Презентации моих учеников
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Львова Оксана Михайловна

Презентации на английском языке учеников 10 класса


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Слайд 1

Charles John Huffam Dickens Prepared by a student of class 10 Dergunova Julia

Слайд 2

Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in a suburb of Portsmouth - Lendport. He was the second child of eight children of John Dickens (1785-1851) and Elizabeth Dickens (1789-1863 ). Dickens found himself first of all as a reporter. Once Dickens complied - on test - some reportorial tasks, he at once has been seen the reading public.

Слайд 3

The first sketches of character study of Dickens, which he called « Sketches by Boz » , was published in 1836. The breathtaking success waited Dickens in the same year as the publication of the chapters of his « Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club ».

Слайд 4

Dickens often spontaneously fell into a trance, and was prone to visions from time to time experienced the state of deja vu . Dickens once said that every word before moving on to the paper, they first heard clearly, and his characters are always together and communicate with him. Personal strangeness

Слайд 5

Glory to Dickens continued to grow after his death. It was turned into a real idol of English literature. His name was called next to the name of Shakespeare, his popularity in England, 1880-1890-ies. Byron's fame eclipsed. But critics and readers have tried to ignore his angry protests among his agonizing contradictions of life.

Слайд 6

They did not understand and did not want to understand that humor was often to Dickens shield against excessive wounding blows of life. On the contrary, Dickens gained fame primarily merry old England writer.

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