тест Кузовлев 9 класс "Books"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
9th form
Unit 1
Test Yourself
- Choose the right word and fill in the gaps.
To be fond of read enjoy to be excited about to be captivated by
My family can’t imagine its life without reading. I personally …………….reading books about love and adventure stories. My mother is a romantic person and…………………romance. My father ………………. morning newspapers and sometimes books about mysterious and supernatural events. My sister ………................. magazines and my granny historical novels and magazines about gardening.
- What is a school yearbook?
- A registry book used by teacher only:
- A book published annually containing different information about a year just past including photographs of students.
- A book which every student must read till the end of a school year.
- Read and answer the questions.
William Shakespeare was baptized on 26 April 1564. We don't know the exact date of his birth but in the 16th century it was normal for babies to baptized within a few days of their birth (because so many died) William Shakespeare's father John was a glover (maker of gloves) and he seems to have been a leading citizen of Stratford Upon Avon.
William Shakespeare probably went to Stratford Grammar School. However we do not know what he did for a living when he was a young man but in about 1587 he went to London. He became an actor and a playwright. By 1592 William Shakespeare was making a name for himself. The theatres in London were closed from 1592 to 1594 because of plague but Shakespeare wrote two poems during that time, Venus and Adonis 1593 and Lucerce in 1594.William Shakespeare prospered and in 1597 he bought a house and gardens in Stratford for Ј60.
In the 19th century as Stratford upon Avon became famous as the birthplace of William Shakespeare. The house where he was born was purchased in 1847 and turned into a monument. Anne Hathaway's cottage was purchased in 1892. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre was built in 1932 and the Shakespeare Centre opened in 1964. Today William Shakespeare is remembered as one of the greatest English playwrights.
- When was W. Shakespeare born?
- Where did he get education?
- What is Stratford upon Avon famous for?
- What was W. Shakespeare father’s job?
- Do you personally like W/ Shakespeare’s works?
- Translate into English.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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