методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему
Деркина Л.В.
учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной
Познавательный аспект – знакомство с достопримечательностями столицы нашей Родины, развитие умения извлекать информацию о культуре нашей страны.
Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к догадке, к сравнению, развитие умения вести беседу, развитие умения высказывать свое мнение по опоре.
Учебный аспект – формирование лексических навыков говорения, развитие умения понимать на слух с целью извлечения детальной информации.
Воспитательный аспект – развитие интереса, любознательности, воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре нашей страны.
Мобилизовать имеющийся у учащихся запас знаний и умений для участия в групповом общении. Учащиеся должны уметь вступить в беседу, поддержать ее, развить какие-то мысли, детализировать их, высказать свое мнение.
Рисунки, слайды, картинки с видами Москвы
Вложение | Размер |
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Предварительный просмотр:
2013-2014 учебный год
Автор: | Деркина Л.В. Учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории |
Место выполнения работы: | ГОУ ОКШИЖ г.Тайга, ул.Молодежная, 13 |
Адрес: | 652401 г.Тайга, Кемеровская область Ул. Мира 8-26 |
Деркина Л.В.
учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной
Познавательный аспект – знакомство с достопримечательностями столицы нашей Родины, развитие умения извлекать информацию о культуре нашей страны.
Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к догадке, к сравнению, развитие умения вести беседу, развитие умения высказывать свое мнение по опоре.
Учебный аспект – формирование лексических навыков говорения, развитие умения понимать на слух с целью извлечения детальной информации.
Воспитательный аспект – развитие интереса, любознательности, воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре нашей страны.
Мобилизовать имеющийся у учащихся запас знаний и умений для участия в групповом общении. Учащиеся должны уметь вступить в беседу, поддержать ее, развить какие-то мысли, детализировать их, высказать свое мнение.
Рисунки, слайды, картинки с видами Москвы
Dear boys and girls! We have today an unusual lesson – It s devoted to our topic «Moscow is the capital of our Motherland».
We are going to do many different tasks. First of all we speak about Moscow, the founder, when and where Moscow is sitnated, how many sights there are in Moscow. Now listen to me and then you will answer my questions and speak about our capital. Now, let s begin!
1) Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.
It is the largest and the most important city in our country.
2) Moscow was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147.
3) It is situated in the centre of Russia on the both banks of the river Moskva.
4) Moscow became the capital on March 18 in 18918
5) Moscow is a Hero city because it s people and the Red Army defended our Capital during the Great Patmotic War in 1941-1945.
6) Now it is the seat of the Russian Government with the president V.Putin at the head.
Now, answer my questions/
1) When was Moscow founded?
2) Who was the founded of Moscow?
3) When did Moscow become the capital?
2. Moscow is the cultural centre of our country.
What can you say about Moscow as a cultural centre using this table.
Moscow is the cultural Centre of our country.
There are many sights in it: 45 hotels, 57 monuments, 36 theatres, 117 palaces, 89 museums, 117 cinemas and a lot of libraries.
Besides in Moscow there are hundreds of clubs, houses of culture and consert halls.
Answer my guestions:
1) How many theatres are there in Moscow? (36)
2) How many museums are there in Moscow? (89)
3) What is the largest library in Moscow? (The State Lenin Library)
4) What is the largest University in Moscow? (The Moscow State Lomonosov University)
I want to add:
The Moscow State Lomonosov University is situated on the Lenin Hills/ It s the science centre. Move the 25.000 students study there. The M.S.U. on the Lenin Hills is the hearts of our educational system.
And now who wants to describe the main sight of Moscow – the Kremlin?
1) The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow
It is the greatest monument of Russian culture and art.
There Kremlin wall is 2 and a half km. long. It was built in 1462-1505.
2) 20 towers along the Kremlin wall were built for decoration in the 17 century. On the tops of the Kremlin s five towers you can see shining ruby (ru:bi) stars. They were put up in 1937. They symbolize the peace and unity of 5 continents of our planet.
3) Among the historical monuments you can see Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon.
The Tsar Bell weights 200 tons and it was made by 2 Russian founders Ivan Motorin and his son Mikhail in 1733-1735.
4) The Tsar Connon is older than the Tsar Bell.
It was made in 1586 by Andrey Chokhov and it weights 40 tons.
The Tsar Connon is metres long.
5) In the Kremlin you can see Lenin Museum, the Kremlin theatre, the Museum of presents to the State.
In 1961 the Palace of Congresses was built in the Kremlin. It is a large, beautiful Modern building and it has 6.000 seats.
Answer my guestions:
1) Whet was the Kremlin wall built? (1462-1505)
2) What is the weight of the Tsar Bell? (200 tons)
3) Who was the founder of the Tsar Connon? (Andrey Chokhov)
4) How many seats are there in the Palace of Congresses? (6.000 seats)
2. Listen to the dialogues, read and act:
Ex. 20 p. 44. You can add some sentenses about sights of Moscow
3. Now, Letus play! Do you like to play?
Imagine you are tourists.
