Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Воротынова Вера Валериевна

Данная разработка предназначена для учащихся 8 класса на основе УМК Spotlight в двух вариантах.


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Итоговая контрольно-комбинированная работа в 8 классе

1 variant


Harry Bolton didn’t really like sport at all until he discovered something both new and unusual. “I was listening to the radio one day when I heard something that I thought must have been a joke. The DJ was talking about underwater hockey! When I realized it actually was a sport, I decided to find out more about it. To my surprise, I found a local team and before I knew it, I was part of it!”

Unlike water polo, where the action takes place above the water, underwater hockey is played at the bottom of the pool. Players wear masks, flippers and snorkels during the game. “The rulers are simple, you just have to slide the puck into the opposing team’s goal,” says Harry.

Underwater hockey was invented by a British diving club in 1954. Harry told us, “Unfortunately it’s not much of a spectator sport, as all people watching from outside the pool can see are lots of splashing and flippers!”

True or False?

1. Harry Bolton played ice hokey before………..

2. Underwater hockey is like water polo………..

3.Underwater hockey was invented  in Canada……

4. According to Harry the rulers are not difficult……

5. You need some equipment such as masks, flippers and snorkels…….

Choose the right variant.

6. Tony’s …… He doesn’t feel comfortable with people.

a. easy-going                        b. sociable                        c. shy

7. Dave is …….He must go on a diet.

a. fit                                b. overweight                        c. responsible

8. I ……breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?

a. cook                                        b. am cooking                             c. have cooked                  

9. Maria is good at languages. She ….. French, Spanish and German.

a. speaks                                     b. is speaking                              c. has spoken        

Fill in the missing preposition using with the phrasal verbs

  1. It’s a formal party. You really should put …a tie.
  2. Please put me …. to Dr. Green.
  3. I can’t put … that kind of behavior any longer.
  4. 6. How long can camels go… water?
  5. 11. This tie goes….. …. your shirt very well.
  6. 12. People can go….water for about three days.

 Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous, Present Perfect , Present Simple

16. I ….already …….my homework. ( do)

17. I …….this book last year.  (read)

18. We …….never …….to Washington. (be)

19.Tom ……computer games at five o'clock yesterday. (play)

20. I…….the dog for a walk every day after school. (take)

Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice.

21. Students use computers at their lessons.

22. The teacher explained the rules of the game to the students.

23. They will clean the office tomorrow.

24. John Napier designed the costumes for Cats.

25. They serve dinner from 7:00 pm onwards.

Итоговая контрольно-комбинированная работа в 8 классе

2 variant


The National Sport of England

Football is the most рорulаr sport in England. ln fact, а lot of English people say it is their national sport.

English people have played football fоr а vеrу long time. Ноwеvеr, the game didn’t have аnу rеаl rulеs until  the l9th сеntuгу. ln l815, Eton College created гulеs to make the gаmе less violent and lаtеr, in l848, Cambridge university made mаnу of the mоdеrn rulеs. Football quickly became as рорulаr as оthеr games such аs cricket.

Today, thеrе аrе thousands of fооtbаll clubs in England, and professional clubs, such as Аrsеnаl, Livеrрооl and Маnсhеstеr United аrе famous all оvеr the world.

Football  has bесоmе раrt of the сulturаl life in England and hundreds of  thousands of fans suрроrt thеir fаvоuritе teams in stadiums аrоund the country еvеrу weekend. Маnу English сhildrеn have football lessons at school. And famous footballers, such as David Beckham and Michael Owen hаvе become rоlе models fоr а lot of these сhildrеn.

1.Football rules were created in  the 19th century.    ……

2. Arsenal is unknown football team.   ……

3. The English like football.   ……

4. Football fans often  go to stadiums.   …...

5. Cricket is one of popular game in England.

Choose the right variant.

6. I am very good ……English.

a. at                                b. for                                c. about

7. John works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. It’s  a ……..job.                

a.   salary                        b. overtime                        c. full-time

8. She can't come to the phone now because she ….. for tomorrow's test.

   a. studies                                    b. is studying                               c. has studied              

9. They must be at the sports ground now. They usually ….. basketball on Fridays.

a. play                                         b. are playing                              c. have played            

Fill in the missing preposition using with the phrasal verbs

10. Please put … your clothes. They are all over the place!

11. It took the firefighters two hours to put … the fire.

12. The fashion show has been put… until next Friday.

13. The price of bread is going…in many shops.

14. Nick is sad. He is going… a very difficult time.

15. Ann gloves go…her bag.

 Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous, Present Perfect , Present Simple

16. I…….the dog for a walk every day after school. (take)

17. He …….just ……home. ( come)

18. Nick ……football yesterday. (play)

19. ……you ever ……to New York? (be)

20.I …….at nine o'clock yesterday. (not  sleep)

Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice.

21. They will clean the office tomorrow.

22. Аnn cooks a special dinner on the 21st of May.

23. They arranged a nice picnic last month.

24. They have translated the book into 25 languages.

25. The company will publish the new Harry Potter book next month.

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