План - конспект урока в 6 классе по учебнику К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман "Happy English.ru" по теме "История из прошлого"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
План-конспект урока в 6 классе по учебнику К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru» по теме «История из прошлого»
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План-конспект урока в 6 классе по учебнику К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru»
по теме:
«История из прошлого»
Урок разработан и проведен:
учителем английского языка
Фёдоровой Светланой Николаевной
( 6. 03. 2005.)
г. Щекино 2005 г.
План-конспект урока в 6 классе по учебнику К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru»
Тема урока: «История из прошлого»
Цель урока: учить учащихся трём видам чтения:
ознакомительному, изучающему и поисковому.
Задачи урока:
1. Использовать ситуацию, изложенную в тексте в
качестве языковой опоры для развития следующих
- прогнозировать события с опорой на
визуальный ряд;
- найти конкретную информацию;
- опровергнуть утверждения или согласиться
с ними;
- объяснить свою позицию;
- привести факты за / против;
- изложить основное содержание с опорой на
визуальный ряд;
- озаглавить текст и объяснить свой выбор.
2. Учить учащихся сравнивать, обобщать, делать
3. Формировать у учащихся личностного отношения к
4. Воспитание у учащихся чувства любви к Родине,
ответственности за её будущее.
Оснащение урока: листы с заданиями, картинки, средства
Формат урока: занятие проводится в течение двух
спаренных уроков по 40 минут.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Приветствие учителя учащихся и гостей. Рапорт дежурного.
Сообщение темы урока, обозначение цели и задач, стоящих
перед учащимися на уроке.
T: Today we are having our reading lesson. We’ll read a Scottish
legend, do many tasks and give the name to the text and our
II. Предтекстовой этап.
Имеет целью 1) побудить к прогнозированию содержания
текста по иллюстрациям с опорой на предшествующий опыт
и знания; 2) обеспечить осознание коммуникативной задачи;
3) снять часть трудностей при чтении текста и выполнении
последующих заданий.
Задание 1. «Что вы знаете о Шотландии?»
Проверка домашнего задания: краткие сообщения о
некоторых шотландских реалиях.
T: While reading the text we’ll come across the word “Scotland”
many times. Your home task was to look through the texts
we’ve read earlier and find the description of some notions
connected with Scotland.
Look at the blackboard, please. Read the first word and say
what you know about this notion.
P: Scotland. It’s the name of the country in the north of Great
Britain. It’s an amazing land. It’s a land of beautiful nature. It is
a land of amazing lakes, bagpipes and highland Games.
T: Now look at the picture of a flower. What is it?
P: This is a thistle. It’s a national emblem of Scotland.
T: Read the second word on the blackboard and say what it means.
P: Edinburgh. It is the capital of Scotland.
T: Read the second word on the blackboard and say what you
know about it.
P: Loch Ness. It is a deep lake in Scotland. They say that Nessie -
the Loch Ness monster lives in Loch Ness.
T: Now I want you to listen to music and say what musical
instrument is paying.
P: This is a bagpipe. It’s a national Scottish musical instrument.
T: Read the name of the woman and say what you know about her.
P: Queen Mary or Mary Queen of Scots or Mary Stuart. She was a
Scottish queen. Her tomb is now in Westminster Abbey near the
tomb of Elizabeth I, an English queen.
T: Read the following word and tell us about the following notion.
P: The Stone of Destiny. Scottish kings were crowned on the
Stone of Destiny. Now it is in the Edinburgh Castle.
T: Now look at the man and say what he has on.
P: This is a kilt. Scottish men wear kilts. Kilts are made of tartan.
Each Scottish clan has its own colours of tartan.
Задание 2. Вставьте в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова
и восстановите последовательность событий.
(Один учащийся выполняет задание у доски,
остальные - на листах с заданиями.)
T: The legend we are going to read today is connected with the
main characters of our textbook. Who is the main character of
the textbook?
P: The main characters are Robin Mac Wizard, Misha Inin, Alice,
Agent Cute, Betsey and her children: Rosy, Rob and Mark.
T: Let’s recollect all the story that has happened to them by the
present moment.
Each of you has got an activity sheet on the desk. There are
several sentences written there. But some words are missing.
The task is to fill in the missing words and put the sentences in
the right order to make the true story. One of you will do this
task on the blackboard.
Образец листа с заданием.
- He … from the past to find …
- Misha … to help Robin.
- Misha Inin and Rob MacWizard are …
- Agent Cute … find him.