The bus takes you to an interesting place. You get off the bus and see….
What can you see? We see the slides of Moscow an you must say what you know about this or that sight.
1 The Bolshoi Theatre – is one of the most famous opera and ballet theatre in the world.
It shows classical and modern operas and ballets. It is situated in a splendid building not far from the Red Square.
2) The Pushkin Museum of Fime arts. It is a very beautiful and popular in Moscow.
3) The Kremlin. Palace of Congresses.
(6.000 seats, it was built in 1961, a large beautiful modern building.
4) The Kremlin,
5) The Lenin Hills. (The Lomonosov State University).
6) The monument to Mayakovskiy.
7) The Hotel «Rossiya».
8) The Gorky Street.
4. The text part of our lesson. You must guess the right number. Pay attention to this table!
5. Диалоги. You must act 2 dialogues.
6. Thank you very much for the lesson.
It was very interesting.
7. Подведение итогов
Sightseeings | The Tretyakov Gallery | Moscow | Red square | The Kremlin | The Lenin Museum |
Points | 2 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 5 |
Mark: |
Text 1
It is the political, economic, cultural centre of our motherland. There are many sightseeings in it: the Kremlin, the Theatre, the Tretyakov Gallery and so on. Yuri Dolgoruki founded here the capital in 1147. And since then this city became the centre of our country. It is the capital of the capital of the first socialist, it is a symbol of peace and friendship.
Text 2
It is one of the biggest and the most famous in the world. There are many pictures of Russian and Soviet painters as Serov, Repin, Ivazovski? Levitski. It is situated on the bank of the Moskva River in the old – looking building of the Russian Style. The Sjviet people and quests of Moscow, the lovers of art like to visit it. It was based in 1892 by Pavel Michailovich Tretyakov.
Text 3
It is the oldest part of Moscow and the historical centre of the capital. There are many beautiful churches in it. It is arounded by the Kremlin Wall. There we can see many historical monuments and among them there is the monument to V.I.Lenin.
Text 4
It is the historical park of Moscow. It is very beautiful. Every November 7 there is a Sjviet Army Parade and a people s demoustration in it. Humdreds of thousands of people march past the Lenin Mausoleum and the Kremlin Wall. We are proud of it.
Text 4
It is situaten in Kremlin. There are many exhibits telling about the life of this great man, about his struggle for the Revolution. Hany tourists and guests visit it every day.
Dialogue «In the street of Moscow»
1. Please tell me what there is to see in Moscow?
- Well, you can (see) go on an excursion which begins in Red Sguare.
2. Excuse me, how can I get to the State Lomonosov University?
- Go straight along the street.
3. Thank you very much.
- Don t mention it.
Dialogue «At the Bolshoi Theatre»
1. Will you give me two tickets for «The Swan Lake», please.
- Yes, of course.
2. What do you think of this ballet?
- It s one of the best ballet I have ever seen.
3. What time do the ballet start today?
- At 6 o clock.
1. Е.Л. Занина «95 устных тем по английскому языку»
Айрис Пресс. Москва. 2008г
2. А.В.Парахина, В.Г. Базилевич
«Познакомьтесь – Великобритания и США»
Москва. Высшая школа, 1988
3. В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа
Английский язык
Москва. Просвещение, 2010г
4. Е.И.Пассов, В.П.Кузовлев
Мастерство и личность учителя
Методическое пособие.
Москва. Флинта «Наука». 2011г
5. А.С.Спиваковский «Игра – это серьезно
Москва, 1992г
6. М.Ф.Стронин
Обучающие игры на уроках английского языка
Москва, 1994г
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Конспект урока " Москва - столица нашей Родины"
Урок немецкого языка в 7 классе по теме " Москва - столица нашей Родины" расширяет представления учащихся о Москве и ее истории, воспитывает любовь и уважение к нашей столице. На данном уроке использу...

Презентация " Москва-столица нашей Родины"
цель данного мероприятия -развитие умения говорить на ин. языке, привить любовь к своей Родине, а также развить внимание к собеседнику в процессе говорения....
классный час "Москва-столица нашей Родины"
Данный классный час был проведён в рамках подготовки к 1150-летию образования российской государственности. методическая разработка, которая знакомит детей с историей возникновения Москвы и с её сегод...
классный час "Москва-столица нашей Родины"
Данный классный час был проведён в рамках подготовки к 1150-летию образования российской государственности. методическая разработка, которая знакомит детей с историей возникновения Москвы и с её сегод...

Москва- столица нашей родины!
Разработку можно использовать для классных часов, открытых мероприятий....