викторина "Around English-speaking countries"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6, 7, 8 класс) на тему

Караушева Елена Львовна

Викторина помогает обобщить знания учащихся об англоязычных странах, символах и достопримечательностях.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Around English-speaking countries

Слайд 2


Слайд 15


Слайд 16

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Слайд 17

Which country consists of four parts having their own capitals?

Слайд 18

What country is famous for constant floods, cyclones and droughts?

Слайд 19

Which of English-speaking countries has practically almost every kind of climate?

Слайд 20

What country is famous for its unique flora and fauna?

Слайд 21

Name the country whose flag is often called “Stars and Stripes”.

Слайд 22

Which country is situated between two parts of the other country?

Слайд 23

Which country is famous for the bird kiwi?

Слайд 24

What English-speaking country has the longest coastline ?

Слайд 25


Слайд 26

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Слайд 27

What is the capital of the United Kingdom?

Слайд 28

What is the capital of the United States of America?

Слайд 29

What is the capital of Australia?

Слайд 30

What is the capital of New Zealand?

Слайд 31

What is the capital of Canada?

Слайд 32

Where can you visit the Tower?

Слайд 33

What city is famous as a city of casinos?

Слайд 34

What city is famous for its Opera Theatre building?

Слайд 35


Слайд 36

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Слайд 37

Who discovered America?

Слайд 38

Who was the first president of the United States of America?

Слайд 39

What nationality are the famous writers Mark Twain and Jack London?

Слайд 40

What is the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom?

Слайд 41

Which English king had 6 wives?

Слайд 42

Which American president abolished slavery: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln?

Слайд 43

What English monarch had the longest reign in history?

Слайд 44

Whose reign is known as the Golden Age of English history?

Слайд 45


Слайд 46

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Слайд 47

What is the highest mountain in the UK?

Слайд 48

Where is the home of London Zoo?

Слайд 49

What is the name of Shakespeare’s Theatre?

Слайд 50

What is British currency called?

Слайд 51

What is 10, Downing Street famous for?

Слайд 52

What is English national sport?

Слайд 53

How old is the Tower of London?

Слайд 54

Where are British monarchs crowned?

Слайд 55

Big Ben

Слайд 56

The Tower of London

Слайд 57

Westminster Abbey

Слайд 58

The Houses of Parliament

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English-speaking Countries


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