- Robin tells Misha his …
- The English boy … to visit his friend in Russia.
- Misha and Robin are in … in the family of new friends: Betsey and her children Rosy and Mark.
- Misha’s family meets another boy Robin MacWizard at the …
- Soon his family learns that Rob … in Russia.
- He is the boy from the year of …
Образец выполнения задания.
1. Misha Inin and Rob MacWizard are pen-friends.
2. The English boy is going to visit his friend in Russia.
3. Soon his family learns that Rob is lost in Russia.
4. Agent Cute must find him.
5. Misha’s family meets another boy Robin MacWizard at the airport.
6. He is the boy from the year of 1599.
7. He comes from the past to find the Stone of Destiny.
8. Robin tells Misha his secret.
9. Misha promises to help Robin.
10. Misha and Robin are in … in the family of new friends: Betsey and
her children Rosy and Mark.
Задание 3. Прогнозирование событий с опорой на
иллюстрации к тексту и предложенные модели
T: Now we are going to work on the text itself. Open your books
on p. 170-171, look at the pictures and try to guess what the text
will be about. Choose one of the variants and explain your
Возможные варианты.
- The story will be about the struggle of Scotland for its
- The story will be about Robin MacWizard and his family.
- The story will be about Scottish wizards and different magical things.
Примерные ответы учащихся.
P1: I think the story will be about the struggle of Scotland for its
independence, because I can see a Scottish castle and a
Coronation chair in the picture.
P2: I think the story will be about Robin MacWizard and his family,
because I can see Robin and his father in the picture.
P3: I think the story will be about Scottish wizards and different
magical things, because I can see Robin and his father in the
picture. They are wizards and can do many magical things.
T: We’ll see if you are right a bit later.
III. Текстовой этап.
Имеет целью: 1) нацелить на чтение текста с разной
степенью проникновения в его содержание и смысл; на
информационную переработку текста в процессе чтения с
целью его лучшего понимания; 2)проверить в процессе чтения
правильность сделанных прогнозов и их уточнение.
Задание 1. Первое прослушивание / чтение текста с целью
поиска ответов на вопросы упр. 1, стр. 170.
T: Let’s do the task of Ex. 1, p. 70. You will listen to the tape,
follow the text and answer the questions.
P1: Who was Robin and who was his father?
Once upon a time there lived a boy. His name was Robin
MacWizard. He lived in Edinburgh five hundred years ago.
Robin’s father was a wizard and the boy could do a lot of
magical things too. Robin was also very clever and brave.
P2: Where was the Stone of Destiny?
The Stone was lost for Scotland. It was very far in London in
Westminster Abbey.
P3: Why couldn’t Robin go back?
Something happened, the door to his time closed and Robin
couldn’t return.
P4: Why was Robin’s father sad?
His father was very sad, because he couldn’t help him.
IV. Проверка понимания прочитанного.
Имеет целью контроль полноты и адекватности понимания
содержания и смысла текста в зависимости от вида чтения.
Задание 1. Поиск в тексте английских эквивалентов русских
предложений. Упражнение 2, страница 170.
P1: Однажды жил-был мальчик.
Once upon a time there lived a boy.
P2: Что-то случилось.
Something happened.
P3: «Шотландия снова должна стать сильной и богатой»,-
всегда повторял он.
“Scotland must be strong and reach again”, he always repeated.
P4: Великий волшебник не мог есть и спать.
The great wizard couldn’t eat or sleep.
P5: Робин вернулся домой без камня судьбы и никогда не отвечал
на вопросы отца о будущем.
Robin went back home without the Stone of Destiny and he never
answered his father’s questions about the future.
P6: Однажды холодным утром он выглянул из окна – его сын
Робин был там.
One cold morning he looked out of the window – his son Robin was
Задание 2. Чтение текста с целью поиска фактов,
подтверждающих утверждения упр. 4, стр. 172.
P1: Robin was a very nice boy.
Robin loved his country. He wanted to help his country. Robin
loved his father and mother very much.
P2: Robin loved his mother very much.
Robin’s mother died when he was two years old. Robin was very
sad when she died because he loved his mother.
P3: His father loved Robin.
His father was sad, because he couldn’t help his son. The wizard
couldn’t eat or sleep. He could only sit by the window and wait.
P4: Robin loved his country.
At this time Scotland was very weak and poor, and life was very
difficult. Robin and his father wanted to help their country.
“ Scotland must be strong and rich again”, they always repeated.
P5: Robin wanted to help his country.
