Контрольная работа №4 для 5 класса
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа для 5 класса (УМК Вербицкая М.В.) состоит из заданий по аудированию (проектирование курсак учебнику Вербицкой М.В.  5 класс, контрольная работа №4), чтению, грамматике


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Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа 5 класс 2015-2016 учебный год

1. Listening. What do they have to do? Listen and fill in the chart.





Clean the bedroom


Wash the dishes

Feed the dog

Go to the supermarket

2. Listen again and answer the questions

0. Who has to feed the dog?  Claire and Kevin have to feed the dog.

1. What does Kevin have to do?  

2. Who has to do a lot of things?  

3. Who doesn’t have to do many things?

4. Who has to wash the dishes?

5. Who doesn’t have to go to the supermarket?

3. Reading

3.1 Read the story and mark the statements with True or False

                                       Jane’s story: a white flag

In my family, my dad usually does the shopping. He drives to a supermarket and buys all we need. At the weekend, Mom goes with him. When he goes alone, in the evening after work, there is a problem.

When he comes out of the shop, he can’t find his car. There are too many cars near the supermarket. Dad can’t remember where he has left his car. I’ve read about it in a magazine and told him, “Put a piece of paper on the antenna of your car. When you come out, you can see a white flag on your car”. The next time when he went shopping he did it. When he came out, he saw the car with a white flag… but there were ten others with the same white flag.


0. Jane’s father does the shopping alone at the weekend     F

1. Jane’s mother goes shopping in the evening after work.

2. Jane’s father can’t see well

3. Jane’s father has a bed memory.

4. Jane told him what to do about it.

5. A white flag on a car means there is something wrong with it.

  3.2 Read the text and choose the right answer.

Did you know how they celebrate the New Year and Christmas in Spain?

In Spanish-speaking countries Christmas is celebrated in the family circle. In every country there are traditional dishes cooked for Christmas supper. In Spain, for example, they cook turkey or sea-fish. For dessert they eat ‘turron’ – a special kind of halva which is served only at Christmas. The night of December 31, the last night of the year, is called ‘old’ in Spanish. When the clock strikes twelve you must eat 12 grapes – one for each strike. If you do it, the New Year will bring you happiness.

1. How do Spanish celebrate Christmas and New Year?

a) with friends       b) alone   c) with the family

2. How many grapes must each man eat, when the clock strikes?

a) ten grapes     b) twelve grapes  c) thirty one grapes

3. What is a special Christmas dish in Spain?

a) Halva     b) Sabots     c) Reveillon    


4. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple Tense or the Present Perfect Tense

1. Last summer I (visit) my parents in a village near Tver.

2. They (live) there for many years

3. This year I (be) to a summer adventure camp for the first.

4. My elder brother (spend) two month in this camp three years ago.

5. He (enjoy) it very much.

5. Преобразуй действительный залог в страдательный,  в правильном времени Past Simple, Present simple, Future Simple.

1. Karl Drais invented the bicycle.

2. People eat blini with butter or jam.

3. Ben will invite Peter to the party.

5.  Fill in the gaps with much, many, little, few

1. It is winter. There is … snow outside.

2. There are … apples on the table.

3.  There is … milk in the fridge. I must  go to the shop to buy it.

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