Страноведческий тест
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Юмагужина Мунира Булатовна

Тест для проверки знаний  для 10-11 классов


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Страноведческий тест

  1. What is the capital of Australia?
  1. Canberra;  b) London;  c) Sydney
  1. Australia has  an area of about…
  1. 10 mln. sq. km;  b) 5 mln. sq. km;  c) 8 mln. sq. km.
  1. The greatest river of Australia is…
  1. the Murray;  b) the Severn;  c) the Thames
  1. Australia is rich in…
  1. oil;  b) gas;  c) minerals
  1. What is the main occupation in Australia?
  1. agriculture;  b) fishing;  c) swimming
  1. The population of Australia is about…
  1. 10 mln.;  b) 15 mln.;  c) 5mln.
  1. The Commonwealth of Australia consists of…
  1. 6 states;  b) 2 states;  c) 4 states
  1. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and…
  1. the House of Commons;  b) the House of Representatives;  с) the House of Canberra
  1. Who is formally the head of the state?
  2. The federal government is headed by…
  1. the Prime Minister ;  b) Kind of England;  c)  the President
  1. The eastern part of Australia was discovered by…
  1. Livingston;  b) Captain Cook;  c) Brown
  1. The strangest animals of Australia are…
  1. the echidna;  b) the lion;  c) the platypus;  d) the elephant.
  1.  Which bird is represented on the coat-of-arms (герб)?

a)the kivi    b) the emu   c) the duck

        14. A typical Australian is  ….

           a) a fishman    b) a farmer    c) townsman

        15. Which sports are popular in Australia?

         16. What do the aborigenes like to do?


  1. What are the aboriginal people of New Zealand called?
  2. What does New Zealand consist of?
  3. What can you say about the climate of New Zealand?
  4. What is the national emblem of New Zealand?
  5. Name the main cities in North Island.
  6. Name the main cities in South Island.
  7. What is the capital of New Zealand?
  8. Which natural resources of New Zealand do you know?
  9. New Zealand is sometimes called …….. .
  10.  When has Wellington been the capital of New Zealand?
  11.  Who was ‘’Tara’’ (Maori legend)?
  12.  Where are parliament and government buildings situated?
  13.  How did the aborigines call New Zealand?
  14.  Which island is larger and very beautiful?
  15.  What is New Zealand famous for?
  16.  How long did the Maori Wars last?
  17.  What did the Maoris defend?
  18.  How did the Maori Wars end?
  19.  Which sports in summer and winter are very popular in New Zealand?
  20.  The Maori children learn ……. as soon as they can week.
  21.  How much is the population of New Zealand?
  22.  What kind of state is New Zealand?
  23.  Who represents the Kind or Queen of England?
  24.  The Parliament of New Zealand consists of ….. .
  25.  What are the main political parties of New Zealand?

  1. What is the capital of Canada?
  1. London; b) Montreal; c) Ottawa
  1. The British queen is also the queen of Canada. What official is the real head of the Canadian government?
  2. Canada has an area of nearly … square km.:
  1. 10 mln.; b) 20 mln.; c) 15 mln.
  1. Its western coast is washed by ….
  1. the Pacific Ocean; b) the Indian Ocean; c) the Atlantic Ocean.
  1. Who was the first settlers in Canada?
  1. Indians; b) Piligrims; c) Eskimos; d) Maori people
  1. How many Canadians speak French?
  2. Kings and navigators begun to dream of …. across the sea.
  1. fish; b) the riches; c) ships
  1. …… became the first important industry of Canada.
  1. ship-building; b) motor-car building; c) fishing
  1. What has the Eskimo invented?
  2.  On the prairies children from distant farms go …. , to big schools.
  1. by air; b) by car; c) by train; d) by bus
  1.  What games and sports do the children and grown ups play?  
  2.  What official languages does Canada have?
  1. English and Canadian  b) French and English  c) Latin and English
  1.  ….is the home of the French Canadian nation.
  1. Ottawa   b)Halifax    c) Quebec.
  1.  ….is the second largest French city in the world.
  1. Quebec     b) Ontario   c) Montreal
  1.  The population of Canada is ….people.
  1. 30mln.  b) 34mln   c) 10mln. d) 24mln.
  1.  Canada is rich in ….
  2.  The mountains of Canada are …
  1. The Rocky mountains   b) the Cordilliera   c) the Blue Montains
  1.  Why is Canada a country of lakes?
  2.  The Federal Parliament consists of …
  1. The Senate    b) the House of Commons  c) the House of Representatives
  1.  A legislative assembly is elected by the people for ….
  1. 1year   b) 5years     c) 4years
  1.  Ottawa is the federal capital and ….
  2.  What parties are represented in Parliament?

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