Robin believed in an old Scottish legend about the Stone of
Destiny. He believed that the Stone could help his country.
P6: Robin’s father was a wizard.
Robin’s father was a wizard and could do a lot of magic things
T: Are you ready now to say what is the right answer to the question
“What is the text about?” Which of the variants is right?
P: All these variants are right. The text is about Robin and his father,
different magical tricks, Scotland and it’s struggle for
V. Этап информационной переработки текста с целью её присвоения.
Имеет целью возвращение к тексту ещё раз с целью присвоение
информации и языковых средств, необходимых для порождения
устно- речевого высказывания.
Задание 1. а) Восстановить содержание текста, заменяя
местоимения somebody, something на нужные
существительные и расставить предложения упр. 3,
стр. 172 в правильном порядке.
б) Изменить содержание текста, заменяя местоимения
somebody, something на другие существительные.
(Работа в микрогруппах; выполнение разноуровне-
вых заданий: задание а) - первая группа (менее
сильная); задание б) – вторая группа (более
Примерные ответы учащихся.
Группа 1.
- There lived a boy Robin.
- He lived in Scotland.
- Robin’s mother died.
- Robin was very unhappy.
- Robin loved his country.
- Robin believed in the Stone of Destiny.
- Robin traveled to London.
- The door to his time closed and Robin couldn’t return.
- Robin’s father was very sad and couldn’t eat or sleep.
- Robin returned home and his father was very happy.
Группа 2.
- There lived a boy Robin.
- He lived in Scotland.
- Robin’s cat died.
- Robin was very unhappy.
- Robin loved his cat.
- Robin believed in the Stone of Destiny.
- Robin traveled to London of the future to find another cat.
- The London railway station closed and Robin couldn’t return.
- Robin’s friends and neighbors were sad and couldn’t eat or sleep.
- Robin and his kitten returned home and everybody was happy.
T: Did you like the story? Do you think cute will believe it?
Задание 2. Написать историю Робина, используя информацию,
полученную из текста упр. 2, стр. 170 и картинки
упр. 5W, стр. 6 в рабочей тетради.
Пример выполнения задания.
- Robin MacWizard lived In Edinburgh 500 years ago.
- Robin’s mother died. Robin was sad because he loved his mother.
- Life in Scotland was very difficult.
- Robin believed in an old Scottish legend about the Stone of Destiny.
- Robin traveled in time to the London of the future.
- But the door to his time closed and he couldn’t come back.
- His father was sad. He could only sit by the window and wait.
- One cold morning Robin returned home.
- Robin says: “Rosy, I’m your great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great grandfather”.
Задание 3. Придумать название текста и урока, выбрав из
предложенных вариантов упр. 6, стр. 172. Объяснить
свой выбор, опираясь на образец.
( Работа в парах).
T: It’s not to find the name to the story. Use the tips Mr. Help gives
you on p. 173.
Пример беседы в парах.
P1: I like the name “The Wizard” because this is the story about Robin
and his father. They were wizards. They could do a lot of magic
things. Robin traveled in time to the future.
P2: I don’t agree with you. This name doesn’t tell us about Robin’s
family, the struggle of Scotland for it’s independence, Robin’s
courage and love to his country.
P1: I like the name “Meet your great- great- great- great- great- great-
great- great- great- great grandfather” because Robin is Rosy’s
great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great
P2: I don’t agree with you. This name doesn’t tell us about Scotland,
Robin’s love to his country and his courage.
P1: I like the name “A trip to the future” because it’s about Robin’s
trip to the future.
P2: I don’t agree with you . This name doesn’t tell us about Robin’s
P1: I like the name “The Stone of Destiny” because it is about the
history of Scotland, Robin’s trip to the future, his love to his
country and his courage.
P2: I don’t agree with you . This name doesn’t tell us about Robin’s
P1: I like the name “Help your country or die” because it is about
Robin’s love to his country, his courage, the history of Scotland,
Robin’s trip to the future.
P2: I don’t agree with you . This name doesn’t tell us about Robin’s
Family and magic things.
T (after the discussion): Which of the suggested names is the best?
Can you think of your own name for the text
and the lesson?
Which words have been pronounced today
most of all?
P: Love, magic, courage.
T: Can we use these words as the name for the text and the lesson?
P: Yes, it’s the best.
VI. Заключительный этап.
Подведение итогов урока. Оценка работы учащихся на
уроке. Объяснение и запись домашнего задания: упражнения A, B, на странице 173.
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