Презентация к уроку "Happy New Year" (С Новым годом)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6, 7, 8 класс) на тему
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Let’s talk… Do you like New Year’s Day? Why? Which presents do you like to get and to give?
Where does the New Year holiday? New Year - a holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the calendar, coming at the time of transition from the last day of the year on the first day of next year. The custom of celebrating New Year's Eve already existed in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC. Beginning of the year from January 1, it was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e . In ancient Rome, this day was dedicated to Janus - the god of choice, and all the doors started . Month of January was named in honor of the god Janus , who was depicted with two faces : one looked forward, and the other - back . Where does the New Year holiday?
The large role British allocate to gifts. One holiday manages them. British very much liking to give gifts to all native and close. In eve of Christmas in spacious and empty per usual days shops -chaos : first, it is necessary to have time to buy a heap of gifts and to be reserved by meal - 24, 25, and sometimes and December 26 the majority of shops is closed. Secondly, it is impossible to miss a case to buy something for a long time desired with the discount. The red labels "Sale" occur right at the beginning of December, and to middle of month they paste over all doors and show-windows of shops. Preparation for Christmas.
Christmas Story Recall Listen to your teacher read the story, then answer the following questions: 1. Where did Bella live before she moved into her flat? 2. Why didn’t she buy a Christmas tree from the first garden centre? 3. What was the problem with the Christmas trees in the second garden centre? 4. Where did she go next to look for a tree? 5. Why did Bella start to go home before she had managed to find a tree? 6. Why did she decide to take a different route home? 7. What did she see outside the house with the brightly-lit yard? 8. What did she see some people do as they left? 9. Why did the owner of the house have Christmas trees in his yard? 10. How did Bella decorate her Christmas tree?
Christmas Story Recall Last year, just before Christmas, my friend Bella moved out of her parents’ home and into her own flat for the first time. She was very excited about her new independent life and looked forward to decorating her new flat for Christmas. 2. She decided to buy a real Christmas tree and went to look for one at the garden centre. Unfortunately, all the trees in the garden centre had no roots on them – they had been cut down instead of being dug out of the ground. Bella wanted a living tree with roots so that she could plant it outside after Christmas in the small garden behind her flat. 3. Bella went to another garden centre, but the Christmas trees there were much too big – all of them were about 2 metres tall, and her flat was too small for such a big tree. She began to get worried that she wouldn’t find a suitable tree. 4. She decided to try a large supermarket in the next town. They had some Christmas trees, but all the best ones had already been sold. The only ones they had left were rather tired and unattractive – in fact, some of them looked almost dead – and all of them were already losing their needles. 5. Bella was really disappointed. She didn’t know of anywhere else she could try, so she drove back home thinking that she would have to spend Christmas in her flat without a Christmas tree. It just wouldn’t be right! 6. There were some roadworks on the road she normally took to go home and a big queue of traffic had built up. Bella didn’t want to waste any more time, so she turned down a side-road to take a different route home. 7. As she was passing some houses, she saw several cars parked in front of a house with a big, brightly-lit yard in front of it. In the yard, much to her surprise, she saw dozens and dozens of Christmas trees in pots. There was a man, obviously the owner of the house, who seemed to be having a discussion with two or three groups of people. 8. Out of curiosity, Bella parked her car, got out and walked to the house with the brightly-lit yard. As she got closer, she saw some people leave, carrying one of the Christmas trees, and start to put it in the back of their car. 9. When she got to the house, she discovered that the man who lived there owned a Christmas tree plantation nearby, and used the front yard of his house to sell some of the trees at Christmas. He helped her find a perfect tree, just the right size for her flat, and small enough to fit in her car. She drove home with it feeling very pleased. 10. So Bella found a Christmas tree for her flat after all. She was delighted! She decorated it with baubles and fairy lights, and when her parents came to visit on Christmas Eve she was very proud to show them how lovely her flat looked, all ready for Christmas.
Happy New Year!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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