Шаблон экзаменационного эссе
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Рекомендации по написанию эссе.


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                                                                                                                                   Шаблон – схема написания эссе с элементами     рассуждения


In today’s world of _______________________________________________


it is important to ___________________________________________________

Many people believe_________________________________________________


but others claim___________________________________________________

Let us consider who is right?


In my opinion,___________________________________as__________


To begin with, ______________________________________________________


Moreover, _________________________________________________________


In addition, _______________________________________________________


However, there are people who think that_________________________


But I cannot agree with them. Firstly,___________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ Secondly, __________________________________________________________________


In conclusion, I should say: so many people so many opinions, and it is up to you to decide (whether)_____________________________________________. One can only hope ___________________________________________________

              Пример  эссе с элементами     рассуждения

«Each country possesses some objects which it regards as its own wonder. But can such wonders belong only to one country? It seems they should be the whole world’s possessions»

           In every country there are always some things which are considered to be this very country’s wonders. Do really only these countries possess them? Many people are sure that they should belong to all the humanity. But why do they think so?

            First of all, let us see what objects are considered to be wonders. They are usually some great constructions or some incredible sights. Some of them are also believed to be among the main wonders of the world. From antiquity to the present day there have been made various lists of the world’s wonders which included the most spectacular natural wonders and manmade structures. So there appears such a question as if to consider them as the whole world’s possessions or just each country’s own wonders. Many people say they should belong to the whole world so that all the world could not only admire, but also take care of them if something happens to them, because of some circumstances and the country can’t pay attention to them, special world organizations will save them for the humanity.

             However, some people think that they are just the property of the country where they were created and other countries should not interfere with another country’s possession.

             I do not agree with them because many of those remarkable creations which were mentioned in those lists do not exist anymore and people can get to know about them only from books.

             In conclusion, I’d like to mention that the wonders of the world should be saved to give people the opportunity to see what the humanity has created. I am quite sure, that it is easier to do it if they are considered to be the whole world’s ones.  

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