The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (Stonehenge, Buckingham palace, Giant's Causeway, Big Ben, Urquhart Castle near the lake Loch Ness, Conwy Castle, Glamis Castle)
2. Сообщение темы и цели урока
I see that you are interested in learning history, sights, culture of Britain. Do you know Britain's sights, provinces, flags, coats of arms? Let's devote our lesson to this topic and find out a lot of important information in order to broaden our mind. Let's check in pairs the level of your knowledge at the beginning of the lesson.
3. Речевая зарядка.
Look at the map and say 4 historical provinces of the UK.
Great! Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. (слайд 3)
By the way, why do you think it is called an island state? (I think the UK is called an island state because it is situated on the island on the north- west part of Europe. The two islands are Great Britain ( England, Scotland and Wales are situated there) and Ireland. Northern Ireland and the independent Irish Republic are there. The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea.
Now imagine that one of you is coming to visit his friend in England. You haven't been there for ages and therefore you want him or her to tell about Britain. I'll try to help you with questions. Is it possible to describe countries of Britain in a few words?
What are tourists usually impressed by in Britain?
What places of interest attract tourists in Britain?
Why do people come to Britain?
Is it possible to describe countries of Britain in a few words?
4. Расширение лексического запаса
Ask your friend to describe these countries, people and atmosphere using the adjectives below. Be ready to describe your native city, Moscow, because it attracts your foreign friend. (слайд 4)
5. Основной ход урока. Развитие речевой активности на основе новых лексических единиц
According to the description we've just heard, I'm sure you'd like to get acquainted with Britain.
Use the map to talk about the UK and say where Edinburgh, London, Belfast and Cardiff are. (слайд 5)
Excellent! These are capitals. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. London is the capital of the UK but also the capital of England. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
Look at the flags. How are they related to the map? (слайд 6)
The "Union Jack" or "Union Flag" is a composite design made up of three different national symbols:
St. George's Cross,the flag of England; St. Andrew's Cross, the flag of Scotland; St. Patrick's Cross,
the flag of Ireland. (слайд 7)
As far as you know, each country has its own symbol. Look at the pictures and match them to the country. (слайды 8,9,10,11)
Let's divide into 4 groups. Your task is to make up dialogues about a sightseeing tour around Scotland (1st group), around England (2nd group), around Wales (3rd group), around Northern Ireland (4th group).
Imagine that your friend returned from this tour several hours ago. He\she is looking forward to give his\her impressions of the tour. Ask him: 1)What places of interest did you see? 2)What impressed you most? Why? 3)Did you take any photos?
1. Useful vocabulary and pictures for the first group: sightseeing tour around Scotland (слайды 12)
- to visit Edinburgh with its ancient castles.
- Urquhart Castle near the lake Loch Ness.
- The Palace of Holyrood, Edinburgh Castle are the major tourist attractions in Edinburgh.
- Glasgow is the largest city in the country, tourist destination with Glasgow Cathedral, the Glasgow Science Centre
- Glamis Castle with ghosts.
2. Useful vocabulary for the second group: sightseeing tour around England (слайды 13)
- Big-Ben as the architectural complex of Westminster palace.
- Stonehenge.
- Buckingham Palace - official residence of British Royal Family.
3. Useful vocabulary for the second group: sightseeing tour around Wales. (слайды 14)
- Devil’s Bridge.
- Cardiff Castle.
- Swansea is the second-largest city.
- Oystermouth Castle overlooking Swansea Bay.
- Newport is the third-largest city in Wales with
- St. Woolos Cathedral.
4. Useful vocabulary for the second group: sightseeing tour around Northern Ireland. (слайды 15)
- Giant's Causeway.
- Belfast Castle.
- Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge.
6. Совершенствование навыков речевой активности
Agree or disagree with the following statement. "The UK is poor in places of interest"(слайды 16)
Answer the questions: (слайды 17)
- Where does the British Queen live?
- What is the name of clock tower of the Houses of Parliament?
- What is the most famous and beautiful churches in London, where many English kings and queens are buried?
- Why was the bridge in Wales named Devil’s Bridge?
(According to the legend the original bridge was built by the Devil, as it was too difficult for mortals to build. The agreement stipulated that the Devil would build the bridge in return for the soul of the first life to cross the bridge. The Devil built the bridge but was tricked by an old woman who threw bread onto the bridge. Her dog crossed the bridge for the bread, thus becoming the first life to cross the new bridge).
- What is the name of the famous lake in Scotland?
- What do you know about Giant's Causeway? What is it famous for?
- ( According to legend, the columns are the remains of a causeway built by a giant. The story goes that the Irish giant Fionn mac Cumhaill (Finn MacCool) was challenged to a fight by the Scottish giant Benandonner. Fionn accepted the challenge and built the causeway across the North Channel so that the two giants could meet).
Which tour would you recommend for someone who: "(слайды 18)
- likes ancient history?
- is interested in music?
- is interested in mystery?
- likes English literature?
Why is it worth visiting these places?
7. Подведение итогов
Think of places of interest of the UK, capitals, flags you have learnt in this lesson. Make sentences using them to show your knowledge.
I am really impressed by your work during the lesson. I hope that you liked it and get some new information. I think all of you have done a lot of work.
Thank you for the lesson!
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