Тест по английскому языку 4-5 класс
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Тест по английскому языку 4-5 класс


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Reading comprehension 

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Dear Ted ,

Thank  you   for  your   letter.   In   summer   I   was   in   the   country, too.   In  June   my   mum   took   my   brother  and   me  to  the   Black Sea.   The   sea   was   blue   and   nice.   The  weather  was  sunny  and hot.   We   swam   and   dived   a   lot.  We   saw  dolphins   in   the   sea.

They  were   big   and   strong.   I   think  dolphins   are  the   nicest animals   in   the   sea.

In   July   I   went   to   the   country   with   my   grandma.   We   lived on   the  farm.  There  were   many  green   fields  and   a   long   river next  to  our  farm.   There  was   a   green   garden   with   apple  trees behind   our  house.   In   the   morning   I   fed   hens   and   ducks.   Then I   rode   a   horse   in   the  fields.   I   saw  a   lot  of  cows  and   sheep there.   I   like  to   live   in   the   country.

In   August   my   dad   and   I   went   to   Moscow.   It's   the   capital of  Russia.   It's  the   biggest  city   in   our  country.   The  streets  are wide   and   long   in   Moscow.   There   are   lots   of   people,   cars   and tall   houses.   One   day  we  visited   the   most  interesting   place   in Moscow  —  the  zoo.  We  saw  many  different  animals:   eagles, camels,   monkeys,   elephants,   tigers,   bears  and   a   giraffe   Samson. I spent  (провел)  five   days   in   Moscow.  And   I   was  glad   to come   back  home.   Now   I   know  "East  or  West  home   is   best!" I   like   my  friends  and   my  old   green   town   —   Samara.

Would   you   like   to  visit   Samara   next  summer?   We'll   have   a good   time  together!

Write   back.

Your  friend,   Anton.


1. Закончи предложение, выбрав один вариант из трех предложенных.

1) In June  Anton went to...

a)  to  the  country.

b)  to  the  Black  Sea.

c) to  Moscow.


2) Anton liked the dolphins because...

a)  they were  nice,  big  and  strong.

b)  he  fed  them  in  the  morning.

c)  they swam and dived a lot.


2. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос.

1) Where  did  Anton  ride  a  horse?

a) in the  forest.

b)  in  the  fields.

c) in  the garden.


2) Why was  Anton glad  to  get  back  home?

a)  He  didn't  like  Moscow.

b) He  likes to  live in the country.

c) He likes his friends  and  his  old town.

3. True or false

¨                   Anton  and  his  brother  saw  dolphins  in  the  sea.

¨                   b)  Anton    lived  in the country   in  August.

¨                   Anton visited  Moscow  zoo  in  August.

¨                   Anton was  glad  to  come back  home.    


Лексико- грамматический тест


  • Перепиши слова. Подчеркни слово, отличающееся от других:

¨       teacher, speak, break, please, read, Easter

¨       Technology, school, French, Christmas

¨       London, holiday, from, coffee

¨       hear, near, heart, dear


  • Напиши сравнительную и превосходную степень сравнения:










  • Напиши множественное число существительных:


         A school –

         A man –

         A mouse –

         A tooth –

         A city –

         A woman –


      4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода:

      1)  pupils’ form

           a) школьная форма ученика

            b) школьная форма учеников

      2) my friend’s nickname

            a) прозвище моего друга

            b) прозвище моих друзей

       3) her children’s marks

             a) оценки ее детей

              b) оценка ее детей

       4) the teachers’ photos

              a) Фотография учителей

               b) фотографии учителей

        5) her friend’s letter

               a) письмо ее друзей

               b) письмо ее друга


     5. Выбери правильную форму глагола :


1)      Last August Elena and I (went/ go) abroad.

2)      My father (goes/ went) abroad every summer.

3)      We (speak / spoke) English at the English lessons.

4)      I (play / played) computer games yesterday.

5)      He (read/ reads) books every day.








Listening comprehension.



A Clever Answer.


A rich American traveled all over the world with his family.  One  day he came with his children to Great Britain. They went to different places and the American always bought them something they liked and asked for. One day they came to the English Zoo. His sons were bad children. They ran, jumped and cried loudly and  frightened the animals all day. They also gave food  to the animals. In the evening they told their father, “ We like the Zoo. Buy it for us!”

The American asked the Zookeeper, “ How much does the Zoo cost? My children like it very much. I want to buy the Zoo.” “ We are not going to sell it, but we can buy children to the Zoo,” was the answer.


Listen to the text "A Clever Answer" and do the tasks below.    Answer the following questions.

  1. Who did the American travel with?
  2. What did he always do for his children?
  3. Why did the children frighten the animals?
  4. Why did the American ask about the price of the Zoo?
  5. What did the Zookeeper answer?

В  Finish the sentences.

¨        One day the American came to ...

¨        In the Zoo the children ...

¨        In the evening they asked him to ...

¨        The American wanted to buy the Zoo for ...

¨        The text is called "A Clever Answer" because ...




Speaking: “My summer holidays”

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