Презентация учащихся "School Uniform"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Проекты, выполненные учащимися
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1. What do you think of a school uniform ? Opinion : Teaches Parents Student Questions 2. W hat clothes students have to wear ? Opinion : Students Parents 3.What colors have to prevail in a school uniform ? Opinion : Students Parents Teaches
Results Students : Most students like school uniforms because firstly, the school uniform looks professional. Second, school uniform prevents competition between classmates and school uniform disciplines us. Teaches : Most of teachers supported idea about introduction of a school uniform. They think that it will help to unite student s of this school. Parents : Most of parents agree that the school uniform has to be. But they also want that this form was convenient and not expensive
Results Students More than a half of pupils consider that at school the school uniform because they don't want to hide the identity isn't necessary, they want to go that is pleasant to them in what it is convenient to them Parents Most of parents consider that it is better that pupils wore an official uniform.
Results Students : I think the dominant color in their uniforms, should not be very bright, must be calm tones. The form must not annoy, she must appeal to most students. But some students think that uniforms should be of such any color they want. Because they want to be individual. Teachers think students have to wear solid colors that have mostly restrained and calm colors, preferably blue ,white and gray Parents think that students should go in more trendy colors such as dark gray, blue and black.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
We asked questions about school uniforms Do you want to wear your school uniform? What school uniform should wear girls? What a school uniform should wear boys ? What a school uniform is in another country? (For example, UK)
Do you want to wear your school uniform? Most of student in our class don’t want to wear your school uniform. Own clothing shows your individuality. You can have your style. If everyone will wear a uniform, everything will look the same. But we agree that the clothes should be strict and accurate.
What school uniform should wear girls? Girls can wear shirts, blouses, sweaters light colors. They should not be highly decorated. The girls wear skirts and classic trousers. They should be dark colors. It is better to avoid the brand name.
What a school uniform should wear boys ? Boys should wear suits or plain shirt with pants. You can not wear shorts to school or shirts, or jeans. Guys can wear shoes, but don’t need sneakers.
What a school uniform in another country? (For example, UK) School uniforms - a compulsory attribute of each British school. Compulsory condition clothes is the emblem. Design of form in many prestigious schools didn’t change for several tens (or even hundreds) years. Student Parliament takes part in the creation and development of style school uniforms. It educates in students the responsibility to young age. Young designers will create a form of which will be dependent a general view and the prestige of the school.
British school uniform
British school uniform
British school uniform
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