контрольная работа "Конфликты", 9 класс Биболетова
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Материал контролирует знания учащихся по разделу "Конфликты"
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9 класс.Раздел 3. – «Конфликты».
Задание №1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: argue, fair, share, get on, argument.
My sons Tom and Chris often have fights. They don’t (1) __ with each other.
They often (2) __ about things because they refuse to share them. For example,
we have only one TV set, and they can never (3) __ it. My husband and I had an
(4) __ about this conflict. I said that Tom had the right to watch TV because he
Was younger than Chris. But my husband said it was not (5) __.
Задание №2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.
- She is still trying to … her cold.
- get together b) get over c) get off
- A group of mountain climbers from Russia … at the foot of the Himalayas.
- got together b) got along with c) got over
- Please put the knife … on the table before you hurt somebody.
- off b) down c) on
- The concert is … till next week.
- put off b) put down c) put on
- They don’t … with each other.
- get off b) get back c) get along
Задание №3. Подбери слова к дефинициям.
- support (v) a) to calm down or to rest
- confident (adj) b) to have comfortable or friendly relations
- get on (v) c) a feeling that one can rely on oneself
- relax (v) d) to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money
- provide (v) e) to offer (food, drink, help, information, etc)
Задание №4. Вставьте пропущенные слова: peaceful, prevent, values, disagree, resolve.
When people (1) __ with each other, they may have conflicts. Conflicts happen
when people have different ideas or (2) __. It is not always possible to (3) __
conflicts. But we can (4) __ conflicts by (5) __ means.
Задание №5. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.
- They don’t … with each other.
- get away b) get along c) get back
- It took him many years to … the death of his parents.
- get over b) get off c) get together
- I won’t be able to … from the office before seven.
- get on b) get back c) get away
- I don’t want to … a society that supports smokers.
- put on b) put off c) put up with
- What time did you … last time?
- get away b) get back c) get together
Задание №6. Вставьте пропущенные слова: conservative, lovely, velvet, sign, reunion, wheelchair.
The mother thought her daughter would look (1) __ in the velvet dress. The
policeman gave the driver a (2) __ to stop the car. Old people are usually more
(3) __ than young people. Are you planning to have a family (4) __ at Christmas?
People who are unable to walk use a (5) __.
Задание №7. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.
- The bus driver will tell you where to … .
- get along with b) got on c) get off
- He is a new student, but he … fine at school.
- gets on b) gets together c) gets off
- She is a nice person to talk with and she never … my secrets.
- gets up b) gives in c) gives away
- She … her sickness quite soon.
- got up b) got through c) got over
- A reunion is a meeting of people who want to … after a separation.
- get together b) get over c) get back
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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