занимательные факты по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Кокуркина Анна Станиславовна

Краткое описание страны и викторина


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Capital – Ottawa

Type of Government – Monarchy, officially, Canada is a part of the UK, so, the Queen Elizabeth II is also the Queen of Canada.

National day – Canada Day (1 July), The Birthday of the British Queen is also a holiday.

Canada Flag

The Maple Leaf is a symbol of Canada.

The red colour symbolises courage.

National sport – hockey. Canada won the Hockey World Championship 24 times.

Canada has 14 provinces.

Largest cities Winnipeg, Vancouver, Quebec City

Nickname – the country of lakes and mountains

National symbols : polar bears and the Royal Police Officers

Canada is famous for

  • its size, it is the 2nd largest country in the world after Russia.
  • Beautiful nature and landscape, National Parks cover more than a half of Canadian territory. Banff National Park is the largest National Park in the world, it is so vast that all Europe can fit in.
  • Niagara Falls, the biggest tourist attraction, 50m high, the highest vertical waterfall in the world
  • Outdoor sport , there are many ski resorts, popular activities include – fishing, hunting, swimming
  • Bear Lake – the 2nd largest lake in the world after Baikal
  • Rideau Canal in Ottawa is the largest skating rink in the world. It is 8 km long
  • Polar bears are a common sight in many Canadian regions. Many cars in Canada have number plates in a shape of a bear
  • Canadian police officers are famous for their colourful uniform


___________________________ is the capital of Canada

___________________________ is the largest National Park in the world

___________________________ is the biggest tourist attraction in Canada

___________________________ is the 2nd largest lake in the world

___________________________ is the largest skating rink in the world

Why is Canada “the country of lakes and mountains”?


What can you do if you visit Canada


Colour the symbols of Canada

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