Тест по английскому языку, УМК В. П. Кузовлева, 8 класс, Unit II
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Пименова Надежда Викторовна

Тест к Unit II в 8-ом классе по УМК В. П. Кузовлева: аудирование, грамматика, чтение, письмо.


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ENGLISH-8                                                                                                                     UNIT 2


1. Прослушайте текст и определите истинность утверждений 1 - 6. Выберите свой ответ из вариантов a - c. Вы услышите текст два раза.

a) true         b) false         c) doesn't say

1) The Tower was built in the 11th century.

2) Everyone is scared of the Tower of London.

3) There are a lot of stories about ghosts in the Tower of London.

4) King Henry VIII and his wife visited the Tower together.

5) Queen's House is not far from the place where Anne Boleyn died.

6) Anne Boleyn was probably seen in the middle of the ghostly procession.

2. Прочитайте четыре мини-текста и ответьте на вопросы 1 - 8, приведённые после них. В каждом случае вашим ответом должна быть буква, соответствующая выбранному вами мини-тексту.

A) Dublin. You will find fine old buildings, monuments and statues round every corner of this fascinating city in Ireland, the island country to the west of England. The centre of the capital is small so it is better explored on foot rather than by bus or taxi. The city is also an important cultural centre with a wide range of art galleries, theatres and museums to suit all tastes and budgets. If you like music why not go to one of the many bars near the river? Here you can enjoy traditional Irish folk music for free.

B) Warsaw. This is a relatively modern city by Polish standards. The centre part of the capital was destroyed during the Second World War so you'll discover an interesting mix of old and new architecture. Start your visit with a walk in the old town before stopping for a coffee in one of the attractive cafés on the square. It's a perfect place to sit and watch the world go by. Then perhaps you will be ready to visit the Royal Castle and learn how kings once lived. After lunch, head for the new town and do some serious shopping in the city's department stores and souvenir shops.

C) Budapest. The river Danube divides the city into two parts - Buda and Pest so you can enjoy a walk near the river or pleasant boat trip. If you are feeling more energetic, why not spend the afternoon swimming in one of the many thermal spas? The city has an excellent public transport system and many visitors get on the number 2 "sightseeing" tram which takes in lots of the capital's finest sights, including the beautiful five-star Gresham Hotel, the Chain Bridge and the whole panorama of the old city of Buda.

D) Istanbul. Istanbul may not be the capital of Turkey but it is the country's largest city and main business centre, too. The Bosporus is on one side of the city and the Black Sea is on the other. So make time for an interesting cruise during your visit. The city is also famous for its fine examples of Islamic, Roman and nineteenth-century architecture. If you don't mind the crowds why not head for the lively market district? There you can buy just about anything from second-hand clothes and antiques to exotic spices. Don't forget to check out the book bazaar.

1) What city is not a capital?

2) What city is the closest to the UK?

3) In what paragraph is there the underlined word with the meaning "of the highest quality"?

4) Lisa is an architect and is looking for some good ideas for her designs. She would like to visit a city with many different styles of buildings. She also wants to buy some novels and old objects to take home. What city is suitable for Lisa?

5) In what paragraph can we see the highlighted name of the language?

6) Philip plays the violin in his free time. He would like to visit a city where he can look at some interesting art and perhaps meet some other musicians, too. He hasn't got much money to spend. Where should Philip travel?

7) What city borders on the large water space but isn't situated on the island?

8) What city has public transport with the sightseeing tour?

3. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

1) It depends on your choice, ___?

2) I am right, ___?

3) He has never been to Prague, ___?

4) She can't change her behavior, ___?

5) Let's shake hands, ___?

6) They will unite all traditions, ___?

4. Кратко ответьте на данные вопросы.

1) Easter is a religious holiday, isn't?

2) The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day in summer, don't they?

3) There is Statue of Liberty in New York, isn't there?

4) In 1776 the US became independent, didn't it?

5) Father's Day was introduced in the 15th century, wasn't it?

6) There are a lot of anniversaries in Russian calendar, aren't there?

5. Заполните пропуски в поздравительной открытке подходящими словами. Для каждого из пропусков подходит только одно слово.

Happy 1) _____, Brother!

A lot of things 2) _____ changed a lot since we 3) _____ kids, but 4) _____ thing is forever... You'll always be my brother! Have a great birthday! I 5) _____ you strength of mind and good fortune. I hope we 6) _____ never be apart.

Love 7) _____,


ENGLISH-8                                                                                                                                       UNIT 2


Текст для аудирования

Tour guide: Welcome to our tour, Ghosts of the Tower of London, everyone. The Tower has stood on this ground since 1066, when Duke William of Normandy invaded England, and throughout its history it was used as a prison and place of execution... That's may be why today, some people say this is one of the scariest places on earth. There are many tales of ghosts here. The ghost most people see is Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII. When she didn't give birth to a boy she was beheaded on Tower Green in 1536. People said that they saw a headless female figure in a white dress close to where she was killed, near Queen's House. She is also said to be in the Chapel Royal, where the same headless figure were seen leading a ghostly procession of Lords and Ladies... towards where her headless body is buried. Are you afraid of this story? Let's go to the next stop of our tour...















Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.


















Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 8 баллов.








doesn't it

aren't I

has he

can she

shall we

won't they

Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.


1) Yes, it is.

2) No, they don't.

3) Yes, there is.

4) Yes, it did.

5) No, it wasn't.

6) Yes, there are.

Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
















Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 7 баллов.

ИТОГО: 33 балла

Перевод баллов в оценку:

30 - 33 балла – “5”

21 - 29 баллов – “4”

13 - 20 баллов – “3”

менее 13 баллов – “2”

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