Проектная работа "История Титаника"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Проектная работа "История Титаника" по английскому языку
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When it was built in 1911, it was the largest ship in the world.
In the late 19th century and early 20th century , millions of people emigrated from Europe to America. At this time, the only way to get across the Atlantic was by ship.
One ship company, White Star Line, decided to build the biggest and most luxurious ship in the world.
The Titanic was 300 meters long and had 9 decks. In fact it was a kind of floating palace!
There was a swimming-pool
a Turkish bath
a luxurious dining room
a gym
The Titanic set sail from Southampton to New York on the 10th of April, 1912.
It had more than 2,200 passengers
Captain Smith and officers of the Titanic
and crew members on board.
On the 14th of April, the Titanic received five ice warnings but it didn't slow down.
The Titanic hit the iceberg. On 14th April 1912 the Titanic sank.
The captain of the ship, Edward John Smith, quickly realized that the 'unsinkable' Titanic was going to sink.
There were more than 2,200 people on board but only 20 lifeboats.
Captain Smith gave the order that women and children should go first.
It took the Titanic two hours and forty minutes to sink.
One of the most famous stories of the Titanic is that of the ship's band. The eight musicians of the band gathered at the grand staircase and played jazz trying to keep passengers calm .
When news of the Titanic's disaster was known the first to try and help was Captain Arthur Rostron, the captain of the Carpathia.
The Carpathia picked up the survivors from the lifeboats.
Of all the people who were on board the ship only 705 survived.
Of all the people who were on board the ship only 705 survived. Most of them were women and children. Also many more first-class passengers survived than third-class passengers. After the tragedy, it became law that every ship should have enough lifeboats for all its passengers .
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