Аудирование "Британский парламент Парламент" 8 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Данная работа предназначена для проверки навыков аудирования учащимися по теме "Британский парламент Парламент".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 1
1. Choose one right answer.
1. How many parts does the Palace of Westminster consist of?
a) ten parts;
b) five parts;
c) three parts.
2. Where are we at first?
a) in the Royal Apartment;
b) in the House of Lords;
c) in the House of Commons.
3. What is the other name of the House of Lords?
a) the Parliament Chamber;
b) the Chamber of Secret;
c) the Government Chamber.
4. Who comes to open the Parliament?
a) the Prince;
b) the Lord Chancellor;
c) the Queen.
5. For what do all three parts of Parliament come to the Chamber of the House of Lords?
a) for the Queen’s Speech;
b) for the concert;
c) to make something important.
6. From where does the Queen give her speech?
a) from her home;
b) from the House of Commons;
c) from the throne.
7. Behind what is the throne situated?
a) behind the big red cushion;
b) behind the famous tree;
c) there isn’t any throne.
8. What is the big red cushion?
a) it is the famous Woolsack;
b) it is a part of an interior;
c) it is a big chair.
9. Who sits on the famous Woolsack?
a) the Queen;
b) the Speaker;
c) the Lord Chancellor.
10. What do two statues symbolize?
a) two British political parties;
b) British economy;
c) only the Conservative party.
2. Translate these sentences.
1) The Government writes speech for the Queen.
2) The famous Woolsack was put in Parliament to symbolize the importance of wool to the British economy at that time.
3) The Speaker presides over the House of Commons.
4) So in the British Parliament MPs don’t vote by pushing a button; they vote with their feet.
5) These two lines are here to remind MPs than they shouldn’t start a fight.
Variant 2
1. Choose one right answer.
1. How many parts does the Palace of Westminster consist of?
a) ten parts;
b) three parts;
c) five parts.
2. Where are we at first?
a) in the House of Lords;
b) in the Royal Apartment;
c) in the House of Commons.
3. What is the other name of the House of Lords?
a) the Government Chamber;
b) the Chamber of Secret;
c) the Parliament Chamber.
4. Who comes to open the Parliament?
a) the Queen;
b) the Lord Chancellor;
c) the Prince.
5. For what do all three parts of Parliament come to the Chamber of the House of Lords?
a) to make something important;
b) for the concert;
c) for the Queen’s Speech.
6. From where does the Queen give her speech?
a) from her home;
b) from the throne;
c) from the House of Commons.
7. Behind what is the throne situated?
a) behind the famous tree;
b) behind the big red cushion;
c) there isn’t any throne.
8. What is the big red cushion?
a) it is a big chair;
b) it is a part of an interior;
c) it is the famous Woolsack.
9. Who sits on the famous Woolsack?
a) the Lord Chancellor;
b) the Speaker;
c) the Queen.
10. What do two statues symbolize?
a) British economy;
b) two British political parties;
c) only the Conservative party.
2. Translate these sentences.
1) There is wool inside of the famous Woolsack.
2) The Lord Chancellor presides over the House of Lords.
3) Two lobbies are very important for the whole country because MPs come here to vote on bills for new laws.
4) The distance between these two lines is two sword’s lengths.
5) The son of William the Conqueror started the building of the Westminster Hall.
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