Статьи для работы по теме "Crime" 11класс
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При работе с учебниками "Spotlight" столкнулась с постоянным использованием учащимися решебников и готовых ответов. В связи с этим возник вопрос об альтернативных домашних заданиях. Вот пример одного из таких заданий. Тема "Преступность" представлена в виде статей из официальных британских газет
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Man arrested over fishing boat fire in Peterhead harbour
A man has been arrested in connection with a fire on a fishing boat which sparked a major emergency response.
The 35-year-old is due to appear at Peterhead Sheriff Court on Monday in relation to the fire in the Aberdeenshire town's harbour, which was reported around 10.30pm on Thursday.
Scottish Fire and Rescue dispatched two crews and an incident support vehicle, and a lifeboat crew pulled a man from the water who is thought to have abandoned the burning boat.
The crew of the Peterhead RNLI Lifeboat The Misses Robertson of Kintail was initially told there may have been two people in the harbour, and spent several hours searching for a second person to avail.
They eventually returned to the boat to help fire crews cool the deck before escorting it into Peterhead bay and standing down at 4am.
Police Scotland and the Harbour Master were also on hand during the incident.
Man seriously injured in attack near bus stop in Edinburgh
A man is in a serious condition in hospital and another man has been detained by police following an attempted murder in Edinburgh.
The 52-year-old victim sustained several injuries in the attack, close to a bus stop in Ferry Road opposite Goldenacre playing fields at around 10.30pm on Friday.
He was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where his condition was described as serious but stable.
Police detained a 57-year-old man following the initial report, and he is in police custody.
Detective Inspector Alan O'Brien said: "We are currently following a number of positive lines of inquiry and I would like to reassure the local community that crimes like this are rare.
"Anyone who was within the area at the time who may have witnessed the incident is asked to contact the police on 101".
Growing concern for missing 19-year-old woman
Police are growing increasingly concerned about a missing teenager who has not been in touch with friends and family for four days.
Samantha Bedborough, 19, was last seen on Tuesday November 17 in Kirkcaldy.
She is 5ft 3 in tall, of medium build with short brown/auburn coloured hair.
She was last seen wearing a green parka jacket, grey shirt style top and black leggings.
Ms Bedborough has connections to the Rosyth, Kirkcaldy and Edinburgh area.
Sergeant Kirk Donnelly of Dunfermline Police Station, who is leading the search, said: "We are becoming increasingly concerned for Samantha as she has not been seen for a number of days.
"I would urge anyone who may know her whereabouts or who has seen her recently to contact us.
"Similarly if Samantha sees this appeal, I would also ask her to contact relatives or the police to confirm she is safe."
Armed police storm wrong building in armed robbery call
Armed police stormed a busy office building - only to realise they had gone to the wrong address.
Firearms officers from Cambridgeshire Police were called to reports of an armed robbery on Tuesday afternoon.
They were told the incident was happening at a branch of Premier Travel so rushed to the firm's headquarters in Cambridge.
It was only when about five patrol cars and an armed response unit arrived and officers burst into the building that they realised they should have been about 15 miles away in Newmarket, Suffolk.
A Cambridgeshire police spokesman said: "We received reports of an armed robbery at about 1.40pm yesterday afternoon in Milton Road, Cambridge.
"Armed officers were deployed, however, upon arrival it was established the incident location was in Newmarket, Suffolk.
"It is unfortunate that members of the public were alarmed by this, however we were responding to calls for service which was reported from a location in Cambridge."
Onlookers said they feared they were caught up in a Paris-style terrorist incident.
Shop owner Mary Anton told the Cambridge News: "It was so scary seeing the armed police especially with what has been happening in Paris. It is quite tense everywhere at the moment."
Suffolk Police arrived at the correct branch of the travel agent where they Tasered and arrested a man after reports that staff had been threatened with a knife.
Man found with head injuries outside Morrisons supermarket in Dundee
A man has been found with a head injury outside a supermarket.
The man, who has yet to be identified by police, was found at Morrisons in Forfar Road, Dundee, at about 7am on Friday.
He is described as in his late 30s to early 40s, white, of stocky build and with short dark hair. He is wearing a royal blue Adidas jacket with a white zip and three white stripes along the shoulders and sleeves, dark blue jeans with a fabric belt and black leather boots.
He has the letters "DFC" tattooed on his right ankle, a leaf on his right upper arm and a ship on his left forearm.
Anyone with any information has been urged to call Police Scotland on 101.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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